Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #12 – Earth Mountains

BotCast #12 – Earth Mountains

BotCast #12 DEUXIÈME ÉPISODE EN MP3 SURROUND!!!!!!!! On vous présente des Mercédez dans la flotte, Microsoft Firefox, des jouets qui disent des gros mots, 3462 miles à nager, et des chiens sniffeurs de disques. Pour écouter le cast en son surround, visitez www.mp3surround.com pour downloader le codec ou le Player surround. Pas grave si vous n’avez pas de Surround, ça joue pareil sur votre lecteur MP3 standard. 3 avril 2007. NOTES & ARTICLES

BotCast-0012.mp3 BotCast-0012.m3u
Break: Milan Kolarovic, One of a kind www.milankolarovic.com
OutTro: Breeze & Spay, Earth Mountains
Remerciements: www.simple-net.ca , www.TacticalFM.com et les Rotisseries Au Cock



-Show number 12
-Date 3 avril 2007

– TacticalFM
-Rotisseries au Cock

Le BotCast with cheese –

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-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de Milan Kolarovic One of a kind 4:28

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Tune: Earth Moutains
Artist: Breeze & Spay
Group: Capacala
From demo:
Duration: 3:25
Type: ProTracker
Channels: 8
Samples: 14
Size: 149k
Patterns: 20, 20 different, 1 unused

Canada blocks bid by Arab countries for vote Israel’s nuclear capabilities
VIENNA, Austria (AP) – More than a dozen Arab countries were blocked by a Canadian motion in their bid to…
ur<x>l: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1974&Itemid=0 http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1974&Itemid=0
Semiconductor Execs Indicted for DRAM Price Fixing
A U.S. grand jury has indicted three former semiconductor vendor executives, two from Samsung Electronics and one from Hynix Semiconductor America, for their alleged roles in a “global conspiracy” to fix DRAM prices, the U.S. Department of Justice said.
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/tech_news/Semiconductor_Execs_Indicted_for_DRAM_Price_Fixing

Electronic Voting Machines Could Skew Elections
ABC News has obtained an independent report commissioned by the state of Maryland and conducted by Science Applications International Corporation revealing that the original Diebold factory passwords are still being used on many voting machines.The SAIC study also shows myriad other security flaws, including administrative over-ride passwords that cannot be changed by local officials but can be used by hackers or those who have seen the discs.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Ethnic cleansing comes (further) out of the closet in Israel
Lieberman’s party believes what all Israelis believe: that Israel is a Jewish state. Unlike the more respectable Israeli parties, however, Lieberman’s party is willing to add that since Israel is a Jewish state, non-Jews are not welcome. Even if they were born there.That is to say, Lieberman and his party call openly for the “transfer” (expulsion) of non-Jewish Israelis from the borders of Israel. And while ethnic cleansing has been the policy and practice of the state of Israel since its founding (and even before), rarely has it been so openly defended and advocated as it is by Yisrael Beitenu. A party which is now joining the U.S.-backed, U.S.-funded Israeli government.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Des DVD avec l’étiquette «Fumer nuit à la santé»
Los Angeles — Certains DVD de films commercialisés aux États-Unis porteront bientôt des étiquettes portant la mention «Fumer nuit à la santé», comparables à celles présentes sur les paquets de cigarettes, après un accord annoncé hier entre un studio de cinéma et les autorités de 41 États. Suite
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/25/121254.html

Program’s Creator Is Hired to Assess It
The government contractor that set up a billion-dollar-a-year federal reading program for the Education Department and failed, according to the department’s inspector general, to keep it free of conflicts of interest is one of the companies now evaluating the program.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Israel tops the world in rate of malicious Internet activity
>From July through December 2006, 9 percent of all such activity could be traced back to Israel. Taiwan came next with 8%, while Poland and the US tied at 6%, according to a report issued in March by security software giant Symantec, based in Cupertino, California.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims
It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Fire destroys Neturei Karta synagogue, rabbi’s residence in NY
A fire deemed suspicious destroyed a New York suburban synagogue of an anti-Zionist Jewish group heavily criticized for attending a conference last year where participants debated whether the Holocaust occurred.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Ethanol-blend auto emissions no greener than gasoline: study
An unpublished federal report appears to undermine the belief that commercially available ethanol-blended fuel produces cleaner emissions than regular gasoline.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Deuxième coup dur pour la loi antiterroriste
Pour la deuxième fois en moins d’une semaine, une importante partie de la loi antiterroriste a été invalidée hier par un tribunal ontarien, dans la cause du présumé terroriste Mohammed Momin Khawaja, au motif qu’elle brime les libertés d’association, de conscience et de religion. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/25/121274.html
Microsoft(R) Firefox 2007 Professional
“The new award-winning browser from Microsoft is now faster, securer and quicker anything else on the market. Why use anything else?”
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/tech_news/Microsoft_R_Firefox_2007_Professional

Police Toy drops the F-Bomb when the Nightstick is removed from Cop’s Belt
“It must have been a faulty chip”…The toy set, named the “Elite Operations Role Play Set: Police,” includes a nightstick and a utility belt. A recorded message that includes what sounds like a curse word plays when the nightstick is removed from the belt. “I’ve had to explain to parents why my so
URL: http://digg.com/gadgets/Police_Toy_drops_the_F_Bomb_when_the_Nightstick_is_removed_from_Cop_s_Belt

Sunita’s USB VoIP Mouse Phone: enough already
Filed under: Peripherals

Oh yes it is, more of that integrated VoIP phone and mouse nonsense. This is the bigazz, USB VoIP Mouse Phone from Sunita Telecom, which, as that overly pragmatic name implies, is a USB 2.0, 800-dpi optical mouse which doubles as a Skype-compatible VoIP phone. It can be picked up for use as a traditional handset or used handsfree while presumably allowing you to mouse around beneath your muffled man-hand. And yeah, the LED apparently shuts off when held up to your noodle just in case you fear any damage from that glowing LED. No word on pricing or availability but we have to ask, do you really care? Another picture from up-under after the break.


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BOLD MOVES: THE FUTURE OF FORD A new documentary series. Be part of the transformation as it happens in real-time

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/43308294/

School Safety Drill Upsets Some Parents
A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

FLASHBACK: Bush confesses to war crimes
George W. Bush’s speech on September 6 2006 amounted to a public confession to criminal violations of the 1996 War Crimes Act. He implicitly admitted authorizing disappearances, extrajudicial imprisonment, torture, transporting prisoners between countries and denying the International Committee of the Red Cross access to prisoners.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Siemens board member arrested in payola scandal
Filed under: Misc. Gadgets
With all of the bribery, corruption, and kickback scandals plaguing German giant Siemens at the moment, we’re half expecting to wake up tomorrow and learn that one of their executives drunkenly wrapped his exotic car around a tree after a night of boozing it up with notorious Deutchland bad boy Dietrich. The latest player to get caught up in this mess — and the highest ranking — is board member Johannes Feldmayer, who was detained yesterday while prosecutors tore his life apart executed search warrants on three o ffices. Interes

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/104997058/

Texas Governor Signs Deadly Force Bill
Texans will be able to use deadly force to defend themselves in their homes, cars and workplaces under a bill signed Tuesday by Gov. Rick Perry.
ur<x>l: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Vista Can Be Taken Down by an Animated Cursor
“In what could be the most embarrassing exploit to impact Windows Vista since its commercial launch in January, security engineers at McAfee’s Avert Labs confirmed today – and posted the video to prove – that the operating system can be caused to enter an interminable crash-restart-crash loop…”
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/microsoft/Vista_Can_Be_Taken_Down_by_an_Animated_Cursor

Latest plugin lets you fry eggs on Apple TV
AwkwardTV has what is the most unusual hack for the Apple TV to date: Stove.frappliance, a plugin that effectively turns the Apple TV into a heating device capable of rewarming dishes, keeping coffee hot or even frying eggs (for the really adventurous) by generating 100% CPU and GPU load, overclocking the bus and throttling the internal fan.
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/apple/Latest_plugin_lets_you_fry_eggs_on_Apple_TV

Le FBI et René Lévesque
Le Bureau fédéral d’enquêtes (FBI) des États-Unis était dans l’attente d’une possible tentative d’assassinat contre René Lévesque, en 1977, lorsque le premier ministre québécois s’est rendu à New York, selon des documents internes du service de la police fédérale américaine. Suite
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/02/119531.html

Déserter au Canada
Alexandre Sirois
La Presse
Entre 200 et 300 soldats de l’armée américaine ont trouvé refuge au Canada ces dernières années, pour la plupart dégoûtés par la guerre en Irak. Hantés par les horreurs de ce conflit, ils tentent de refaire leur vie même si, jusqu’ici, Ottawa refuse de leur accorder l’asile politique. La Cour d’appel fédérale se penche aujourd’hui sur le cas de ces « réfugiés », que notre journaliste a rencontrés à Toronto.
Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait croire, Dean Wolcott est dans une forme resplendissante.

Il dort dans une étroite cuisine d’une propreté douteuse, sur un vieux canapé fleuri qui empêche la porte du four de s’ouvrir. Il reçoit de l’aide sociale depuis peu, n’a pas de permis de travail et a besoin d’antidépresseurs pour fonctionner en société.

Le comble : il ne pourra peut-être plus jamais retourner dans son pays d’origine, les États-Unis, sans se faire jeter en prison.

Pourtant, Dean, âgé de 25 ans, nous assure qu’il va très bien. Lorsqu’on le questionne, il nous répond généralement avec le ton désinvolte et l’air serein d’un homme profondément soulagé.

« C’est comme si j’étais redevenu moi-même. Je peux marcher dans les rues d’une ville et y prendre plaisir. Il y a longtemps que ça m’était arrivé. »

Il y a quatre mois, Dean a retrouvé sa vie d’homme libre. Il fait partie des quelques centaines de déserteurs de l’armée américaine qui ont trouvé refuge au Canada depuis le début des guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan.

Ingénieur en électronique, il a séjourné deux fois au pays de Saddam Hussein depuis 2003. Mais c’est en Allemagne qu’il a découvert l’horreur de ce conflit. Là où l’armée américaine traite ses blessés les plus graves.

On l’avait nommé officier de liaison responsable des contacts entre ces victimes et leurs familles. « La plupart étaient là en raison de graves brûlures. À un point tel que, dans certains cas, on ne pouvait même pas dire qu’il s’agissait d’êtres humains », se souvient-il.

À l’abattoir

Ce jeune homme originaire du Connecticut a pété les plombs, mais il a néanmoins continué à servir son pays. Jusqu’au moment où, de retour aux États-Unis, on lui a demandé d’entraîner les réservistes – des Américains qui consacrent généralement deux jours par mois à leur carrière militaire – pour les expédier en Irak.

« Des enfants de 17 à 22 ans », lance l’ancien soldat, qui pourrait lui-même passer pour un adolescent. Avec son visage poupin, son jean trop large et son ample kangourou bleu, il ressemble plus au rappeur Eminem qu’à un militaire.

Ces réservistes allaient hériter des tâches les plus ingrates en Irak. Ramasser les restes des soldats tués par les bombes des insurgés, par exemple. « Ça voulait dire les envoyer à l’abattoir », dit-il.

C’était l’automne dernier. Dean, qui dit s’être enrôlé avant tout faute d’argent pour payer ses études, a alors cherché un moyen de s’en sortir. Il a découvert sur le Web que son salut passerait par Toronto.

Plus précisément par la War Resisters Campaign : une trentaine de bénévoles qui accueillent les militaires américains désabusés. Dean partage d’ailleurs l’appartement de l’un d’eux, organisateur communautaire de 23 ans.

Environ 45 soldats américains ont fait appel à cet organisme depuis sa création en 2004 à Toronto. La plupart de ces militaires ont d’ailleurs trouvé refuge dans la Ville reine.

De nombreux autres soldats vivraient illégalement au Canada, affirment les responsables de l’organisme. Entre 200 et 300, estiment-ils d’après le volume d’appels reçus.

Déserteurs déboutés

Quatre ans après le début du conflit en Irak, quelques mois après l’annonce de l’envoi de renforts par George W. Bush, le nombre de déserteurs en sol canadien augmente rapidement.

« Depuis octobre dernier, nous en accueillons un, parfois deux par semaine », indique le coordonnateur de la campagne, Lee Zaslofsky.

Ce sexagénaire coloré et exubérant accueille les déserteurs dans un petit bureau situé tout près de l’Université de Toronto. Il a lui-même traversé la frontière en 1970, pour fuir la guerre du Vietnam. Il se souvient de ses débuts euphoriques au Canada.

« Quand on arrive ici, on n’a plus la pression de l’armée et on se sent en sécurité parce qu’on ne sera pas arrêté. On sent aussi qu’on fait un nouveau départ avec des possibilités infinies », explique-t-il.

Un état d’esprit temporaire, ajoute ce déserteur. Après un certain temps, le quotidien s’installe et le naturel revient au galop, avec son lot de stress et d’inquiétudes.

L’avenir des nouveaux venus au Canada demeure par ailleurs incertain. L’accueil officiel du Canada n’a pas été très chaleureux. La Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada (CISR) a jusqu’ici refusé l’asile politique à tous les déserteurs qui l’ont demandé depuis 2004.

Les soldats déboutés – il y en aurait une dizaine – ont tous décidé de contester les décisions rendues par la CISR. Le premier, Jeremy Hinzman, s’adresse aujourd’hui à la Cour d’appel fédérale dans l’espoir d’un jugement en sa faveur.

Aucun regret

Les responsables de la War Resisters Campaign réclament l’intervention du gouvernement de Stephen Harper. « On demande une politique qui permettrait à tous les résistants à la guerre d’avoir un statut de résident permanent », dit Michelle Robidoux, bénévole rencontrée lors d’une réunion du comité logement de l’organisme, dans un sous-sol d’église.

C’est ce qu’avait fait Ottawa à l’époque de la guerre du Vietnam, rappelle-t-elle. Entre 50 000 et 60 000 conscrits en avaient profité pour s’établir au Canada.

Même si son sort reste en suspens, Dean Wolcott dit pour sa part n’avoir « aucun regret ». « C’est la première fois en six ans que je me sens utile », lance-t-il.

Il collabore dorénavant aux activités de l’organisme qui l’a accueilli, multiplie les entrevues avec les médias et rencontre les étudiants des universités canadiennes pour leur parler de la guerre en Irak.

Quatre ans après le début du conflit, il milite activement pour le retrait d’Irak de ses anciens camarades. « Il n’y a plus aucune raison d’être là. C’est une guerre civile et on est au beau milieu de cette instabilité, dit-il. Et notre “nouvelle” stratégie, c’est d’envoyer plus de troupes. En fait, rien n’a changé. »

De moi: “L’étincelle?”


UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Fifteen British Navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in the Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.
The Royal Navy said the men, who were on a routine patrol in Iraqi waters, were understood to be unharmed.
The Foreign Office has demanded the immediate and safe return of the men, who are based on HMS Cornwall.
That vessel’s commander, Commodore Nick Lambert, said he was hoping there had been a “simple mistake” over territorial waters.
“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they British personnel were in Iraqi territorial waters. Equally, the Iranians may claim they were in Iranian waters.
“I hope we find this is a simple misunderstanding at the tactical level.”
Helicopters had reported seeing two British boats being moved to Iranian bases and there had been no evidence of fighting, he added.
He said that despite scant communication, the 15 people were understood to be safe and had reacted in an “extremely professional way, in line with the rules of engagement”.
“I look forward to seeing them on their return and congratulating them.”
He said naval authorities were doing everything possible to ensure their safe return.
The Ministry of Defence said: “The group boarding party had completed a successful inspection of a merchant ship when they and their two boats were surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters.
“We are urgently pursuing this matter with the Iranian authorities at the highest level.
“The British government is demanding the immediate and safe return of our people and equipment.”
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has summoned the Iranian ambassador in London to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in an attempt to get the men released as quickly as possible.
In a statement, leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Menzies Campbell, also called for their immediate release.
“Whatever the rights and wrongs of military action, British forces in Iraq are now there with the authority of a UN security council resolution… and the Iranian government should be left in no doubt of the serious implications of their action,” he said.
The incident comes as British Army Colonel Justin Masherevski, who is based in Iraq, says most of the violence against UK forces in Basra is being engineered by Iranian elements.
Col Masherevski said Iran was providing “sophisticated weaponry” to insurgents and “Iranian agents” were paying local men to attack British troops.
In 2004, Iran detained eight British servicemen for three days after they allegedly strayed over the maritime border.
The UK claimed the men were “forcibly escorted” into Iranian territorial waters.
While they were being held, the men were paraded blindfold and made to apologise on Iranian TV before their release was agreed.
The BBC’s diplomatic correspondent James Robbins said the difference this time, and a cause of concern, is that the present Iranian government under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was much more hardline.
“The political climate is worse with Britain among those confronting Iran over its controversial nuclear programme,” he added.

Mexico propose d’échanger son 9 mm contre un ordinateur
Agence France-Presse
Les habitants de la ville de Mexico pourront à partir de la semaine prochaine échanger leur arme à feu contre un ordinateur et un programme Microsoft dans le cadre d’un plan de lutte contre la violence annoncé vendredi par la municipalité.

Pour avoir droit à l’ordinateur, il faudra toutefois proposer une arme d’un calibre d’au moins 9 mm. Si l’arme est d’un calibre inférieur, son propriétaire recevra 2500 pesos (un peu plus de 200 euros) et un panier de produits alimentaires pour une valeur de 500 pesos (environ 35 euros).

Le plan a été bouclé la semaine dernière lors de la visite de Bill Gates, le patron de Microsoft, à Mexico où il a rencontré le maire de gauche de la capitale, Marcelo Ebrard.

Notre objectif «est de réduire la violence et l’usage des armes à feu dans les rues de la ville», explique un communiqué de la sécurité publique de la capitale.

Chaque possesseur d’une arme de gros calibre recevra donc un «office» Microsoft et une encyclopédie informatique.

Le GEIPAN publie ses archives sur Internet
22 mars – Après 30 ans de collecte de témoignages et d’enquêtes sur le terrain, le Groupement pour l’Etude et l’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés (GEIPAN) publie aujourd’hui ses archives sur Internet.

France Puts Secret UFO Archive on Web
PARIS (AP) — The saucer-shaped object is said to have touched down in the south of France and then zoomed off. It left behind scorch marks and that haunting age-old question: Are we alone? This is just one of the cases from France’s secret “X-Files” – some 100,000 documents on supposed UFOs and sightings of other unexplained phenomena that the French space agency is publishing on the Internet.
France is the first country to put its entire weird sightings archive online, said Jacques Patenet, who heads the space agency’s UFO cell – the Group for Study and Information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena.
Their oldest recorded sighting dates from 1937, Patenet told The Associated Press in an interview Friday. The first batch of archives went up on the agency’s Web site this week, drawing a server-busting wave of traffic.
“The Web site exploded in two hours. We suspected that there was a certain amount of interest, but not to this extent,” Patenet said.
The archive includes police and expert reports, witness sketches (some are childlike doodlings), maps, photos and video and audio recordings. In all, the archive has some 1,650 cases on record and about 6,000 witness accounts.
The space agency, known by its French initials CNES, said it is making them public to draw the scientific community’s attention to unexplained cases and because their secrecy generated suspicions that officials were hiding something.
“There’s always this impression of plots, of secrets, of wanting to hide things,” Patenet said. “The great danger would be to leave the field open to sects and charlatans.”
He said many cases were unexplained lights in the sky. “Only 20 to 30” could be classified as “Objet Volant Non Identifie” – UFOs that appeared to be physical objects, leaving “marks on the ground, radar images,” he said.
Even Charles de Gaulle, France’s wartime hero who became president, got the UFO bug.
“In 1954, there was a wave of sightings of phenomena in France, and it went up to the highest levels of state. Gen. de Gaulle himself assigned … an aide and told him, ‘Look into this for me, study it to see if something needs to be done,’” Patenet said.
That year, there were hundreds of sightings over several months, but generally there are 50 to 100 reported each year.
Only 9 percent of France’s strange phenomena have been fully explained, the agency said. Experts found likely reasons for another 33 percent, and 30 percent could not be identified for lack of information.
Other cases were impossible to crack. The most baffling were labeled “Class D aerospace phenomena” – which the agency defines as “inexplicable despite precise testimonies and the (good) quality of material information gathered.” Some 28 percent of sightings fall into this category.
Patenet singled out the January 1981 case of the saucer-shaped object that a witness said he saw land in Trans-en-Provence, a village inland from the French Riviera.
Some 8 feet across, the zinc-colored object made a whistling noise as it landed. The witness later drew a picture: It resembled a wok with a lid and legs.
“The machine stayed a few seconds on the ground and then left very quickly but it left marks that were analyzed and allowed us to determine that the ground had been heated up, that the object must have weighed several hundred kilos (pounds), and that surrounding plants underwent biological changes,” said Patenet.
“So something really happened. It really defies analysis,” he said.
The agency said everything in the archive would be published, except for psychological reports about witnesses and their names.
Most of the time, witnesses were sincere about what they saw, Patenet said.
“Very few look for publicity because they fear most of all that they will not be taken seriously.”
Still, there were frauds.
In 1979, in Cergy-Pontoise outside Paris, a man showed up at a police station claiming his friend had been abducted by a UFO – a bright light that appeared on the road and swallowed up his car. Several days later, the man purportedly reappeared in a field, emerging out of a sphere of light.
Investigators went so far as to test the man’s blood for signs that he had recently experienced weightlessness – and they found none. The agency labeled it a hoax.
Some cases took years to unravel. In 1985, two farmers near the Atlantic coastal city of Royan saw a burning object drop into a field nearby.
Experts initially concluded that it was part of the propulsion device of a recently launched satellite. Eventually they realized it was a piece of German World War II ordnance that spontaneously exploded four decades after the war.
Among the unexplained cases, one of the most perplexing concerned a 1994 Air France flight. While flying over the Paris region, the crew noticed a large brown-red disk hovering on the horizon and constantly changing shape. The case “has never been explained to this day, and leaves the door open to all possible hypotheses,” the agency wrote.
So, do we have neighbors out there, after all?
“I don’t have an answer to that,” said Patenet. “Even if there is such a planet, given the size of the universe, what is the probability that two civilizations … will meet or come across each other? I really don’t know. It’s very complicated. It’s incalculable.”

Le site de l’agence spatiale francaise est tres long a loader a cause de l’immense intérêt: https://cnes.fr/fr

Deux chiens renifleurs de disques piratés menacés de mort
Associated Press
Kuala Lumpur
Leur museau est mis à prix. Les auteurs malaisiens d’actes de piratage musicale et cinématographique, furieux, ont offert une récompense à quiconque éliminera Lucky et Flo -deux Labrador qui ont aidé à débusquer près d’un million de DVD de contrebande dans le cadre d’une opération de police.
Selon le New Strait Times, les chiens renifleurs, prêtés pour un mois par la Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), ont été installés dans un endroit sûr après que les autorités eurent appris que les têtes des deux chiens étaient mises à prix. Le montant de la somme offerte aux chasseurs de primes n’a pas été révélé.

«Les chiens sont une véritable menace» pour les pirates, ce qui explique qu’une récompense ait été promise pour leur élimination, explique Firdaus Zakaria, du ministère du Commerce intérieur et des affaires de consommation.

C’est la première fois au monde que des autorités font appel à des chiens pour mettre la main sur des disques de contrebande, selon Mike Ellis, directeur régional de la MPAA.

Lucky et Flo sont entraînés à détecter des polycarbonates – des produits chimiques utilisés dans le processus de fabrication des disques. La prise, d’une valeur de 2,8 millions de dollars, qui vient de les rendre célèbres, a eu lieu le 19 mars dans le sud de la Malaisie. Cinq Malaisiens et un Vietnamien ont été arrêtés dans le cadre de l’opération.

Faith in GPS sends Mercedes downstream
Filed under: GPS, Transportation
So far, over-dependence on GPS devices has resulted in more inconvenience than actual danger, but things took a turn for the worse earlier this month when a U.K. woman sent her £96k Mercedes SL500 flying into a river, trusting the car’s optimistic GPS guidance instead of the road signs warning of impending doom. Matters we worse as the r

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/104702821/


Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean
You can’t always rely on the advice of computers, especially when it comes to transoceanic driving directions. From Upgrade: Travel Better:
Google, either encouraging physical fitness or zero population growth, offers the above helpful suggestion when mapping the route from Chicago to London.
Click here for the full directions and map of the route.—MEGHANN MARCO
Screw air travel: Google suggests you get out and swim Upgrade: Travel Better

MPAA names its Top 25 movie piracy schools

The MPAA may be gearing up for an RIAA-inspired assault on US colleges and universities. Last week the group announced its support for the “Curb Illegal Downloading on College Campuses Act (2007),” and MPAA head Dan Glickman said that his organization would work with school administrators to put an end to movie piracy on campuses, which Glickman says costs the industry $500 million annually.
Most telling, the group has heard the call of Representative Howard Berman and has compiled a list of the most piracy-ridden schools in higher education. This is a page straight out of the RIAA playbook. Here they are, the schools that made the MPAA’s “dishonor roll” and the number of students identified as making unauthorized use of copyrighted materials:
1. Columbia University – 1,198
2. University of Pennsylvania – 934
3. Boston University – 891
4. University of California at Los Angeles – 889
5. Purdue University – 873
6. Vanderbilt University – 860
7. Duke University – 813
8. Rochester Institute of Technology – 792
9. University of Massachusetts – 765
10. University of Michigan – 740
11. University of California at Santa Cruz – 714
12. University of Southern California – 704
13. University of Nebraska at Lincoln – 637
14. North Carolina State University – 636
15. Iowa State University – 586
16. University of Chicago – 575
17. University of Rochester – 562
18. Ohio University – 550
19. University of Tennessee – 527
20. Michigan State University – 506
21. Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 457
22. Drexel University – 455
23. University of South Florida – 447
24. Stanford University – 405
25. University of California at Berkeley – 398
A number of schools have the dubious distinction of being on both the MPAA and the RIAA list. The overachievers are: Ohio University (#1 RIAA/#18 MPAA), Purdue University (#2, #5), University of Nebraska at Lincoln (#3/#13), UMASS (#6/#9), Michigan State (#7/#20), North Carolina State (#9/#14), University of South Florida (#11/#23), Boston University (#15/#3), and the University of Michigan (#18/#10). In all, 10 schools appear on both lists, and Purdue University wins the Gold Medal for highest overall ranking between the two combined.
Whether or not the MPAA will get into the trenches and follow the RIAA’s pre-litigation strategy is not yet clear, and historically the MPAA has been less eager to wage a public campaign against file sharing. But like Santa, the MPAA is making a list and checking it twice… the question is, are they merely humoring Representative Berman or planning something more aggressive?

Le plus grand déploiement de forces navales des Etats-Unis aux larges des côtes iraniennes

Mondialisation.ca, Le 30 mars 2007
Granma internacional
BAGDAD, le 27 mars. – Les Etats-Unis ont commencé aujourd’hui, dans les eaux du Golfe Persique, des manœuvres militaires considérées comme le plus grand déploiement de ses forces navales dans cette région depuis le début de la guerre contre l’Irak en 2003, a rapporté PL.
L’armée dispose de deux porte-avions et d’avions qui simulent un combat aux larges des côtes iraniennes.
Participent aux manœuvres deux groupes de bateaux de guerre étasuniens et quelque 200 avions de combat, qui exécutent des simulations d’opérations de guerre dans les canaux du Golfe.
Environ 10 000 soldats nord-américains dans des bateaux et des avions de guerre participent à la simulation d’attaques contre des bateaux, l’aviation, des chasseurs de sous-marins et des chercheurs de mines ennemis.

Iranian Videogame Depicts Attacks on U.S. Targets
A new Iranian computer game sets players the task of blowing up a U.S. tanker in the Gulf to block the sea route for much of the world’s oil supplies, a newspaper reported on Saturday.

ur<x>l: http://feeds.ziffdavis.com/~r/ziffdavis/extremetech/~3/31144310/0,1558,2022942,00.asp

The Veep’s Curious Investment Portfolio
Is Cheney Betting On Economic Collapse?
Wouldn’t you like to know where Dick Cheney puts his money? Then you’d know whether his “deficits don’t matter” claim is just baloney or not.
Well, as it turns out, Kiplinger Magazine ran an article based on Cheney’s financial disclosure statement and, sure enough, found out that the VP is lying to the American people for the umpteenth time. Deficits do matter and Cheney has invested his money accordingly.
The article is called “Cheney’s betting on bad news” and provides an account of where Cheney has socked away more than $25 million. While the figures may be estimates, the investments are not. According to Tom Blackburn of the Palm Beach Post, Cheney has invested heavily in “a fund that specializes in short-term municipal bonds, a tax-exempt money market fund and an inflation protected securities fund. The first two hold up if interest rates rise with inflation. The third is protected against inflation.”
Cheney has dumped another (estimated) $10 to $25 million in a European bond fund which tells us that he is counting on a steadily weakening dollar. So, while working class Americans are loosing ground to inflation and rising energy costs, Darth Cheney will be enhancing his wealth in “Old Europe”. As Blackburn sagely notes, “Not all bad news’ is bad for everybody.”
This should put to rest once and for all the foolish notion that the “Bush Economic Plan” is anything more than a scam aimed at looting the public till. The whole deal is intended to shift the nation’s wealth from one class to another. It’s also clear that Bush-Cheney couldn’t have carried this off without the tacit approval of the thieves at the Federal Reserve who engineered the low-interest rate boondoggle to put the American people to sleep while they picked their pockets.
Reasonable people can dispute that Bush is “intentionally” skewering the dollar with his lavish tax cuts, but how does that explain Cheney’s portfolio?
It doesn’t. And, one thing we can say with metaphysical certainty is that the miserly Cheney would never plunk his money into an investment that wasn’t a sure thing. If Cheney is counting on the dollar tanking and interest rates going up, then, by Gawd, that’s what’ll happen.
The Bush-Cheney team has racked up another $3 trillion in debt in just 6 years. The US national debt now stands at $8.4 trillion dollars while the trade deficit has ballooned to $800 billion nearly 7% of GDP.
This is lunacy. No country, however powerful, can maintain these staggering numbers. The country is in hock up to its neck and has to borrow $2.5 billion per day just to stay above water. Presently, the Fed is expanding the money supply and buying back its own treasuries to hide the hemorrhaging from the public. Its utter madness.
Last month the trade deficit climbed to $70 billion. More importantly, foreign central banks only purchased a meager $47 billion in treasuries to shore up our ravenous appetite for cheap junk from China.
Do the math! They’re not investing in America anymore. They are decreasing their stockpiles of dollars. We’re sinking fast and Cheney and his pals are manning the lifeboats while the public is diverted with gay marriage amendments and “American Celebrity”.
The American manufacturing sector has been hollowed out by cutthroat corporations who’ve abandoned their country to make a fast-buck in China or Mexico. The $3 trillion housing (equity) bubble is quickly loosing air while the anemic dollar continues to sag. All the signs indicate that the economy is slowing at the same time that energy prices continue to rise.
This is the onset of stagflation; the dreaded combo of a slowing economy and inflation.
Did Americans really think they’d be spared the same type of economic colonization that has been applied throughout the developing world under the rubric of “neoliberalism”?
Well, think again. The American economy is barrel-rolling towards earth and there are only enough parachutes for Cheney and the gang.
The country has lost 3 million jobs from outsourcing since Bush took office; more than 200,000 of those are the high-paying, high-tech jobs that are the life’s-blood of every economy.
Consider this from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) June edition of Foreign Affairs, the Bible of globalists and plutocrats:
“Between 2000 and 2003 alone, foreign firms built 60,000manufacturing plants in China. European chemical companies, Japanese carmakers, and US industrial conglomerates are all building factories in China to supply export markets around the world. Similarly, banks, insurance companies, professional-service firms, and IT companies are building R&D and service centers in India to support employees, customers, and production worldwide.” (“The Globally integrated Enterprise” Samuel Palmisano, Foreign Affairs page 130)
“60,000 manufacturing plants” in 3 years?!?
“Banks, insurance companies, professional-service firms, and IT companies”?
No job is safe. American elites and corporate tycoons are loading the boats and heading for foreign shores. The only thing they’re leaving behind is the insurmountable debt that will be shackled to our children into perpetuity and the carefully arranged levers of a modern police-surveillance state.
Welcome to Bush’s 21st Century gulag; third world luxury in a Guantanamo-type setting.
Take another look at Cheney’s investment strategy; it tells the whole ugly story. Interest rates are going up, the middle class is going down, and the poor dollar is headed for the dumpster. The country is not simply teetering on the brink of financial collapse; it is being thrust headfirst by the blackguards in office and their satrapies at Federal Reserve.
Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at: [email protected]

http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyid=2007-03-21T130322Z_01_PEK138057_RTRUKOC_0_US-CHINA-HOSPITALS.xml(e  http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyid=2007-03-21T130322Z_01_PEK138057_RTRUKOC_0_US-CHINA-HOSPITALS.xml</p>
<p>http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyid=2007-03-21T130322Z_01_PEK138057_RTRUKOC_0_US-CHINA-HOSPITALS.xml<img decoding=http://en.rian.ru/russia/20070327/62697703.html
27/03/2007 17:31 MOSCOW, March 27 (RIA Novosti) – Russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by U.S. Armed Forces near Iran’s borders, a high-ranking security source said Tuesday.
“The latest military intelligence data point to heightened U.S. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran,” the official said, adding that the Pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched.
He said the Pentagon is looking for a way to deliver a strike against Iran “that would enable the Americans to bring the country to its knees at minimal cost.”
He also said the U.S. Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has for the first time in the past four years reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Col.-Gen. Leonid Ivashov, vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said last week that the Pentagon is planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran’s military infrastructure in the near future.
A new U.S. carrier battle group has been dispatched to the Gulf.
The USS John C. Stennis, with a crew of 3,200 and around 80 fixed-wing aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, eight support ships and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf, where a similar group led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been deployed since December 2006.
The U.S. is also sending Patriot anti-missile systems to the region.

Inspector Lists Computers With Atomic Secrets as Missing

WASHINGTON, March 30 — The office in charge of protecting American technical secrets about nuclear weapons from foreign spies is missing 20 desktop computers, at least 14 of which have been used for classified information, the Energy Department inspector general reported on Friday.
This is the 13th time in a little over four years that an audit has found that the department, whose national laboratories and factories do most of the work in designing and building nuclear warheads, has lost control over computers used in working on the bombs.
Aside from the computers it cannot find, the department is also using computers not listed in its inventory, and one computer listed as destroyed was in fact being used, the audit said.
“Problems with the control and accountability of desktop and laptop computers have plagued the department for a number of years,” the report said.
In January, Linton F. Brooks was fired as the administrator of the National Nuclear Security Agency, the Energy Department agency in charge of bombs, because of security problems. The agency was created in the 1990s because of security scandals.
When the most recent audit began, the Counterintelligence Directorate was unable to find 141 desktop computers. In some cases, documents were found indicating that the computers had been taken out of service.
Previous incidents of wayward computers have also involved nuclear weapons information. But the office involved in this breach has a special responsibility, tracking and countering efforts to steal bomb information. Its computers would have material on what the department knew about foreign operatives and efforts to steal sensitive information.
The report includes a response from the security agency that generally agrees with the findings. But the inspector general, Gregory H. Friedman, noted in his report that “the comments did not include planned corrective actions with target completion dates.”
A spokesman for the department, Craig Stevens, said Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman “recognizes that we need to manage this place better.”
The counterintelligence office was recently merged with the intelligence office to improve operations, Mr. Stevens said.

Completement fou…

Pologne parano
Loi de « lustration », ils l’appellent. C’est-à-dire, selon le dictionnaire : de « purification rituelle ». Ce qui ne manque pas d’avoir, dans ce pays au catholicisme chevillé à l’histoire, une signification forte de repentir et de pénitence. Sept cent mille Polonais devront donc, en vertu de cette loi votée en octobre 2006 et entrée en vigueur le 15 mars dernier, confesser s’ils ont collaboré avec les communistes entre 1945 et 1989. Tous les hauts fonctionnaires, les professeurs, les avocats, les directeurs d’école et les journalistes nés avant août 1972 ont désormais jusqu’au 15 mai pour avouer leur « faute ».
Tous doivent remplir un formulaire et répondre à la question : « Avez-vous collaboré secrètement et consciemment avec les anciens services de sécurité communistes ? » Ils devront le remettre à leur supérieur hiérarchique, lequel l’adressera à l’Institut de la mémoire, à Varsovie. Celui-ci vérifiera dans ses archives et délivrera un certificat de « pureté politique ». En cas de col

Message clipped

“Le BotCast with Cheese”

Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #11 – The Waterfalls of sin

BotCast #11 – The Waterfalls of sin

BotCast #11PREMIÈRE ÉPISODE EN MP3 SURROUND!!!!!!!! On vous présente des plants de marijuana indestructibles, des taxes d’essence sur l’huile à frire, des juges qui s’exposent, et des rats cyborgs volants. Pour écouter le cast en son surround, visitez www.mp3surround.com pour downloader le codec ou le Player surround. Pas grave si vous n’avez pas de Surround, ça joue pareil sur votre lecteur MP3 standard. 17 mars 2007. NOTES & ARTICLES

BotCast-0011.mp3 BotCast-0011.m3u
Break: Benoit Campeau, Jack the coon www.BenoitCampeau.com
OutTro: DeltaX, The Waterfalls of sin
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et les nettoyeurs de refrigérateurs Zool




-Show number           11
-Date    17 mars 2007

– Nettoyeurs de refrigerateurs Zool



Le BotCast with cheese   –


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-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de                    Benoit Campeau, Jack the coon 4:26
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Tune:             Waterfals of sin
Artist:              DeltaX
Group:  NOISE
From demo:    
Duration:         6:05
Type:             S3m
Channels:          16
Samples:         28
Size:                794k
Patterns: 71,66 ,20 unused   different



Google Brainwashing Teachers

Google Teacher Academy brainwashes teachers to become Google Certified talking heads, drilling the usefulness of Google.com and its product base into the brains of students from the age range of 5 to 18 years old.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Google_Brainwashing_Teachers


Canada troops battle 10-ft Afghan marijuana plants

“We tried burning them with white phosphorous — it didn’t work. We tried burning them with diesel — it didn’t work. The plants are so full of water right now … that we simply couldn’t burn them,” he said.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Judge: Jurors need not see evidence, must take FBI suspicions “on faith”.

In his instructions prior to closing arguments in the Albany “terror sting” case (pizza shop owner allegedly agrees to launder money for missile sale to terrorists; such “contract” allegedly witnessed by local imam), U.S. District Judge Thomas McAvoy told the jurors that the FBI’s “certain valid suspicions” about the defendants had prompted the federal sting. However, under the current regulations, jurors could neither hear nor consider the evidence that prompted the sting operation in the first place; the validity of the FBI’s “suspicions” must be taken on faith.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


71 lacs contaminés au Québec

Le problème des cyanobactéries prend de l’ampleur au Québec, alors que le nombre de lacs touchés a augmenté en un an de plus de 40 % à l’échelle provinciale et de 50 % sur la rive nord du fleuve. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/17/120616.html



GOP Uses Remarks to Court JewsMoran’s Comments Cited in New Appeal Republicans have seized on the assertion of Rep. James…

URL: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1960&Itemid=0


Pentagon closes Guantánamo Bay hearings to media

Reporters will be barred from hearings that begin Friday in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for the 14 suspected terrorists who were transferred last year from secret CIA prisons, officials said Tuesday.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


La création du SCRS n’aurait pas accru la sécurité

Le Canada n’est pas devenu plus sûr parce qu’on a dépouillé la Gendarmerie royale du Canada de sa responsabilité en matière de collecte du renseignement et qu’on l’a confiée au SCRS (le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité). Au contraire, c’est devenu un endroit plus dangereux, soutient un ancien haut gradé de la GRC.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070307/CPMONDE/70307264/1019/CPACTUALITES



Latest Microsoft WGA Update Phones Home

According to tests conducted with an Ethernet sniffer program, if the user clicks the close button to cancel the installation of this WGA update, Windows sends information back to Microsoft. This information includes version numbers of both Windows and WGA, the language of the operating system, some registry information, and a cookie.

URL: http://digg.com/security/Latest_Microsoft_WGA_Update_Phones_Home



Chinese defector reveals that China has over 1,000 spies in Canada alone

Most of these are economic spies, stealing technologies, such as the Blackberry cellphone, which was copied last year by a Chinese company and called the Redberry. The thefts cost over $12 Billion dollars per year to Canadian companies.

URL: http://digg.com/security/Chinese_defector_reveals_that_China_has_over_1_000_spies_in_Canada_alone


Plus de 100 agents de la GRC ont commis des infractions

Plus de 100 policiers de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada ont été trouvés coupables d’infractions diverses depuis deux ans, selon un relevé divulgué par Sun Media.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070313/CPFRONTPAGETEST/70313061/1019/CPACTUALITES


YouTube is killing my business!

Utube, YouTube, whose tube?A company, which sells used machinery for making tubes has seen its site utube.com knocked off line by millions of online searchers looking for the video site.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/YouTube_is_killing_my_business



Abolition contestée

Les groupes de défense des immigrants dénoncent l’abolition du programme de contestation judiciaire par le gouvernement de Stephen Harper. Le programme, qui recevait 3,2 millions par année du gouvernement fédéral, servait à financer les démarches judiciaires de groupes minoritaires qui se sentaient lésés dans leur droit à l’égalité garanti par l’article 15 de la Charte des droits canadienne, tels les francophones hors Québec, les femmes, des immigrants ou des réfugiés. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/14/120423.html


Police accuse Israeli president of rape

Israel said today its police force had acquired evidence suggesting President Moshe Katsav had raped and molested women who worked for him.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Ashcroft: Bush should be trusted not to abuse new powers

n the following MSNBC video, former Attorney General John Ashcroft says that President Bush should be trusted not to abuse new powers granted to him by Congress.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Catholic Priest Claims Relationship With Foley

A Catholic priest told The Sarasota Herald-Tribune on Wednesday that he had an intimate two-year relationship with former Representative Mark Foley of south Florida when Mr. Foley was a teenage altar boy.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Senior judge charged with exposing himself on trains

One of the most senior judges in Britain has been charged with exposing himself to two women on trains, police said yesterday.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



State makes big fuss over local couple’s vegetable oil car fuel

Wetzel uses recycled vegetable oil, which he picks up weekly from an organization that uses it for frying food at its dining facility.”They told me I am required to have a license and am obligated to pay a motor fuel tax,” David Wetzel recalled. “Mr. May also told me the tax would be retroactive.”Since the initial visit by the agents on Jan. 4, the Wetzels have been involved in a struggle with the Illinois Department of Revenue. The couple, who live on a fixed budget, have been asked to post a $2,500 bond and threatened with felony charges.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Are YOU Breaching iTunes EULA?

The End User License Agreement for Apple’s iTunes music player software states that their software is not allowed to be used for the manufacture of missiles, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. What were they on when they wrote their EULA?

URL: http://digg.com/apple/Are_YOU_Breaching_iTunes_EULA


Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit

Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate “bad spirits” after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Confessions of a Torturer: The story of Army interrogator Tony Lagouranis

It was his desire to learn Arabic as well that took him to Iraq.And there, as an army interrogator, he tortured detainees for information he admits they rarely had. Since leaving Iraq he’s taken this story public, doing battle on national television against the war’s architects for giving him the orders he regrets he obeyed.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Study Shows Internet to Be Resilient Against Terror Attack

Researchers have simulated what would happen to Internet reliability in the United States if terrorists were able to knock out various physical components of the network. The good news is that it would be very difficult to cause major disruptions across the country, although destruction of some key parts could seriously degrade Internet quality.

URL: http://digg.com/security/Study_Shows_Internet_to_Be_Resilient_Against_Terror_Attack



Apple’s Sense of Humor: “Do not Eat iPod Shuffle”

We can only assume that Apple had a pica-sufferer on staff when they decided to render the advice highlighted above (that’s a real screengrab from the iPod Shuffle website, by the way — isn’t Apple funny?)

URL: http://digg.com/apple/Apple_s_Sense_of_Humor_Do_not_Eat_iPod_Shuffle


Verizon: “Unlimited bandwidth means 5GBs or less or we cancel your account”

Verizon offers an “unlimited” wireless data download service. Specifically, it’s limited to five gig per month. After that, you get fined $175 and your account is cancelled. “The people who cancel your account … don’t know how to answer your questions, they just know how to accuse their customers of downloading porn.”

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Verizon_Unlimited_bandwidth_means_5GBs_or_less_or_we_cancel_your_account


The Ultimate Open Source Licence: Do What the F**k You Want To License

Title says it all.Now if only we could get Apple and Microsoft to Adopt this licence. LOL.By the way its the Third licence, Click it to read it. * Shared Source License for IronPython * Python Software Foundation License Version 2 * Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License * ElementTree License

URL: http://digg.com/linux_unix/The_Ultimate_Open_Source_Licence_Do_What_the_F_k_You_Want_To_License



http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/%5Bconspiracy%5D.The.Illuminati.Formula.Used.to.Create.an.Undetectable.Tot al.Mind.Controlled.Slave.pdf



A 30-year-old Scotsman sued the sender of a single spam message and received more than $2600 in court.




Une ex-croupière raconte son entraînement à vider les compulsifs

Une ancienne croupière du Casino de Charlevoix, Eléonore Mainguy, publie un livre qui explique comment elle a été entraînée à vider les poches de ses clients, sans tenir compte de leur détresse.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070309/CPACTUALITES/70309025/1019/CPACTUALITES




Paris Hilton : le blackout

La Presse

On le sait, on vous en parle trop. Mais cette fois-ci, c’est pour une excellente raison.

Du 19 au 27 février, Associated Press a tenté un <> de cette célèbre insignifiante en refusant de relayer toute information la concernant.

Résultat : zéro plainte.

Comme quoi le vaste public peut très bien vivre sans voir sa face. Malheureusement, le 27 février, AP a été obligée d’en parler, à cause de son arrestation pour conduite en état d’ébriété.


Mais au moins, l’expérience a été faite, et AP jure qu’elle continuera à exercer son jugement journalistique dans son cas. Croisons les doigts.


Hospital Equipment Unaffected By Cell Phone Use, Study Finds

March 12, 2007 Although cellular telephone use has been prohibited in hospitals because of concerns of interference with medical devices, a new study by Mayo Clinic researchers shows that calls made on cellular phones have no negative impact on hospital medical devices, dispelling the long-held notion that they are unsafe to use in health care facilities. Three hundred tests were performed over a five-month period in 2006 using two cellular phones, which used different technologies from different carriers and 192 medical devices. Not a single problem was found. The study’s authors say the findings should prompt hospitals to alter or abandon their bans on cell phone use. ..




Students at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai (Bombay) have been told that the college will be turning off the free internet access provided on the campuses 13 student hostels from 11pm to 12.30pm; in an effort to promote socialization and early bed times for undergraduate students





An undercover investigation by BBC News finds that China has a flourishing trade of organs from executed prisoners. China is becoming the destination of choice for rich foreigners in need of organ transplants. One hospital said it could provide a liver for about $100,000.

China has more executions than any other country in the world. Officials told undercover reporters that executions increase prior to national holidays, so many organs are available around those times.

The following video report features hidden camera footage of organs being sold in China.

Video unavailable, what a surprise



LinuxChix.org – A linux community of WOMEN??

LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership ranges from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and amateur programmers, system administrators and technical writers.

URL: http://digg.com/linux_unix/LinuxChix_org_A_linux_community_of_WOMEN



Florida Police Shot Suspected Cop Killer 68 Times

Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff’s deputy, killing the suspect, according to an autopsy released by the sheriff’s office.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror…

URL: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1790&Itemid=0


Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror team just busted a Mossad operation which was designed to bomb the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland in the first week of October.

In the early morning hours of September 21, 2006, an unmarked white van was stopped by Maryland State Police driving north and south and back and forth through the Fort McHenry Tunnel.

After being stopped by the police the individual was detained after it took the driver of the van fifteen minutes to produce an Israeli passport, now expired, and an international drivers license also expired.

In the backseat of the van was a computer laptop and fifteen different types of sophisticated cameras. Also found in the backseat was a notebook with the Washington D.C phone number to Homeland Security and the phone number to Cable News Network (CNN 2028987900).

The Israeli citizen was then sent to the Maryland Co-Ordination and Analysis Center for further interrogation.

Note: The phone call that tipped the Maryland State Police came from 1-800-LaFayette-Save America.

After twelve hours of interrogation it can now be reported that the Head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, and criminal Attorney-General Gonzales, ordered the release of the Israeli citizen claiming diplomatic immunity for an individual that had an expired drivers license and passport.


It can now be reported that the individual Israeli was a member of an advance team of Mossad that had been ordered to bomb the McHenry Tunnel in early October. This dovetails to a secret meeting on Sept. 12, 2001, at the Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington D.C. in which elements of both British and Israeli Intelligence discussed with a representative of Dick Cheney alleged National Security issues.

When is alleged Vice-President Dick Cheney going to turn over his Energy Taskforce notes from Feb. and Mar. 2001 showing Cheney and Con Rice were actually negotiating with the Osama Bin Laden-Taliban government of Afghanistan for an oil pipeline deal through Afghanistan.

These negotiations were happening seven months before Sept. 11, 2001 Attack On America.

Of course the current President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karazai, was formerly a UNICAL executive.

As Governor of Texas, Bushfraud, on three occasions, invited Taliban officials to visit the Governor’s Mansion.

So when is Cheney going to turn over these Energy Taskforce notes?

Don’t hold your breath just ask the Gang of Five on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Retired New Jersey Police Commander Allan Duncan, been hired by 9-11 widows, has now completed his report on 9-11 and named Michael Chertoff co-conspirator in Obstruction of Justice, i.e. the events of Sept. 11.

Mossad Agent Chertoff, as then U.S. Attorney in Bergau County, New Jersey in 1998 helped drop charges against an Egyptian arms dealer named Elamir Magy.

Magy was the subject of a DEA sting operation called Diamondback, which had fingered Magy and his Egyptian arms dealer handler aka Moshen for narcotics and arms dealing in the New Jersey area.

It can now be reported that both Magy and Moshen were actually Mossad agents and FBI Informants.

Both were also involved and connected to Osama Bin Laden’s alleged terror network and the smuggling of nuclear suitcase-type explosives into the USA.

Despite protests from former President Bill Clinton and former Vice-President Albert Gore Jr. the two Egyptian arms dealers aka Mossad agents were allowed to go free and the charges dropped i.e. direct communications between Chertoff then U.S. Attorney in New Jersey and the then head of the FBI Louis Freeh.


Note: Louis Freeh was more concerned about protecting his own FBI Informants aka foreign intelligence agents than protecting the USA. Freeh spent over seven years blackmailing former President Clinton on behalf of the Bush Crime Syndicate.

Freeh’s major objective was to blackmail Clinton and utilize criminal box independent counsel Kenneth Starr to frame then Vice-President Albert Gore (now the duly elected U.S. President) for making a phone call from the wrong room.

P.S. CONNECT THE DOTS AND DISMANTLE THE BOX. It gets worse, of course. It should be important to note again that it was Chertoff, who in 2001 was then Assistant Attorney-General and compromised FBI Director and punk Louis Freeh, that allowed the 9-11 Urban Moving Systems Dancing Israeli New Jersey gang to go free and escape interrogation vis a vis their role and knowledge of 9-11.

PPS – As of July 2001 both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress had received briefings from then CIA Director George Tenet that major Arab Terror Cells on the East Coast linked to Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Atta had actually been infiltrated and compromised by the Israeli Mossad.

It can now be reported that one of the Democrats aware of the Israeli infiltration of the Arab Terror Cells was none other than Bush’s third cousin John Skull & Bones Kerry-Cohn aka Bush’s 2004 Election Patsy.

Question: Can we assume now that Kerry knew about 9-11 before he learned he was half-Jewish? Well just call David Frum. He will figure it out.

So what did Bush know and when did he know it?


And Bushfraud and Chertoff ignored the warnings and allowed what now can be clearly seen as a British-Israeli 9-11 Black Op to go forward and assassinate 3,000 Americans in New York. All you have to do is connect the dots in this criminal box.

Stay Tuned More To Come Tonight linking Chertoff to P-Tech Software and the actual compromising of the American Defense Shield on Sept. 11/01.

Source: The Birdman



Cyborg Flying Rats Invade China

The People’s Daily Online reports that scientists in China have successfully used brain implants in pigeons to control the birds’ movement:

Scientists with the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center of east China’s Shandong University of Science and Technology say they implanted micro electrodes in the brain of a pigeon so they can command it to fly right or left or up or down.

The implants stimulated different areas of the pigeon’s brain according to signals sent by the scientists via computer, and forced the bird to comply with their commands.

“It’s the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world,” said the lead researcher, who hopes the work will have “practical use” in the future.

In the United States, similar work on animals has been of interest to the military. For example, the pigeon news follows the equally amusing animal tale about the Pentagon’s attempts at creating remote controlled shark spies. Like the Chinese pigeon experiment, the sharks had brain implants used to control their movements.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for animal spies to roam the world anytime soon. One of the most infamous would-be animal espionage projects, dubbed Acoustic Kitty, dates back to the 1960s, when the CIA wired a furry feline to eavesdrop. On its trial run, the cat was run over by a car.

Sharon Weinberger

UPDATE: Noah here.  Sharon, as an Iowa girl, may be able to look at this development with detached amusement. I, for one, am outraged.  Those of us growing up in New York know that there is nothing nastier than the swarming, disease-ridden, flying rats who turn every public place into a fight for room to breathe.  Now China is looking to engineer a fleet of cyborg pigeon slaves?  Damn them.  And damn those old ladies who feed the pigeons, in the first place.



Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #10 – Geometric Shadows

BotCast #10 – Geometric Shadows

BotCast #10 On vous présente des beaux noms de sites web, des chihuahuas congelés, Pulp Fiction Fucking Short Version, un wok transmetteur et des politiciens et juges pédophiles. TestDummy est encore là et poursuit les origines de l’impôt et du terme “Docteur”. 1er mars 2007.

BotCast-0010.mp3 BotCast-0010.m3u SHOW NOTES

Break: Milan Kolarovic (Acumen), World War II Memoirs (4m40) www.milankolarovic.com
OutTro: Ryan Cramer, Geometric Shadows
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et le iPhone Shuffle



-Show number            10

-Date    1er mars 2007

– Le iPhone Shuffle      “Call Martin”    -“Calling, Roger”



Le BotCast with cheese   –


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Break:                    Milan Kolarovic (Acumen), World War II Memoirs (4m40) www.milankolarovic.com


–Game Tech Support requests:

OutTro:                   Ryan Cramer, Geometric Shadows

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Un pirate envoie un juge en prison

 Nicolas Ritoux, collaboration spéciale 
27 février 2007 – 08h12
Un juge de la Cour supérieure de Californie a été condamné la semaine dernière à 27 mois de prison pour possession de pornographie infantile.
Ironiquement, c’est un pirate informatique qui a découvert les images qu’il possédait en fouillant son ordinateur à distance, de façon totalement illégale.

Le jeune cybercriminel a fait part de sa découverte à un organisme de lutte contre la pédophilie, qui l’a fait suivre aux autorités compétentes. Bien que les preuves aient été obtenues de façon illégale, le juge Ronald C. Kline a fini par passer aux aveux après cinq ans de procédures judiciaires.

Le jeune pirate se nomme Brad Wilman et habite chez ses parents en Colombie-Britannique. Il avait conçu un virus de type «cheval de Troie» qu’il cachait dans des images à caractère pédophile diffusées dans des forums Web.

Il est ainsi parvenu à surveiller des centaines d’ordinateurs de présumés pédophiles partout dans le monde, allant jusqu’à lire leurs courriels. Il aurait ainsi transmis plusieurs dossiers de preuves à la police, même si celle-ci lui répétait qu’il s’agissait d’une atteinte illégale à la vie privée.


Konami slot machines pulled for subliminal messaging

Filed under: Gaming

While we’ve seen quite a few instances where shifty gamblers got the boot, this time it’s the slot machines participating in a mass exodus of Canadian casinos. In another tale of misguided marketing garnering awful PR, Ontario’s provincial gambling operator has “pulled 87 video slot machines out of service or physically removed them from its casinos” after an investigation found

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/96813211/


While we’ve seen quite a few instances where shifty gamblers got the boot, this time it’s the slot machines participating in a mass exodus of Canadian casinos. In another tale of misguided marketing garnering awful PR, Ontario’s provincial gambling operator has “pulled 87 video slot machines out of service or physically removed them from its casinos” after an investigation found some tricky imagery hidden within. Apparently, a number of Konami slot machines flashed “winning jackpot symbols” for a fifth of a second every so often, purportedly giving players “subliminal messages” that would keep them chucking away coins for longer periods of time. Comically, Konami is asserting that the flashing images are simply a ” software glitch” that will be fixed shortly, which leaves us wondering what else could be ailing these machines for the betterment of the establishment. Regardless, the Ontario-based discovery has spawned several other investigations in the US, British Columbia, and Quebec, but it has “yet to be determined” if the flashing imagery has effected the gameplay of addicts professional gamblers.


MS Tech Support Tell Customer to Use Activation Crack

“The Customer Service Manager told me that I could either borrow an XP Home disk from a friend (isn’t that software piracy ??) or look online for one of the many Vista Activation cracks to bypass Vista Activation completely, and specifically mentioned “TimerLock” (um… hey, HE told me to do it !!). Well, I followed his instructions.”

URL: http://digg.com/software/MS_Tech_Support_Tell_Customer_to_Use_Activation_Crack



Google’s unofficial slogan is “Don’t be Evil.” It seems that such a slogan should be applied to oneself above all. Evil aside, Google has put itself in a position of, what can only be construed as, being a censor of information; for example, its decision to violate the openness of the internet by censoring Uruknet from its news service, collaboration with Chinese regime [3], and removing certain sites from google ads, such as controversial Ziopedia.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


TV Station Uses a $10 Wok as a Transmitter – Very Clever

Why pay $20,000 for a commercial link to run your television station when a $10 kitchen wok is just effective? A small television station from the deep south of New Zealand are using wok’s to transmit their program, instead of the more expensive, “professional” option. And, amazingly, it works!

URL: http://digg.com/hardware/TV_Station_Uses_a_10_Wok_as_a_Transmitter_Very_Clever


Texas Governor Perry took Merck money before mandating cervical vaccine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) says that it’s just a coincidence that he and eight other lawmakers received donations of $5,000 each from Merck lobbyists just a few days before mandating the drug giant’s HPV cervical cancer vaccine for all females in Texas ages 12 and up.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Safety alarms raised at nuclear weapons plant

Electrical failures have shut down the plant. The roof has leaked. Decrepit machinery dates back more than 40 years. Safety lapses led inspectors to levy fines twice within two years. And employees, under deadline pressure, complain they are often worked past the point of exhaustion. If this factory were producing medical devices or refining gasoline, the conditions would be serious enough. But this is where they work on nuclear bombs.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Affidavit: McVeigh had high-level help

Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols says a high-ranking FBI official “apparently” was directing Timothy McVeigh in the plot to blow up a government building and might have changed the original target of the attack, according to a new affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Utah.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


German Bible Goes Politically Correct

A new German translation of the Bible is aimed at ridding the Holy Scriptures of their misogynist and anti-Semitic traits as well as flashing out the relationship between the poor and the privileged.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



According to a new study by a researcher at Texas A&M International University, studies that see a connection between video games and violent behavior usually suffer from shoddy research techniques. Dr. Christopher Ferguson studied the results of a number of recent studies linking violent video games to aggressive behavior with an eye not just to individual results, but also to overall trends in the studies as a whole.

Ferguson found that the connection between violence and gaming had more to do with publication bias than it did with any actual correlation. In other words, journals were more likely to publish studies that supported the hypothesis that playing violent games made a subject more prone to violent behavior. Nothing like scientific stacking the deck, eh? Ferguson sums it up nicely:

Thus it was concluded that there is little evidence from the current body of literature on violent video games that playing violent video games is either causally or correlationally associated with increases in aggressive behavior.

Expect He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to jump on this one like a duck on a junebug, folks.

Researcher Finds Scant Evidence Linking Violent Games With Aggressive Behavior

Researcher Finds Scant Evidence Linking Violent Games With Aggressive Behavior

Any scientific link between violent video games and violent behavior remains tenuous.

At least, that’s the conclusion of a Ph.D faculty member at Texas A&M International University’s Department of Behavioral, Applied Sciences and Criminal Justice. The researcher, Christopher Ferguson forwarded GamePolitics information about a study he recently completed. In an e-mail, Ferguson wrote:

I conducted a meta-analysis of studies associating violent video game exposure with aggressive behaviors.  A meta-analysis involves collecting existing studies in the literature, and obtaining an over all effect size (i.e. degree of relationship) for all of the studies examined.  This allows us to get a sense, not just for individual research projects, but rather for the overall result from combined studies in a field.

In the current publication, studies that examined violent video game effects on aggressive behavior were analyzed. Also examined was a phenomenon called “publication bias” which means that scientific journals are more likely to publish studies that support a particular hypothesis than those that reject it.

Results from the current meta-analysis found that there were about 25 recent studies on violent video game effects, with conflicting results.

Overall results of the study found that although violent video games appear to increase people’s aggressive thoughts (which it would not be surprising that people are still thinking about what they were just playing), violent games do not appear to increase aggressive behavior.

This as true for both correlational and experimental studies.  Also it was found that studies that employed less standardized measures of aggression produced higher effects than better standardized measures of aggression.  In other words, better measures of aggression are associated with lower effects.

Publication bias appeared to be a significant issue for studies of aggressive behavior.  Thus it was concluded that there is little evidence from the current body of literature on violent video games that playing violent video games is either causally or correlationally associated with increases in aggressive behavior.

Ferguson included a copy of his findings, from which the following quotes were lifted:

(it) appears that news outlets may promote media violence in general, and video game violence specifically as a direct cause of violent behavior.

Despite the relatively young and sparse nature of the research on violent video game effects, some researchers have claimed that the evidence is conclusive…
Yet a close read of the literature reveals that many of the studies used to support this link provide only questionable or inconsistent evidence.

Part of the problem may be that video game researchers have adopted unreliable methodologies from media violence research in general… Most of the research (particularly laboratory research) employs unvalidated ad-hoc measures of “aggression”.

Lead-laden lunchboxes OK’d by government

In 2005, when government scientists tested 60 soft, vinyl lunchboxes, they found that one in five contained amounts of lead that medical experts consider unsafe — and several had more than 10 times hazardous levels.But that’s not what they told the public.Instead, the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a statement that they found “no instances of hazardous levels.” And they refused to release their actual test results, citing regulations that protect manufacturers from having their information released to the public.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


More than a year after death, man found in front of his TV

Neighbors said they had thought Ricardo was in a hospital or nursing home. Still, neighbor Diane Devon said residents at a gathering last month remarked that they hadn’t seen him in some time. “We never thought to check on him,” she said.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Four more Americans charged in CIA kidnapping of Muslim cleric

On Friday an Italian judge charged four more Americans to stand trial for kidnapping of Italian cleric Hassan Nasr in 2003, bringing the total number of Americans charged to 26.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Le Canada, une menace pour Hollywood

Le piratage des films est en pleine expansion au Canada, alimentant les marchés internationaux et ulcérant les grands studios de Hollywood qui comptabilisent leurs pertes par millions.

La Chine et la Russie posent «le plus de problèmes à l’industrie du droit d’auteur», mais «le problème de l’enregistrement non autorisé de films (camcording) dans les cinémas au Canada frôle la crise».

Ce constat a été fait cette semaine par l’Alliance internationale pour la propriété intellectuelle (IIPA), un groupe de pression financé par l’industrie américaine du droit d’auteur, la plus importante au monde, dans une lettre envoyée à la représentante américaine au Commerce, Susan Schwab.

L’Alliance, qui accuse le Canada de ne pas protéger suffisamment les droits d’auteur, demande aux autorités américaines de mettre le voisin canadien sur la «liste de surveillance prioritaire» des pays fautifs dans ce domaine aux côtés de la Chine, de la Russie et de l’Inde.

«En 2005 on estimait qu’environ 20% des films piratés sur le marché mondial provenaient du Canada, et un bon pourcentage de Montréal», estime Serge Corriveau, enquêteur pour l’Association canadienne des distributeurs de films, une antenne des grands studios hollywoodiens.

Ceux-ci chiffrent à plus de 6,1 milliards de dollars les pertes qu’ils subissent annuellement à cause du piratage de leurs films dans le monde.

«Les blockbusters (films à grand succès) attirent toujours les pirates, mais au cours des dernières années au-delà de 200 films ont été enregistrés (au Canada) et ils se sont retrouvés dans 45 pays», assure M. Corriveau.

L’industrie dénonce le «laxisme» des lois canadiennes en matière de lutte contre le piratage de films. Alors qu’aux États-Unis, l’acte de filmer au cinéma est un crime dans plusieurs États, dont la Californie, il n’en est rien au Canada.
Certes, une personne prise en flagrant délit de filmer dans un cinéma peut y être poursuivie au civil par le propriétaire de la salle, le distributeur ou le studio. Mais pour que des accusations criminelles soient portées contre cette personne, la police doit prouver qu’elle avait l’intention de distribuer le film.

«Pour prouver l’intention, ça demande plus de preuves. Il ne s’agit pas de voir quelqu’un filmer dans un cinéma, il faut accumuler des preuves afin d’avoir un mandat de perquisition, par exemple, pour aller fouiller dans son ordinateur. Ce n’est pas facile», explique Helaine Lavergne, porte-parole de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC).

Devant ce quasi-vide juridique, des propriétaires de salle se font justice eux-mêmes. Lors de premières à Montréal, qualifiée dans l’industrie de «capitale canadienne du piratage«, certains cinémas utilisent des détecteurs de métal à l’entrée afin de décourager les pirates potentiels. La direction d’une chaîne de «méga-cinéma» est même allée jusqu’à interdire l’entrée à de présumés pirates.

Et si Hollywood perd de gros sous dans cette histoire, des adeptes du piratage n’en font pas pour autant leurs choux gras.

«Il y a tellement de gens qui le font de nos jours. Ce n’est pas vrai que les pirates font tous de l’argent avec ça (…), on fait ça pour le plaisir, pour regarder les films chez nous. On le fait aussi un peu pour emmerder les studios américains. Ils ne sont pas à plaindre, ils ne manquent pas d’argent», se vantaient récemment deux pirates déclarés au Journal de Montréal.


“US Senators to arrive in israel for indoctrination”

“We think that it is important that the members of the delegation feel the connection and understand Israel better. They are mostly non-Jewish and we want them to feel some obligation to the country,” he added.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


JE VEUX EN PARLER PLUS EN DÉTAIL DE CELLE LA http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2007/02/14/software-warnings.html
The entertainment and software industries have found an effective tool to deter some Canadians from downloading TV programs, movies, music and software. And it doesn’t involve going to court.

A number of industry groups, mostly based in the United States, are relying on e-mail to get the message out that peer-to-peer file sharing is illegal. Thousands of the e-mails are being sent to Canadian users each month under a program known as “notice and notice.”

Major Canadian internet service providers including Rogers, Bell and Telus have voluntarily agreed to distribute the notices to their customers on behalf of the industry associations. Telus forwards an average of 4,000 notices every month.

Stephen Harrington received a notice late last year after downloading a computer game from a bit torrent file-sharing site. (Bit torrent sites are used to share larger files, such as movies.)

Harrington wanted to play the game with his friends, liked it, and purchased it a few days later.

“Actually, I almost deleted it. But I read through and was quite surprised. But I was initially concerned,” Harrington said.

The entertainment industry has long expressed frustration with Canada, and its unwillingness to modernize copyright laws.

“Canada’s copyright laws regarding uploading and downloading are unclear, and that does present a number of challenges in curbing internet piracy,” said Neil MacBride, a vice-president with the Business Software Alliance, a Washington D.C.-based industry association that fights software piracy.

The Business Software Alliance sent out about 60,000 “notice and notice” e-mails to Canadian internet users in 2006. “They’ve been most effective,” MacBride said.

‘Stop this infringing activity’

“If you’re somebody who’s [downloading] and you receive word that you’re essentially using somebody else’s property without their permission, it seems to have the desired effect — namely, people take it seriously and alter their behaviour accordingly.”The notices contain terse legal language: “This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement under applicable national laws and international treaties. We urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform us of the results of your actions,” reads one of the e-mails, sent by NBC Universal to Canadian internet users who were suspected of downloading a NBC television show.

Canadian users are tracked by IP address when content is downloaded from the internet.

“It doesn’t have any significant legal weight in the sense that it doesn’t mean they’re facing a lawsuit immediately or even the claims of infringement have been proven,” said leading internet law expert Michael Geist of the University of Ottawa.

But Geist said the “notice and notice” program has been successful in scaring people to stop downloading.

“I think they’ve proven surprisingly effective and in fact indications are that when subscribers receive these, a significant proportion will take down the offending content if, in fact, it is infringing,” he said.

Harrington says he has not downloaded material using peer-to-peer sites since he received his e-mail notice, forwarded by his ISP, Rogers Communications. But he is concerned about privacy: What information are the ISPs passing along to the industry groups?

“The ISPs are the only ones who know what individuals are doing what, so they’re trying to push that thin blue line and get to individual privacy that way,” he said.

No privacy issues, ISPs say

Both Rogers and Telus maintain they do not pass any personal information, such as user name or address, to any of the groups initiating the notice e-mails.

“We protect the rights of our customers and the privacy of our customers and the information about our customers quite vigorously and we do not pass the information about our customers on to third parties,” said Michael Lee, chief strategy officer for Rogers Communications.

The notice program in effect in Canada is essentially a tool to alert users that they are downloading what the industry groups see as copyrighted material. Even though tens of thousands of e-mails have been distributed over the last few years, no one has been prosecuted for copyright violation as a result of the notices.

“Notice and notice” differs from the “notice and take-down” program that’s in place in the United States. There, when an industry group notices an alleged copyright violation, an e-mail similar to the ones being sent to Canadian users is forwarded to the American ISP. In most cases, the ISPs are forced to immediately take down the content or face penalties.

“I think notice-in-notice is a great alternative that really respects privacy and free speech much more than notice and take-down,” said Ren Bucholz of the internet advocacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The Effectiveness of Notice and Notice

The CBC runs a story today on the growing use of “notice and notice” by copyright holders.  Telus apparently sends out about a thousand notices each week, while the Business Software Alliance says it sent out 60,000 notifications to Canadians last year. These numbers are consistent with my own experience as I now regularly receive emails from Canadians asking about the implications of such notifications. The notice and notice system involves a notification from a copyright holder – often involving movies, software or music – claiming that a subscriber has made available or downloaded content without authorization on file sharing systems.  The Internet Service Provider forwards the notification to the subscriber but takes no other action – it does not pass along the subscriber’s personal information, remove the content from its system, or cancel the subscriber’s service.  It falls to the subscriber to act and as the CBC story notes, many remove the infringing content (if indeed it is infringing) voluntarily. 

Some people object to U.S.-based notifications that carry no legal weight in Canada being sent to Canadians with the cooperation of Canadian ISPs.  I am supportive of the system since I think it balances various interests in fair manner.  First, it stands in marked contrast to the U.S. notice and takedown approach, which creates incentives for ISPs to remove content without warning or evidence of actual infringement.  The recent avalanche of Viacom notices – which targeted dozens of non-infringing videos – provides a good case study for why the notice and takedown system can have a chilling effect on online speech.  Second, the approach protects user privacy, consistent with national privacy law and the CRIA file sharing case from 2004.  Third, it reflects a consistency between industry practice and proposed legislation.  While Bill C-60 was criticized for some its provisions, many applauded the decision to codify a notice-and-notice system into law (I assessed the ISP provisions here).  The IIPA may be demanding that Canada follow the U.S. approach, but the effectiveness of the Canadian notice and notice system demonstrates that a balancing privacy, free speech, and copyright can lead to solutions that serve everyone’s best interests.


http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070216/CPMONDE/70216028/1014/CPMONDE Un juge italien a décidé vendredi de renvoyer devant le tribunal de Milan (nord) 26 agents de la CIA poursuivis pour l’enlèvement en Italie d’un ex-imam égyptien en 2003, l’un des cas de transfert secret de détenus dénoncé par le Parlement européen.

La décision du juge des audiences préliminaires de Milan, Caterina Interlandi, concerne aussi le général Nicolo Pollari, ancien chef des services de renseignement militaire italiens (SISMI), limogé en novembre pour son implication dans cette affaire.

Il figure sur la liste des accusés aux côtés, entre autres, des anciens responsables de la CIA en Italie, les Américains Jeff Castelli et Robert Seldon Lady, ou de l’ancien numéro 2 du SISMI, Marco Mancini.

Le procès, sans précédent en Europe en ce qui concerne le nombre d’agents américains renvoyés devant la justice, débutera le 8 juin, a ajouté Mme Interlandi, et il se déroulera par contumace en ce qui concerne les citoyens américains.

Selon la presse italienne, la majorité des 26 agents a agi sous de faux noms et se trouve actuellement aux États-Unis.

Il y a 15 jours, la justice allemande a délivré 13 mandats d’arrêt contre des agents présumés de la CIA soupçonnés d’avoir enlevé en 2003 en Macédoine l’Allemand d’origine libanaise Khaled el-Masri.

L’enlèvement d’Abou Omar est l’un des cas dénoncés par le rapporteur du Conseil de l’Europe Dick Marty dans son étude sur les vols secrets de la CIA.

Soupçonné de terrorisme, l’ex-imam égyptien Abou Omar a été enlevé le 17 février 2003 à Milan par un commando de la CIA aidé par des agents italiens, selon le parquet de Milan.
Conduit à la base américaine d’Aviano, dans le nord-est de l’Italie, il a été transféré en Égypte après le rapt, où il a été incarcéré et affirme avoir subi des tortures.

Relâché dimanche par les autorités égyptiennes, il a annoncé son intention de porter plainte contre Silvio Berlusconi pour obtenir dix millions d’euros de dommages-intérêts «pour son implication dans l’enlèvement en tant que chef du gouvernement (à l’époque des faits) et pour avoir permis à la CIA de le capturer».

Un mandat d’arrêt européen a été émis contre les 26 Américains mais la demande d’extradition adressée aux États-Unis est toujours sur le bureau du ministre italien de la Justice, Clemente Mastella, seul autorisé à la transmettre.
Check ca, c’est véridique. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8996055986353195886&q=Les+OGM+sont-ils+dangereux+pour+la+sant%C3%A9 OGM : un reportage fait fureur sur Internet
Stéphanie Bérubé
13 février 2007 – 08h54

Depuis quatre jours, plus d’un million d’internautes ont regardé le documentaire français «Les OGM sont-ils dangereux pour la santé? L’étude qui accuse».

Propulsé par une fausse rumeur de censure, ce reportage de 2005 se passe de courriel en courriel. Le sujet de tant d’intérêt? Deux études démontreraient que des rats nourris avec des OGM subiraient eux-mêmes des mutations génétiques.

«C’est un documentaire très choquant parce qu’on voit que certains secrets commerciaux sont très bien protégés», indique Jocelyn Desjardins, de Greenpeace Québec, qui est évidemment ravi de voir la popularité inespérée de ce reportage. D’une moyenne de 300 connections par jour, en novembre, le lien de Google qui présente la vidéo est maintenant visité par 10 fois plus de monde, tous les jours. Hier après-midi, ils étaient plus de 2,3 millions à avoir pris le temps de regarder le reportage.

Les messages qui accompagnent la vidéo, lorsqu’elle est envoyée par courrier électronique, parlent d’un cas de censure. Or il n’en n’est rien. «C’est un beau cas de téléphone arabe», admet Jocelyn Desjardins. Même le patron de la défunte émission française 90 minutes a été surpris de l’ampleur du mouvement. Il a confirmé qu’il n’y avait pas eu censure.

Si le reportage fait tant jaser, deux ans après sa diffusion initiale, c’est que peu de films abordent le sujet des organismes génétiquement modifiés, croit le représentant québécois de Greenpeace. Et celui de l’émission 90 minutes adopte un ton très dramatique, avec musique d’ambiance et sous-entendus très efficaces.
On y présente deux études sur des rats nourris aux OGM, dont une provenant du fabricant de grains transgéniques Monsanto. Bien qu’on ait trouvé des lésions sur certains rats nourris au maïs Monsanto, la multinationale a défendu son innocuité. Avec succès : la France a autorisé son utilisation en 2005. Au Canada, ce maïs transgénique est approuvé pour la consommation humaine depuis 2003.

Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #9 – Double Trouble

BotCast #9 – Double Trouble

BotCast #9On vous accomode raisonablement avec du Killer Coke, les crosses de compagnies de disques, de la sauce SixAxis, un samourai bienveillant, un bambin sur eBay et des arraignées sur la drogue. TestDummy co-anime encore pour apporter un peu d’histoire sur notre système de taxes. Je présente un peu ce qui s’est passé lors de ma visite d’une loge maçonnique et qui a créé le mouvement féministe et pourquoi. 3 Février 2007

BotCast-0009.mp3 BotCast-0009.m3u SHOW NOTES
Break: Benoit Campeau, Fast Night (4m15) http://www.BenoitCampeau.com
OutTro: Whalebone, Double Trouble
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et Les Surplus d’Accomodements Hassan & Fils.



-Show number           9

-Date     3 Février 2007

– Les surplus d’accomodements Hassan & fils

Ce botcast est une commandite des Surplus d’accomodements Hassan et fils

Vous avez un college, un édifice public ou une institution avec des problemes d’Accomodements raissonable et cherchez à régler ce probléme une fois pour tout?

Chez Les Surplus d’accomodements Hassan et fils, nous fournissont des système clés-en-mains.

Que vous cherchiez a régler votre problème  discrètement avec des souches d’antrax ou de poison, ou de maniere plus visible avec des mines anti-personnelles, grenades, claymore ou autre, Les Surplus d’accomodements Hassan et fils ont tout ce qu’il vous faut pour régler votre probleme.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter!


Les Surplus d’accomodements Hassan et fils ne sont pas responsables des conséquences causés par ses  opérations, que ce soit des décès, blessures, dommages, changements politiques et révolutions.




Le BotCast with cheese   –


Site Web:        www.ChickenorFish.com/botcast

Email:               botcast@cof

Mailing list:       http://groups.google.com/group/botcast    NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast

Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori




-Arrêté le feed RSS de Le Devoir, toute d’une shot tout le temps, avec les émissions qui passent à la TV maudit criss

-La loge  franc-macons


-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de  Benoit Campeau, Fast Night (4m15)

-Movement des femmes – Taxer une autre moitié de la population, – les enfants DOIVENT aller à l’école pour se faire indoctriner.
–Game Tech Support requests:  

Site Web:        www.ChickenorFish.com/botcast

Email:               botcast@cof

Mailing list:       http://groups.google.com/group/botcast    NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast

Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori


Tune:             Double Trouble
Artist:              Whalebone
Group:          EMF
Year:             15 aout 1994
From demo:     Verses
Duration:         5:04
Type:             MOD
Channels:         8
Samples:       13 
Size:                234k
Patterns: 78, 46,  different, 8 unused

Details:        Barbapapa kicks ass   



Following the story that the Shadowbane servers were hacked on the 28th of

May, the following was posted on Slashdot.org:


What about the judge and jury? (Score:5, Funny)

by gosand (234100) <

http://slashdot.org/~gosand > on Wednesday May 28,

@12:37PM (#6058160


http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=65731&cid=6058160 > )



I can just imagine the look on the judges face if this went to trial, and

some of the players had to be called to the witness stand.


Ma touche personnelle. Voici selon moi, le type de témoins que la court


My personal touch. This is, in my opinion, the type of witnesses that the

court would have to hear:


“The Court now calls Miss Dallas at the stand”

Miss Dallas gets up and sits in the stand

Bailiff: “For the records of this court, please state your full name, sex

and race, age, adress of residence and work description”

Miss Dallas: “Okay, my name is Debbie does Dallas, I’m a 33 levels old

female Irekei. I live at 81907,-24685 Khar Th’Sekt city, Scorn. I’m a

full-time Fury.”

Bailiff: “Thank you”


“The Court now calls Mr. Jablome at the stand”

Mr. Jablome gets up and sits in the stand

Bailiff: “For the records of this court, please state your full name, age,

adress of residence and work description”

Mr. Jablome: “Okay, my name is Haywood Jablome, I’m 52 levels old

Half-Giant. I live at 117000,-66363 Vengeance City, Scorn. I am a

currently unemployed Barbarian”

Bailiff: “Thank you”


“The Court now calls Muynegro at the stand”

Mr. Muynegro gets up and sits in the stand

Bailiff: “For the records of this court, please state your full name, age,

adress of residence and work description”

Mr. Muynegro: “Okay, my name is Whytepeoplesuxor Muynegro, I’m a 14 levels

old Irekei. I live at 20615,-13198, Hamlet of Holmen’s Grove, Scorn. I am

a registered thief in the Thieves’ Den, and owner of my own business”

Bailiff: “Thank you”


“The Court now calls Miss Toe at the stand”

Miss Toe gets up and sits in the stand

Bailiff: “For the records of this court, please state your full name, age,

adress of residence and work description”

Miss Toe: “Okay, my name is Camel Toe, I’m 19 levels old Human. I live at

22402,-13710, Market city of Tyler, Scorn. I’m a Healer Channeler giving a

hand to all who are in need”

Bailiff: “Thank you”


“The Court now calls Mr. Wreckshun at the stand”

Mr. Wreckshun gets up and sits in the stand

Bailiff: “For the records of this court, please state your full name, age,

adress of residence and work description”

Mr. Wreckshun: “Well, my name is Biggy Wreckshun, I am a 41 levels old

Human. I live at 88151,-18684, Vespar City, Scorn. I am a Warrior working

on my own.”

Bailiff: “Thank you”


P.S.: All names are fictitious in real-life, but are inspired directly

from Shadowbane. They exist.

Conan the Barbarian: … and the next morning my sword was gone, and the

gold pieces, and…

Cross-Examining Lawyer: And, if I may ask, where did you get those gold

pieces in the first place…?

Conan the Barbarian: Well, I killed this dragon and…

Cross-Examining Lawyer: Murderer!! You killed, pillaged and raped to get

this money and now you have the stomach of accusing the defendant, and

honor student in the other end of the kingdom…

Conan the Barbarian: But it was just a dragon…

Cross-Examining Lawyer: Racist!! There we have it, honored members of the

jury, Mr Barbarian here is not only a thief and a murderer, he is also a

racist. That nullifies any and all of his allegations. You must aquit.


93,754,333 Examples of Data Nonchalance

A consumer advocacy organization says companies and institutions have collectively fumbled roughly 93,754,333 private records in the last two years.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

‘Dummy vendors’ reap $362m in Iraq

US government agencies charged with the reconstruction of Iraq allocated $362m to non-existent “dummy vendors”, according to a report by the watchdog overseeing the reconstruction effort.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


‘Dummy vendors’ reap $362m in Iraq

By Stephanie Kirchgaessner

Published: September 23 2006 03:00 | Last updated: September 23 2006 03:00

US government agencies charged with the reconstruction of Iraq allocated $362m to non-existent “dummy vendors”, according to a report by the watchdog overseeing the reconstruction effort.

Stuart Bowen, the special inspector-general, said his review of the government’s allocation of the $18.2bn fund found 96 incidents of cash being earmarked for projects that did not identify a vendor or contractor. The findings come just one week before the expiration of the reconstruction fund, at which point whatever remains will be returned to the Treasury. Mr Bowen said the government had $826m in remaining funds. Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Washington



The overwhelming amount of evidence that virtually confirms insider trading on an unprecedented scale in the days preceding 9/11 is…

URL: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1700&Itemid=0


Boy, three, buys car on internet

A three-year-old boy has used his mother’s computer to buy a £9,000 car on an internet auction site. Jack Neal’s parents only discovered their son’s successful bid when they received a message from eBay about the Barbie pink Nissan Figaro.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Boy_three_buys_car_on_internet


Gary Lunn maintient avoir aboli des programmes inefficaces

Ottawa — Le ministre fédéral des Ressources naturelles, Gary Lunn, a persisté à dire hier aux Communes que les programmes Défi d’une tonne et ÉnerGuide étaient «inefficaces», et ce, malgré une révision des programmes effectuée cet hiver au sein de son ministère qui démontre le contraire. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/26/119081.html


Ben Laden serait en vie

Doubaï — Oussama Ben Laden, chef du réseau al-Qaïda, est bel et bien en vie, a assuré un responsable des insurgés taliban, cité hier par la chaîne de télévision Al Arabia, dont le siège se trouve à Doubaï. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/27/119123.html


Mais où est donc Ben Laden?

Il semble que la nouvelle de la mort d’Oussama ben Laden, annoncée samedi par le journal français L’Est républicain sur la base d’une information obtenue auprès des services de renseignement français, soit quelque peu prématurée. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/28/119273.html


Wal-Mart découvre d’autres infractions dans ses usines

Bentonville, Arkansas — Selon un rapport des magasins Wal-Mart, un plus grand nombre d’infractions graves ont été constatées dans son réseau d’usines étrangères l’an dernier. Cette hausse pourrait toutefois découler de l’instauration de normes de travail et environnementales plus sévères dans la soixantaine de pays où elle achète des vêtements, des jouets, des souliers et d’autres produits. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/28/119222.html


Christians: We’ll fight for Israel

Millions of Evangelical Christians around the world support and constantly pray for the State of Israel , representatives at a meeting of the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus said Wednesday.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Israel’s Population Secret

The real population figures for Israel are a very closely guarded secret. They are not easily found and the “official” numbers provided by the Israeli state are not at all correct. They are greatly exaggerated.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Comverse CEO arrested in Namibia, pays 10 Million in bail!

A SIX-DAY stint in the Windhoek Central Prison ended for Israeli-born high-tech industry millionaire Jacob ‘Kobi’ Alexander yesterday.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Comverse chief tried to bribe colleague to take blame, US says

Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, the former Comverse Technology Inc. chief executive facing extradition from Namibia, tried to bribe a colleague to take the blame for the crimes he’s accused of, a US official said.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Recent shootings all took place in “gun-free zones”.

“This shooting — and the ones last week in Colorado and Wisconsin, and every school shooting in the past 10 years — all had one thing in common,” Gottlieb observed. “They all happened in so-called ‘gun-free school zones,’ where students and adult staff are essentially helpless.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


US Interior Dept. Computers used for Shopping, Sex & Gambling Web sites

Interior Department employees aren’t just using their computers to oversee parks and wildlife, an investigation found. They’re spending thousands of hours a week visiting shopping, sex and gambling Web sites.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/US_Interior_Dept_Computers_used_for_Shopping_Sex_Gambling_Web_sites


School Says Police, Social Services Will Snatch Kids Of Late Parents

School Says Police, Social Services Will Snatch Kids Of Late Parents A junior high school in Indiana threatens parents with police and child protective service

URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1098


Fox had Foley emails, chose not to run

Fox News had copies of emails written by Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) to a Louisiana boy, but chose not to run the story, according to a passage in an Associated Press report.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Israelis Win Contract to Secure US Borders

When Chertoff was asked why DHS had chosen the Boeing-led group he declined to comment. The reason for Chertoff’s silence, however, is telling: the Boeing team includes an Israeli military subcontractor which will play a key role in “securing” the U.S. border.The Boeing team, which will implement the DHS program called the Secure Border Initiative (SBI) along the northern and southern borders of the United States, includes a Merrimack, N.H.-based surveillance technology firm called Kollsman Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Elbit Systems Ltd. of Haifa, Israel.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


California lab meltdown in 1959 may have caused cancer, hurt ground and water

A 1959 nuclear reactor meltdown at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory may have caused hundreds of cases of cancer in the community, and chemicals threaten to contaminate ground and water, according to a report.The report released Thursday by an independent advisory panel estimated it was likely that radiation released during the meltdown caused about 260 cases of cancer within a 60-square-mile (154-square-kilometer) area around the reactor.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



AP Learns Gitmo Guards Brag of Beatings

Guards at Guantanamo Bay bragged about beating detainees and described it as common practice, a Marine sergeant said in a sworn statement obtained by The Associated Press.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Fundamentalist Pastor Forbids Teens and Adults in Congregation to Blog or Have Personal Websites.

Just so you understand, your Church and Pastor now forbid you and your adult parents from blogging on the internet, having a blog of your own or having a personal website unless associated with a business. You need to understand that there are reasons behind these reasons such an obscene rule is being instituted. While blogging, like phone calling or letter writing or smokes signals can have a downside, there is more to this than meets the eye in your particular church. It is a way to control the flow of information, criticism and presenting views that are counter to those accepted by the Restored Church of God and it’s leaders. The internet is the bane of those that abuse or seek to control and that includes our own government in this day and age.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/







Mysterious samurai saves Police in UK Tue 10:50pm

A samurai sword wielding vigilante has come to the rescue of two Police officers when they were attacked by an armed gang in South Shields, England.
A group of men had forced their way into a house and were ransacking the place when passing plain-clothes officers were alerted by a woman inside screaming.
The criminals outnumbered them and were armed with a hammer, knives and chains and attacked the Police officers.
As one of them stabbed at a Policeman with his knife, a mysterious do-gooder appeared from nowhere and attacked him with a samurai sword.
One of the burglars began running away but was stopped by the stranger who struck him on the arm with the sword.
Two of the criminals were arrested, but in true hero style the samurai disappeared before police could speak to him.
A third man was arrested later and two more are still being hunted.
Police are especially keen to trace the man with the sword who came to the aid of their officers, and have asked for anyone with information to call them


Unused Oil Rigs Turned Into Wind Farms

The Gulf Coast is littered with the carcasses of unused oil equipment. Now those structures are being repurposed to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Unused_Oil_Rigs_Turned_Into_Wind_Farms


Russian Kills MMORPG Rival In Central Moscow Cafe

Or, Why Not To Meet Your Online Enemies IRL! Is Game Rage a hate crime…?

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Russian_Kills_MMORPG_Rival_In_Central_Moscow_Cafe



Rogue U.S. Troops Knowingly Bombed British In Iraq

Rogue U.S. Troops Knowingly Bombed British In Iraq British soldiers desperately released friendly fire smoke canisters, before A10 bombers swooped in for a

URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1277





eBay: la vente d’objets virtuels interdite

 Le site de vente aux enchères eBay a décidé de bannir de son site les ventes de personnages virtuels et autres accessoires des jeux en réseaux, sauf ceux du monde virtuel Second Life, a indiqué un porte-parole mardi.

Le groupe a décidé d’interdire ces échanges d’armures, d’or virtuel ou autres objets gagnés dans des jeux comme World of Warcraft — en fait des lignes de codes informatiques — en raison de la «complexité juridique» de leur propriété.

«Nous avons décidé qu’il serait mieux tout simplement de ne pas autoriser leurs ventes», a expliqué la porte-parole Hani Durzy, ajoutant .

En revanche, eBay continuera à autoriser les ventes aux enchères des produits virtuels de Second Life, un monde virtuel ou les participants créent un personnage, un avatar, qui peut sur le site acheter des maisons virtuelles, des vêtements virtuels ou autres. Ils sont achetés avec un argent virtuel, mais que les internautes doivent d’abord alimenter avec des cartes bancaires réelles.

«Actuellement Second Life n’est pas considéré comme un jeu, donc nous n’y appliquons pas ces restrictions», a-t-elle expliqué.

Dans les jeux en réseaux sur Internet, les joueurs peuvent faire évoluer leur personnages en achetant des armes, de l’«or», des pouvoirs, etc. Les joueurs expérimentés revendent ces personnages très développés à ceux qui veulent avancer plus vite dans le jeu.

Mme Durzy a comparé la décision d’eBay, appliquée depuis quelques semaines, à l’interdiction de la vente de tabac ou d’alcool sur le site, produits légaux mais qui font l’objet de régulations complexes.

Le groupe s’est refusé à donner le montant dépensé pour des biens ou personnages virtuels sur son site.


British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq?

In another example of how the Iraqi quagmire is deliberately designed to degenerate into a chaotic abyss, British SAS were caught attempting to stage a terror attack and the media have dutifully shut up about the real questions surrounding the incident. What is admitted is that two British soldiers in Arab garb and head dress drove a car towards a group of Iraq police and began firing.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Police jail rape victim for two days

First, police say, a 21-year-old woman was raped at Gasparilla. Then, she was handcuffed and jailed – for two nights and two days. A jail worker with religious objections blocked her from ingesting a morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Cheney’s Handwritten Notes Implicate Bush in Plame Affair

Copies of handwritten notes by Vice President Dick Cheney, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for former White House staffer I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, would appear to implicate George W. Bush in the Plame CIA Leak case.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Aqua Teen Hunger Force viral ads cause Boston bomb scare

Filed under: Misc. Gadgets , Transportation


Oh, you viral marketers and tricksy Adult Swim promo squads, what’ve you done now? No longer content with offending parents and making the male aged 18-30 demo chortle with glee at their New Jersey debauchery, it would appear Aqua Teen crossed over into real life to wreak havoc promoting the upcoming ATHF movie. Geeky Lite-Brite-like visages of the Mooninites caused shut downs in several transit arteries in Boston, including Interstate 93, the Longfellow Bridge, and Storrow Drive, leaving thousands asking WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR FRICKIN’ CAR?! Strangely, Turner stated that these viral ads have been in place in 10 major cities for between two and three weeks, which leaves one to wonder why no one noticed the strange, pixelated cartoon characters flipping the bird until just this afternoon, and just in Boston.

[Thanks, Dan ( http://www.danstapleton.net/ )]


URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/84658387/



Les évaluatrices de la SAAQ sur la banquette arrière

Les juifs hassidiques bénéficient d’un accommodement à la Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec. À la demande des membres de cette communauté, les évaluatrices de la société d’État cèdent leur place à des collègues masculins pour faire passer les examens de conduite.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070131/CPACTUALITES/70131270/1019/CPACTUALITES&cp_adsublabel=rss



Sony sauce spices up your Real PS3 Grill BBQ

Filed under: Gaming

Although we’re a tad doubtful the vast majority of you PS3 owners set out to convert your gaming console into a grill, apparently more than a few have done so in Japan, or else they just get a kick out of dousing their banbanji in Sony sauce. Although the translation here is loose, it looks like a gimmicky t-shirt manufacturer in Japan felt like mocking the so-called Sony Emmy by actually naming a condiment after it, which if not a joke, would actually be fairly flattering. Anywho, the sauce sports a cl


URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/84792857/


Les conducteurs frileux passent à la caisse

Les conducteurs frileux qui laissent tourner leur moteur au ralenti pour conserver un peu de chaleur vont payer la note.
Les policiers et les agents de stationnement de Montréal ont commencé à coller des contraventions dans 13 arrondissements où le règlement a été modifié.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070201/CPACTUALITES/702010700/1019/CPACTUALITES&cp_adsublabel=rss



Nouveau calendrier interculturel dans les écoles

Pour savoir si les demandes de congé pour fêtes religieuses de leurs employés sont justifiées, les écoles peuvent consulter le nouveau calendrier interculturel du ministère de l’Éducation. On y dresse une liste de fêtes hindoues, sikhes, musulmanes, juives, berbères, laotiennes, orthodoxes, etc. Les prochaines? Le Nouvel An chinois et la fête du Têt vietnamien, qui auront lieu le 18 février.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070201/CPACTUALITES/702010710/1019/CPACTUALITES&cp_adsublabel=rss


Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs

The spiritual leader of Israel’s ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs. “It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable,” he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Dion dépose une motion pour le respect de Kyoto

Le chef de l’opposition officielle, Stéphane Dion, a déposé aux Communes une motion qui lierait, si elle est adoptée, le gouvernement de Stephen Harper au respect intégral des principes et des objectifs de Kyoto.
M. Dion a profité de la journée d’opposition accordée aux libéraux ce jeudi pour tenter ainsi de coincer le gouvernement conservateur sur la question des changements climatiques.

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070201/CPACTUALITES/70201082/1019/CPACTUALITES&cp_adsublabel=rss



Lotus and Zap! Team Up to Create Super Electric Car

Electric car dealer/maker Zap! has partnered with Lotus Engineering to create a fast-charging and long range EV based on Lotus’ APX concept design. With four in-hub electric motors, Zap claims this car will get a top speed of 155 mph, have a 355 mile range, and a 10 minute charge time!

URL: http://digg.com/gadgets/Lotus_and_Zap_Team_Up_to_Create_Super_Electric_Car


Courtney Love does the math, or Why you needn’t shed any tears for the RIAA

Per Courtney “I want to start with a story about rock bands and record companies, and do some recording-contract math…”

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Courtney_Love_does_the_math_or_Why_you_needn_t_shed_any_tears_for_the_RIAA


Courtney Love does the math

The controversial singer takes on record label profits, Napster and “sucka VCs.”

– – – – – – – – – – – –
By Courtney Love

June 14, 2000 | Today I want to talk about piracy

Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #8 – Burning Bridges

BotCast #8 – Burning Bridges

BotCast #8, 14 janvier 2007. TestDummy est mon co-animateur avec plus de détails derrière les MMO support tickets, en stéréo super débile full cool 3D. Merci Ummite, c’est ta dernière toune qu’on passe, on en a pas d’autres parce que t’as pas fait de backups! On va s’ennuyer de ta class….. unique. On a des gangs de rue, des fusils dans les avions, des enfants dans les laveuses et les peanuts sont la nouvelle menace terroriste.

BotCast-0008.mp3 BotCast-0008.pls SHOW NOTES
Break: Ummite, Visibility on the haway
OutTro: Astradyne, Burning Bridges
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et TAMMI (Tapettes à Mouche Montreal Inc)



-Show number           8  
-Date     14 janvier 2007




Le BotCast with cheese   –


Site Web:        www.ChickenorFish.com/botcast

Email:              botcast@cof

Mailing list:      http://groups.google.com/group/botcast    NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast

Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori





-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de  Ummite, Visibility on the haway 1m12
–Game Tech Support requests:  

Site Web:        www.ChickenorFish.com/botcast

Email:               botcast@cof

Mailing list:      http://groups.google.com/group/botcast    NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast

Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori


Tune:             Burning Bridges
Artist:              Astradyne (Tobias Wilton)
Group:              NOISE   
Year:             1997
From demo:    
Duration:         6:22
Type:             IT
Channels:         25
Samples:         22
Size:                2002k
Patterns:  67 , 45  different

Details:                                  B U R N I N G   B R I D G E S


                                     B Y


                              A S T R A D Y N E


                                     O F




                              A N E M N E S I S
                             “Counting the ways
                           To fall without landing
                            Stumbling into flight
                              Descent and slide”


                             “Compressing sound
                             From coal to diamond
                            Words are knotted tight
                             To chords that bind”


All samples by me except 03 and 22. Rip them if you like, but please give
due credit.
Greets: StOte, Jimmy, Harry, ShawnM, DX, Komah, Chilm, Akabu, the rest of
the NOISE ppl, the mysterious Von Svampen…
Also a very warm welcome to our new member StereoMan!
…turn up the bass and look out for the forthcoming cd “Gonzales”. A
co-op cd by me and StOte coming up this year…


…also look out for the upcoming drum&bass disk by me and Komah from
Explizit (late spring)…


Comments: [email protected]




(C) Tobias Wilton 1997




Dentist Whistleblower Who Met 9/11 Hijackers Poisoned To Death

KTBS | September 22 2006

Comment: This guy obviously paid the price for his efforts to warn the U.S. government that their agents were about to act as the fall guys for a terror attack. This kind of witness elimination mirrors what happened after the JFK assassination.

Alternate Windows Media link if You Tube remove the above video is http://clipeditor.shadowtv.com/videos/clipeditor/client14744

The Google Video Link is http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=8357150577175856460&hl=en-GB


He claimed he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport a year before the attacks. Now, that man, Shreveport dentist Dr. David Graham, is dead.

His family says he was poisoned more than two years ago. At the time, Graham was trying to publish a manuscript about meeting three middle easterners in Shreveport, men he feared were plotting to bomb Barksdale Air Force Base. Graham wrote that he warned the FBI. Then after Sept. 11, he saw their pictures among the hijackers.

Before Graham was poisoned, he was supposed to testify at a deportation hearing against a Pakistani man, Jamal Khan, who hosted the men Graham believed to be the hijackers. Graham’s brother, Edwin Jones, told us Wednesday night the family believes someone slipped poison into his drink, plunging him into a deadly illness.

Iranian Jew ‘admits spying’

One of the main defendants in the espionage trial of 13 Iranian Jews has confessed to spying for Israel.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Illegal to use online “nickname” in South Korea

The internet real-name system, designed to prevent cyber crimes such as libel and privacy infringement, will be applied to Web portals and websites of public organizations with over 100,000 visitors per day. The system will require Web users to identify themselves with their real names when posting entries and commenting on others’ articles.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Illegal_to_use_online_nickname_in_South_Korea

Avant-hier y’avais un speech de Bush a la télé.

Check it out the program lineup that follows the president’s speech, how appropriate is that.


Pentagon abandons active-duty time limit

The Pentagon has abandoned its limit on the time a citizen-soldier can be required to serve on active duty, officials said Thursday, a major change that reflects an Army stretched thin by longer-than-expected combat in Iraq.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



Mischievous duo plead not guilty to LA traffic hacking scandal

Posted Jan 11th 2007 12:01PM by Darren Murph
Filed under: Transportation ( http://transportation.engadget.com/ )

We’ve seen our fair share of scheming and conniving, but a duo of engineers that were previously employed by LA’s Automated Traffic Surveillance Center allegedly pulled off one of the most impactful jobs we’ve ever heard of. Both men have just pled not guilty to charges of “manipulating traffic signals ( https://www.engadget.com/2006/04/18/opticon-toting-driver-gets-50-fine-for-changing-traffic-light/ ) to disrupt transportation across the city in the run-up to a union protest last August,” a case which pins them with deeds such as identity theft and illegally using those 1337 skills to wreck havoc. In a situation eerily similar to that seen in The Italian Job, the pair overrode intentional barriers to access the traffic light system in LA, and proceeded to not only force lights to stay red for extended periods of time in some of the city’s most critical and congested intersections, but locked out city officials from entering back in and reversing the changes as well. Ranking right up there beside the numerous ATM ( http://homeentertainment.engadget.com/2006/09/13/atm-reprogrammed-to-disperse-extra-cash/ ) hacks we’ve seen, this job led to massive amount of chaos in the following days, creating gridlocks in some areas that reportedly took “four days” to totally clear out. If convicted, the two could face several years in prison, but if not, we’re sure risk-loving tech executives everywhere are drooling to pick these two up and put ’em to (honest, law-abiding) work.




VOUS SOUHAITEZ découvrir une authentique société initiatique? Un Ordre de la Franc-Maçonnerie tiendra une soirée d’information ouverte à tous, mardi le 30 janvier à 20h au 3722 Notre-Dame Ouest à Mtl. Pour info: 514-933-0919


The Real Agenda Of The Global Elite In Somalia

The Real Agenda Of The Global Elite In Somalia Neocons are backing the same warlords that slaughtered US troops in 1993 Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday,

URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1245







Notices farfelues aux É-U: «Ne lavez personne dans cette machine à laver»



«Ne lavez personne dans cette machine à laver», «N’allumez pas d’allumette pour vérifier le niveau d’essence»: telles sont quelques-uns des lauréats cette année d’un concours américain de notices farfelues.

Ce concours est organisé depuis dix ans par la Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch, une association qui lutte contre la prolifération de procès abusifs contre les fabricants.

Même si les notices d’avertissement enfoncent parfois des portes ouvertes et paraissent loufoques, elles sauvent des vies, affirme pour sa part un groupe de défense des consommateurs, le Centre pour la Justice et la démocratie.



«Certaines industries détestent ces avertissements. Souvent, c’est seulement à travers les procès intentés par des consommateurs blessés que les fabricants ont été forcés de placer des étiquettes sur des produits dangereux, sauvant ainsi des milliers de vies et empêchant de nombreux accidents», affirme le Centre pour la Justice et la démocratie.

D’autres étiquettes d’avertissements farfelus ont été primés cette année comme cette étiquette sur un four à micro-ondes: «Ne pas tenter de sécher votre téléphone portable avec des micro-ondes» ou encore, cet avis estampillé sur un billet de loto: «Ne pas repasser».

Un des plus célèbres avertissements loufoques qui avait gagné le concours dans le passé était cette étiquette placée sur une poussette pliante: «Enlevez l’enfant avant de replier».




Uranium ‘killing Italian troops’

The US says it fired around 40,000 depleted uranium rounds during the Bosnian and Kosovo conflicts. A pressure group says 50 veterans have died and another 200 are seriously ill.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Troops at Girit outpost: We were ordered to shoot to kill

Soldiers and officers at the Girit outpost in the Gaza Strip claim to have received orders that at night, they were always to shoot to kill.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/.


Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists

The menace of global terrorism has been labeled the greatest threat to western civilization since communism and yet swimming pools, peanuts and lost deer kill more Americans every single year. Why are our governments facilitating the terrorist’s agenda by hyping a peril that simply doesn’t exist?

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Harper critiquait vertement Kingsley

Le premier ministre Stephen Harper critiquait vertement depuis plusieurs années le directeur général démissionnaire d’Elections Canada, Jean-Pierre Kingsley.
Le premier ministre a déjà déclaré que M. Kingsley était «dangereux» et «très sévère», en plus d’avoir estimé qu’Election Canada était un groupe d’«imbéciles déchaînés».

URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20061229/CPACTUALITES/61229122/1019/CPACTUALITES&cp_adsublabel=rss


Perfect Electric Car Arriving: Charges in 10 MINUTES, 250-Mile Range!

The 100% electric Phoenix sport-utility truck holds five passengers, has plenty of cargo space, does 95mph, 0-60 in under 10 seconds, and charges to 95% full in under 10 minutes. And it’s not even ugly.

URL: http://digg.com/gadgets/Perfect_Electric_Car_Arriving_Charges_in_10_MINUTES_250_Mile_Range


Anthrax Attacks on U.S. Congress Were Inside Job

The perpetrator of the 2001 anthrax attack on Congress likely was a government scientist employed at the Army’s Ft. Detrick, Md., bioterrorism lab having access to a “moonsuit” that made it possible to safely process and manufacture super-weapons-grade anthrax, a bioterrorism authority says.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Time Warner Gives Bush-Bashing Comic the Hook

Is Time Warner getting into the censorship business? A host of Showtime at the Apollo claims he got the hook for angering top brass at the media megaconglomerate with jokes about President George W. Bush.Comic Paul Mooney (most recently of Chappelle’s Show) was midway through a taping of the famed Harlem theater’s weekly variety show when the plug was abruptly pulled.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Lightning Destroys Evidence In Swedish File Sharing Case, Charges Dropped

Swedish authorities have dropped the charges they brought against the Karlskrona (Sweden) municipality head of culture, who last year openly admitted to file sharing and encouraged others to follow.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Lightning_Destroys_Evidence_In_Swedish_File_Sharing_Case_Charges_Dropped


lawmaker ‘forgets’ to disclose free trip to Israel

How do you ‘forget’ a seven-day, $4000, paid trip to Israel?

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


U.S. is recruiting misfits for army

“We’re looking for high school graduates with no more than one felony on their record,” one recruiter said.With a growing majority of Americans opposed to the war in Iraq and even ardent hawks refusing to enlist in droves, new policies creating a lower-quality officer corps and the Pentagon pulling out ever more stops and sinking to new lows to recruit and train troops, a new all-volunteer generation of UUUU’s may emerge — the underachieving, unable, unexceptional, unintelligent, unsound, unhinged, unacceptable, unhealthy, undesirable, unloved and uncivil — all led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Republicans knew about pedophile congressman

Now Foley faces prosecution under the laws he helped write. But there’s more to the story. The top Republicans in the House – Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader John Boehner – knew about Foley’s activities for months. In 2005, a page told them that Foley’s messages “freaked (him) out” and called Foley “sick sick sick sick sick.” Pretty unambiguous. But did the Republican leadership reprimand Foley? No. Instead, they left him in charge of the House’s Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus. Michael Jackson must have been busy that day.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


The first energy-autonomous vehicle

October 1, 2006 There is no doubt that if you rated all the automotive companies in the world on their forward thinking and commitment to commercialising new concepts in sustainable mobility, Monaco-based Venturi would win by a country mile. The company which produced the world’s first available electric sportscar (see articles here here and here), recently announced it would partner with Intel to make energy sharing possible via the Venturi Fetish platform and now it has debuted the first energy-autonomous vehicle and despite its non-traditional appearance, production has already begun. The urban 3-seater electro-solar vehicle named the Eclectic goes well beyond anything previously offered by car manufacturers, being the first vehicle powered entirely by renewable energies, the first solar production vehicle and the first car that can be directly recharged with a personal wind turbine. A limited run of 200 vehicles will be available in June 2007 at a price of EUR24,000. The company is shooting for an even higher level of production from 2009 at an estimated base price of EUR15,000. Innovative and astonishing, Eclectic is much more than a simple vehicle ; it is a production and storage plant for renewable energies, either solar or wind based. Charging of these energies, which is intermittent in certain regions, can also be complemented by electrical recharging…

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/GizmagEmergingTechnologyMagazine/~3/30654909/


Investigation costs $6,000 in lap dances, drinks, tips

County records show Hillsborough County officers spent more than $6,000 for 92 lap dances, drinks and tips in an investigation into nudity and liquor law violations at an adult bikini bar. The investigation spanned more than two years.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Don’t Click It. Really. Don’t.

Can you resist? www.dontclick.it is a site dedicated to one purpose: can we, as searchers/users/audience members refrain from clicking madly on a web page? My question was, well, why should I? Is this one of those weird granola crunchy activist..Read the rest at http://r9studio.com/blog/?p=96

URL: http://digg.com/design/Don_t_Click_It_Really_Don_t


Chimfex Fire Suppressor – SOLD OUT

Due to a fire at the Factory the Chimfex product is no longer available.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/



It’s a very simple rule. If you are a Democrat not named Joe Lieberman, ESPN will play a tape of boos previously recorded and insert them into the audio after the Democrat is announced. If you are a Republican and ESPN is expecting boos, ESPN will play a pre-recorded tape of cheers unrelated to the Republican.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


La Chine ont mis sur pied une van pour faciliter les exécutions. Ca coute moins cher que la chaise électrique a long terme:

Si ont en croit les juifs, les Nazis faisait la même chose pendant la 2eme guerre mondiale:


Publishers around the world are collectively putting their foot down against search engines in a new global initiative to regain control of their content.



Worried about the airline losing your luggage? No problem. Just pack a gun.

The airline wouldn’t want to be responsible for losing a gun, right? That’s one photographer’s solution to making sure his expensive camera equipment is watched carefully by the airline when he has to check it as luggage. He packs a starter pistol in his camera bag and declares it as a firearm.

URL: http://digg.com/security/Worried_about_the_airline_losing_your_luggage_No_problem_Just_pack_a_gun


Six millions pour combattre les gangs de rue

Québec a consenti hier six millions de dollars à la police de Montréal pour lutter contre les gangs de rue. Trop peu, déplore la Fraternité des policiers. Les gangs ont dépassé le stade de l’intimidation et du taxage et ressemblent de plus en plus aux familles traditionnelles du crime organisé. À quand une escouade régionale mixte pour stopper leur progression? Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118909.html


Des tests ADN?

Salzbourg — Confrontée à des affaires de dopage à répétition, l’Union cycliste internationale (UCI) a annoncé qu’elle étudiait la possibilité d’imposer des tests ADN obligatoires aux coureurs des épreuves du ProTour. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118892.html


Les maisons d’édition frappées de plein fouet

La réforme du milieu scolaire a causé un véritable électrochoc dans le monde de l’édition de manuels scolaires. Alors qu’on modifiait auparavant un programme à la fois, c’est maintenant tous les manuels d’une même année scolaire que l’on doit remplacer pour respecter les échéanciers de cette restructuration. Une tâche énorme qui a modifié le milieu de l’édition scolaire québécois.





Want to “Maximize” on a Mac? Check out Stoplight.

Earlier today on Digg was a post about the “Maximize” button in Windows and OS X. For OS X users who want to maximize, check out the open source app called “Stoplight,” which allows Mac users to customize window behavior. It’s new and free from InsanelyMac.

URL: http://digg.com/apple/Want_to_Maximize_on_a_Mac_Check_out_Stoplight


PS3: Gran Turismo to be Pay-as-you-go

The latest installment in the Gran Turismo series will be called Gran Turismo: HD. Sony is really pushing the high resolution aspect of the PS3, so look for more titles to use the “HD” moniker. GT:HD will be released in two installments: the first will be “Classic” and will hit shelves in time for the PS3 launch.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/PS3_Gran_Turismo_to_be_Pay_as_you_go


DATA= Can you please teleport me to a Huntsman trainer, or bind me to a

city close. i cannot get to

DATA= one, and have tried for weeks. Other games (uo) don’t require all

this running. but the only

DATA= trainer i can find is on ice island, and obviously cant run there.

Please Please help me. just a

DATA= quick teleport or bind to a close city. Thanks from a paying


Yes, please transfer 25’000$ in my PayPal account, which will prove that

you are a paying costumer. (Fucking Dipshit)



Manuels scolaires – Les maisons d’édition frappées de plein fouet

Toutes les matières ont fait les frais de la révision des programmes

23 septembre 2006 |Christian Lévesque | Éducation
Le gouvernement a prévu 169 millions sur quatre années pour l’achat de nouveaux manuels scolaires adaptés à la refonte du niveau secondaire.
Photo: Jacques Nadeau Le gouvernement a prévu 169 millions sur quatre années pour l’achat de nouveaux manuels scolaires adaptés à la refonte du niveau secondaire.

La réforme du milieu scolaire a causé un véritable électrochoc dans le monde de l’édition de manuels scolaires. Alors qu’on modifiait auparavant un programme à la fois, c’est maintenant tous les manuels d’une même année scolaire que l’on doit remplacer pour respecter les échéanciers de cette restructuration. Une tâche énorme qui a modifié le milieu de l’édition scolaire québécois.

Au Québec, le premier livre imprimé fut un manuel scolaire: le Cathéchisme du diocèse de Sens, publié en 1765. D’ailleurs, avant 1964, c’était toujours les communautés religieuses qui publiaient ce type de manuels ici. Depuis lors, l’entreprise privée a pris le relais et a rentabilisé le processus. Ce secteur générait des ventes de 80 millions de dollars en 2005. Mais avant d’atteindre les écoles, tout manuel scolaire québécois doit obtenir l’approbation du gouvernement.

En chantier depuis 1996

Les récents changements dans le réseau scolaire québécois ont affecté le milieu de l’édition, car la refonte des programmes des écoles primaires et secondaires constituait l’un des 10 chantiers prioritaires du rapport des états généraux sur l’éducation de 1996. Alors que cette réforme est en marche et qu’elle atteint maintenant la 2e année du secondaire, les éditeurs de manuels scolaires planchent sans relâche pour proposer des produits qui correspondent aux nouveaux critères du ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS).

Et le projet est énorme: toutes les matières ont fait les frais de la révision des programmes. Il faut donc de nouveaux livres pour tout. Le MELS a annoncé en 2002 avoir signé une «déclaration d’engagement pour la production, l’approbation et le financement des manuels scolaires» avec l’objectif de rendre plus simple et plus rapide la venue dans les classes de ces nouveaux recueils.

«Finalement, cela n’est pas plus simple, rectifie le président et chef de la direction des Éditions Chenelière Éducation, Jacques Rochefort. Sur le fond, ce sont les mêmes exigences et les mêmes normes de qualité qui sont demandées.» Il dit cependant qu’après quelques années de rodage, les habitudes de travail se sont installées et le travail de qualité est plus facilement atteint: «Plus on en fait, plus on devient bon, mais le ministère est toujours aussi sévère qu’avant», précise-t-il.

Un risque qui peut se chiffrer à 1,5 M$

Le risque demeure cependant important pour les maisons d’édition, car présenter un projet de manuel n’est pas suffisant: il faut en produire un exemplaire complet (imprimé et relié) avant que le MELS ne l’approuve. Un investissement qui peut se chiffrer à près de 1,5 million de dollars, affirme Jacques Rochefort, qui est également le vice-président de l’Association nationale des éditeurs de livres: «Ce sont des risques financiers très importants et les éditeurs les assument à 100 %!»

Il ajoute que, si le gouvernement a prévu 169 millions sur quatre années pour l’achat de nouveaux manuels scolaires adaptés à la refonte du niveau secondaire (352 millions au total en incluant le niveau primaire), la réforme a commencé à être appliquée sans que les sommes promises ne soient allouées.

Les manuels scolaires sont donc souvent prêtés aux écoles durant une année complète avant que l’éditeur ne soit payé. Une situation qui impose encore plus de pression: «Beaucoup d’éditeurs ont vécu des moments difficiles depuis la mise en place de la réforme et nous avons assisté à une restructuration de notre milieu», explique Jacques Rochefort.

Des manuels par milliers

Le marché québécois est maintenant dominé par des regroupements. Depuis 2003, Quebecor Média est devenu l’unique actionnaire des Éditions CEC, qui publient, diffusent et distribuent des ouvrages dans toutes les disciplines scolaires, de la maternelle à l’université. Cette maison d’édition possède un catalogue de 1400 titres et distribue plus de 4000 ouvrages différents.

Pour sa part, les Éditions de la Chenelière s’associent en 2002 à Borealis Capital pour ensuite acquérir Gaëtan Morin éditeur et les Publications Graficor, ce qui donnera naissance à Chenelière Éducation. Cette dernière ajoutera le Groupe Beauchemin à sa liste d’acquisitions en 2005. Puis, le 31 août dernier, c’est Transcontinental qui mettait la main sur Chenelière Éducation. Avec plus de 2600 auteurs et 4200 titres, cette maison d’édition publie du matériel scolaire du préscolaire à l’université. Bien qu’il existe encore des maisons d’édition québécoises indépendantes, cette concentration des maisons d’édition scolaire est un phénomène relativement nouveau dans la province.

Vitesse de croisière atteinte

Malgré tout, la réforme a dynamisé le monde de l’édition de manuels scolaires et le volume de travail est devenu imposant pour les éditeurs. Les maisons d’édition ont donc embauché du personnel pour répondre à la demande. Dans tous les domaines, les auteurs, les consultants scientifiques et pédagogiques se sont mis à l’oeuvre pour répondre aux nouvelles demandes du ministère. Les équipes de travail sont plus grandes, mais la pression est néanmoins terrible sur les éditeurs pour proposer des manuels conformes à temps pour la rentrée scolaire.

«Pour nous, l’investissement est important en temps et en argent. Et nous avons revu notre manière de travailler», relate Jacques Rochefort. Puisqu’il faut ajuster les manuels, c’est aussi toute la méthode de création qui doit être mise à jour. Les adaptations et les transformations d’ouvrages déjà existants (en plus de la création de nouveaux outils de travail tant pour les étudiants que pour les professeurs) demandent une implication importante, car l’organisation et la structure de la pédagogie sont dorénavant différentes. Mais après quelques années de rodage, les éditeurs sont maintenant au fait des impératifs de la réforme et rares sont les manuels qui sont refusés.

«Au début, c’était plus long de produire les manuels et de les faire approuver, mais on a maintenant atteint un rythme de croisière confortable», conclut Jacques Rochefort.

Collaborateur du Devoir



Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #7 – The Unreal Thing

BotCast #7 – The Unreal Thing

BotCast #7, 4 janvier 2007. Je parle de mon expérience avec mon nouveau iPod, et de la parade du Père Noël en novembre. Benoit Campeau revient avec une autre de ses belles compositions, ainsi qu’une requête d’un épais pour du tech support de MMO.

BotCast-0007.mp3 BotCast-0007.pls SHOW NOTES
Break: Benoit Campeau, Everything that goes up
OutTro: Breeze, The Unreal Thing

Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et les Ameublements Borg




-Show number           7
-Date     Jeudi 4 janvier 2007

 – Ameublements borgs: belles chaises en cube, belles tables en cubes, un
sofa en cube allongé, et pour la chambre, un beau set de lit en Borg Sphere.


Le BotCast with cheese   – Rosa Parks elle attendait après le nouveau
Silverado 2007, parce qu’il y a seulement des bancs avants, pas de bancs

  Site Web:
Email:               botcast@cof
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 NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau
Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori

-#quebec-sans-dictature  sur undernet gang de paranos geles…. avaient peur
que mon link était un virus… .ayoye.    Je m’attendais à un groupe
activiste, mais on dirait un groupe qui veut juste se droguer.

-demarreur a distance 2 pieds a cote du char


-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de  Benoit Campeau, Everything that goes up, 5m05
*–Game Tech Support requests:
-parade noel en novembre…. En novembre sti
-sondage pour appreciation de la parade…. Vient darriver. C’est pas pour
etre antisocial. Tu me sors de la parade pour me demander pour mon
appreciation. Je peux la regarder la parade?
-aime ca regarder les femmes cadet de police…oh yeah
-pu grand monde font leur propre musique dans la parade, c’est juste du
-white guys doing chinese druming. C’est correct, mais bizarre
-cpe immaculee conception. Est bonne
Site Web:
 Email:               botcast@cof
Mailing list:
 NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau
Abonne-toi au RSS à travers iTunes ou ton RSS reader favori

Tune:             The Unreal Thing
Artist:              Breeze
Group:      Capacala
Year:             Mars 1995
From demo:     The Unreal Thing
Duration:         4:37
Type:             S3m
Channels:         16
Samples:         39
Size:                1164K
Patterns:  31, 31 different, 11 unused




 Send An Email To Yourself in 2036! (Send it now, recieve
http://futureme.org/ automatically sends you an email of what you said on
whatever date you specify. For examply i could send my self an email
reminding me to get married in 2036!


 Wal-Mart se voit comme un agent de développement économique
son arrivée chez Wal-Mart, il y a 18 mois, Sylvain Prud’homme, devenu depuis
vice-président aux opérations de Wal-Mart Canada, considérait que cette
multinationale bouleversait le commerce local et menait la vie dure à ses
fournisseurs. Il se dit maintenant convaincu du contraire.

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/21/118655.html

 Ne parlez pas sans elle!
— On savait que les troupes conservatrices de Stephen Harper étaient
allergiques aux médias, mais pas au point de porter sur elles une carte
«Média Alerte»! Suite du texte réservée aux

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/21/118674.html

 Online guitar archive shut down. Freedom of speech? What’s
guitarist who has ever used the internet knows Olga.net
<http://olga.net/>was an amazing resource for budding musicians. It
has been shut down. Why?
“Copyright Infringement” Why else?


 U.S. Will Hunt Bin Laden in Pakistan If Necessary, Bush
who has faced opposition from Islamist groups for supporting the
U.S.-ledwar on terrorism, said his government would oppose any
U.S. action in Pakistan.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


 Jewish rabbi calls for extermination of all Palestinian
rabbi Yousef Falay, who dwells at the Yitzhar settlement on illegally seized
Palestinian land in the northern part of the West Bank, wrote an article in
a Zionist magazine under the title “Ways of War”, in which he called for the
killing of all Palestinian males refusing to flee their country, describing
his idea as the practical way to ensure the non-existence of the Palestinian

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

 MPAA Hires Dogs To Sniff Out Illegal
time, Hollywood really has gone to the dogs.

The job for Lucky and Flo will be to sniff out optical discs in luggage or
other containers, and stop the discs from getting to manufacturing plants
where they can be reproduced.


 Panne d’inspiration <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118697.html>Hollywood
est en panne d’inspiration, ce n’est plus un secret pour personne. En
témoigne depuis quelques années la panoplie de remakes inutiles (Poseidon,
The Omen, Wicker Man) et de vaines adaptations de séries télévisées
(Charlie’s Angels, S.W.A.T., Mission: Impossible), toutes destinées à
produire des sequels et des produits dérivés, toutes destinées à enrichir
les actionnaires des conglomérats auxquels les studios appartiennent.
Jusqu’ici, rien de nouveau. Suite du texte réservée aux

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118697.html

 Un dessin animé humoristique sur Hitler crée la
nouveau dessin animé montrant une caricature d’Adolf Hitler, circulant sur
les téléphones portables et sur Internet, suscite en Allemagne une
controverse autour de la représentation humoristique de l’ancien dictateur
nazi. Suite <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118712.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118712.html

 Iran’s KOLCHUGA antenna device passively detects stealth planes 800
Km away<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>Iran’s
KOCHULGA antenna device passively detects stealth planes 800 Km away, making
the billions of Dollars spent on stealth technology and the AWACS planes
(600km detection range) utterly useless. In addition, being passive, it
cannot be detected, so the targeted plane(s) are unaware of detection and
have nothing to home in to destroy the equipment made by Ukraine….

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*AT&T lets you spy on your own home,

Filed under: Cellphones <http://www.engadget.com/category/cellphones/>,
Household <http://www.engadget.com/category/household/>,
has just announced a home monitoring
that you can spy on your kids / housemates / spouse / pets while
out and about in the wider world. For a one-time fee of $200, AT&T will sell
you an “equipment package” that contains a tilt-and-pan video camera, a
motion sensor for a door / window, a “central router” to connect those
devices to the interweb, and “two power modules that enable device
connectivity via home power outlets.” (And shipping you all that to your
door will cost you another Hamilton, don’t forget.) Further, as you might
expect, you can program various alerts or triggers (like turning on a light)
if motion is detected. So for all of that (which will still cost you $10 per
month to operate), how do you view pictures of people trying to do damage to
your domicile? Well, the system transmits over the internet at 3-7fps or if
you’re viewing it on your Cingular handset, between a paltry 1fps or up to a
smokin’ 3fps (if you have HSDPA). However, *The Associated Press* provides
one last caveat, though: “The system won’t work if the power fails.” Thanks,

[Via The Associated

this <http://www.engadget.com/forward/691454/> | Linking

BOLD MOVES: THE FUTURE OF FORD A new documentary series. Be part of the
transformation as it happens in real-time

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/42247759/

*Court Ruling: RIAA CAN’T Examine People’s Hard
* Schell ruled that the defendant’s hard drive can only be examined by a
neutral forensics expert, not the RIAA’s own “experts”.


*Katherine Harris – “We’re all . . . Jewish
* This article ought to convince the most die-hard liberal supporters of
“israel’s right to exist” that israel doesn’t just want to ‘exist’ – it
wants to supercede OUR own right to exist in our own f*cking country. This
is by far, the most shameless and bloviating israeli *ss-kissing I have ever
seen by a member of this nation’s congress. THIS WOMAN OUGHT TO BE

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Steve Wozniak: Why I Carry $20,000 With Me At All
* “I’ve got about $20,000 on me at the moment, which is about the usual.
Cash has always appealed to me more as a means of payment than card”. Great
interview with Woz discussing his feelings towards finances.


*Blair issues terror plot warning
<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>*Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Sir Ian Blair claims the UK is facing an
unparalleled and growing threat of a terrorist attack.However, he said there
was “no specific intelligence” about an imminent attack but the threat was
“ever present”.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*’Corrie’ canceled in Canada <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>* When
James Nicola programmed it this year for the N.Y. Theatre Workshop, pressure
from Jewish board members caused him to cancel the show. It was eventually
produced Off-Broadway, where it ran from Oct. 15 to Dec. 17.But in a
situation eerily similar to the one that faced Nicola, it appears that
pressure has been brought upon Bragg from some of his board members not to
alienate the Toronto Jewish community.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Un bambin de deux ans attaqué par deux
* Un bambin se trouvait dans une condition stable dans un hôpital de
Hamilton, mardi, après avoir été sauvagement attaqué par deux Rottweilers,
le jour de Noël.
Les deux chiens ont attaqué le bambin sur un terrain de jeux — et l’un des
témoins de la scène a raconté que l’enfant avait eu une oreille arrachée et
subi de profondes lacérations au visage.
On ignore si le bambin était seul et pourquoi les chiens l’ont attaqué.


*Le PC a reçu des dons non
* Ottawa — Après des mois de dénégations véhémentes, le Parti conservateur
fédéral vient d’admettre, discrètement, qu’il a omis de divulguer la
réception de dons totalisant des centaines de milliers de dollars.

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/27/125871.html

*Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report
* Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed – ever
so slightly – the Warren Commission’s key sentence on the place where a
bullet entered John F. Kennedy’s body when he was killed in Dallas. The
effect of Ford’s change was to strengthen the commission’s conclusion that a
single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John
Connally – a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the
sole gunman.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Loyers: Logemen’occupe tient aux
* Logemen’occupe dénonce la Corporation des propriétaires immobiliers du
Québec (CORPIQ), qui souhaite empêcher la publication des indices
d’ajustements de loyer.
Chaque année, en janvier, la Régie du logement du Québec rend publics des
indices, en pourcentages, afin d’aider les locataires à déterminer si
l’augmentation de loyer qui leur est proposée est justifiée.


*Dawson a ranimé le débat sur le contrôle des
* La récente fusillade qui a fait un mort et plusieurs blessés au collège
Dawson a ranimé en 2006 le débat sur l’enregistrement des armes à feu au
Les survivants et les parents des victimes ont vite rejoint les rangs des
personnes qui appuient la loi sur le contrôle des armes. Mais ceux qui
s’opposent à la loi ont été aussi rapides à signaler qu’elle n’avait pu
empêcher Kimveer Gill de s’armer et de se lancer à l’assaut du collège.


*Démission du directeur d’Elections
* Jean-Pierre Kingsley, qui s’est pendant des mois retrouvé impliqué dans un
différend avec le Parti conservateur du Canada (PCC), quitte son poste de
directeur général d’Elections Canada.
Les motifs de son départ n’ont pas été rendus publics.
L’annonce selon laquelle M. Kingsley quittera ses fonctions le 17 février,
après avoir occupé ce poste pendant 17 ans, a été faite jeudi par le cabinet
du premier ministre Stephen Harper.


*Lettres: Les biocarburants: de la

Récemment, le premier ministre Stephen Harper a dévoilé un volet de son
«plan vert», assorti de subventions de plusieurs centaines de millions de
dollars et visant à incorporer 10 % d’éthanol à l’essence d’ici 2010.

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/29/126051.html

Si l’utilisation de l’éthanol à des fins bachiques ne saurait être remise en
question, la preuve scientifique de la rentabilité énergétique, économique
et environnementale de l’utilisation de l’éthanol comme carburant est loin
d’être faite. En effet, produire de l’éthanol en quantité industrielle est
un processus complexe, très énergivore, polluant et qui requiert beaucoup de
labeur. Pour commencer, il faut produire, par exemple, du maïs… des
quantités phénoménales de maïs, une plante qui a beaucoup de feuillage et
peu de grains fermentables. Ce genre de culture requiert des surfaces
cultivables étendues, beaucoup d’eau, beaucoup d’engrais chimiques et

de pesticides. Il faut aussi faire fermenter

les grains dans un réacteur et distiller le moût obtenu pour en tirer

DATA= My name on another guy on my account was B*****, and apparently
youdecided to change
DATA= it and not grant my petition of keeping B*****. I will need to re-name
him asap to something
DATA= different, as the name you picked is totally gay

Mr. Hopkins,

Thank you for contacting the  Care team.

Concerning your petition, if your name was changed, it’s because you
purposely chose not to respect the naming policy, so we had to rename it to
something else. And we do not rename characters with gay or otherwise
non-aggreable names. Your definition of “gay” does not apply in this case.
So before we change your name back, read the naming policy and next time you
click “I ACCEPT” and “PLAY”, you will know what you “accepted”. After that,
reply with many alternative names that each respect the naming policy, in
case that the one that you want is taken already. If your choices do not
respect the naming policy, your name will indefinitely be what it is now.

You can find more information about  in our Faqs at Http:// <http://m/>

Please contact us again if you have any other problem.

Care team.

 Le gars, je lui ai répondu une esti de longue réponse… Mais il faut
toujours rester poli et professionnel…

Donc le gars dit ceci:
DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help

Ma réponse suit… elle est longue

  * Subject* SB INGAME Game Stopping Issues   * Discussion Thread* * Response
(* Time Hello again Mr. S,

Concerning your petition, please read — carefully — the following:

Here is your detailed petition history:

DATA= This lag is almost unberable i strike every 45 seconds or so please
reboot your server if its an
DATA= issue or roll back the patch this is crazy
RESPONSE: Closed because we can’t do anything about it.

DATA= My buildings that were Protected by my tree Were Not even fully built
and they are
DATA= Destroyed how is this possible HELLLPP
RESPONSE: Someone destroyed his building while they were in construction.
They can be destroyed before they hit R1

DATA= BUilding Protected by my tree Was Destroyed HELP
RESPONSE: canceled by customer.

DATA= Ya three of my town buildings that were being built and WERE protected
by tol were
DATA= destroyed I was told last night by a ccr that new buildings cannot be
protected while being
DATA= built but everyone in game says they can i NEED a clarification
RESPONSE: Greetings J!
Thank you for contacting the care team.
We apologize for the delay in responding to your petition. To further
clarify, buildings
that are under construction can not be protected by any Tree of Life and can
be destroyed.
We hope this helps you. Thanks for your patience and best of luck!

DATA= Hello i am having issues with my tree of life returning errors.
RESPONSE: canceled by customer.

DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help
RESPONSE: This petition is the current one.

Ok, so after careful review of your petition history, you sent (excluding
this one) 5 petitions, 1 that we closed because server lag is not responded
to, (like mentioned when you send the petition); 2 petitions that two
different CCRs answered, both saying the same thing, and 2 that you yourself
canceled. This petition is a third concerning the same subject which will be
responded for the last time in the same manner that you were responded to

Your buildings that were in construction — are — destroyable, and that’s
what they were: destroyed. No building being constructed and on it’s way to
reach Rank 1 — cannot be protected — and — is destroyable –.

So even though you say that this is your third day trying to get an answer,
I can clearly see that you were given an answer, by two different CCRs
excluding myself, and for the third time saying the same thing.

I hope that I could finally answer your numerous petitions this time.

Thank you.

You can find more information in our Faqs at Http:// <http://m/>
Please contact us again if you have any other problem.

 Care team. * Auto-Response* Standard Time  Greetings!

Thank you for submitting an in-game incident. Please note that your incident
will be held in queue in the order by which it was received.
backlog and will slow down the response to your problem. You may be
contacted by a CCR in-game or via email.

In the mean time, if you find a solution to your problem, please update or
close your incident at http:// <http://p/>.

To learn more about using the Support system, please visit the tutorial:

Thank you,
 CCR Team

*PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to this email.

 * Customer (Joe Spaziano)*
Status OPEN

Category Game Stopping Issues
Sub Category None
Language ENGLISH
Account Name m
Home World Scorn

Character Name Z
Character Zone Shattered Elven City
Character Loc
DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help
   * Question Reference #*      *Date Created: *  *Last Updated: *  *
Status: * New *Operating System: *  *Source: * In-Game

CCR Feols
Game Customer Care Representative

Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #6 – SubEther Communique

BotCast #6 – SubEther Communique

BotCast #6, 13 décembre 2006. Ummite nous reviens pas trop en force, on a un gars qui passe un commentaire sur des contortionistes, les coliss d’annonces épaisses à la télévision, ainsi qu’une requête d’un épais pour du tech support de MMO.

Show Notes
Ummite, Vague Valse
OutTro: Icicle, SubEther Communique

Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et la gomme Crazy Glue

Download: BotCast-0006.mp3 Stream MP3 & ODEO: BotCast-0006.pls


 https://www.botcast.net/botcast-6-subether-communique/ Show Notes  http://groups.google.com/group/botcast

-Date      13 Décembre 2006 -Show number          6

-Simple-net.ca <http://simple-net.ca/>

-Gomme Crazy glue…. osthti!!!!!!

– ——————————————————————————————— *INTRO*

http://groups.google.com/group/botcast<http://groups.google.com/group/botcast>  NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast  COF/botcast botcast@cof

voicemail  and mail is presented on the show, until I get too much

—————————————– ———————————————- *FIRST SEGMENT* -j’ai aidé une femme qui devait nourrir son petit

—————————— ———————————————————- *BREAK*

-Simple-Net promo -Toune de   Ummite: Vague Valse

————————- ————————————————————— *SECOND SEGMENT *–Game Tech Support requests:  -Annonces caves: Le monde qui gueule après leur balayeuse en faisant semblant que c’est une personne qui ne performe pas -Annonce cave: Le monde qui se réveille le matin, tout excité, pour aller pogner le dépliant à leur porte pour un magasin de linge, qui inclut 10$ de rabais -Annonce cave: L’annonce de Nissan où la fille pis le gars amènent un serpent pis un rat dans le char, pour annoncer un coffre qui se divise. Ya des cages. -Les genres de RealTV…. arrête de passer le clip 10 en 30 secondes pis de passer des commentaires inutiles…. back to back c’est fine.

——————————————- ———————————————————— **OUTTRO Tune:         Subether Communique Artist:              Icicle Group: Year: From demo: Duration:         3:37 Type: Channels: Samples: Size: Patterns: , ,  different




*Dumb answers of intelligence chief <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>*Silvestre Reyes, the Democrat chosen to head the House of Representatives committee, was asked whether members of al-Qaeda came from the Sunni or the Shia branch of Islam. “Al-Qaeda, they have both,” he answered, adding: “Predominantly probably Shi’ite.” In fact, al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden as a Sunni organisation and views Shia Muslims as heretics.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Olmert admet (presque) l’existence de la bombe israélienne<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/13/124731.html> * Lapsus ou pas? Pour la première fois, un premier ministre israélien a laissé entendre que son pays possède l’arme nucléaire. C’est un secret de Polichinelle, mais la petite phrase d’Éhoud Olmert a suscité une certaine émotion dans son pays. À la demande des États-Unis, la position officielle de l’État hébreu a en effet toujours été de ne pas reconnaître qu’Israël est une puissance nucléaire. Ce qu’elle est pourtant depuis 1967. Suite<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/13/124731.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/13/124731.html

*Oh come ON, now! <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>*

A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension, according to the father.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

BELLMEAD-   A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension, according to the father.  But La Vega school administrators have a different story.

Damarcus Blackwell’s four-year-old son was lining-up to get on the bus after school last month, when he was accused of rubbing his face in the chest of a female employee.

The prinicipal of La Vega Primary School sent a letter to the Blackwells that said the pre-kindergartener demonstrated “inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment.”

Blackwell says it’s ridiculous that the aide would misread a hug from a four-year-old.  Blackwell wrote to administrators demanding that the whole incident be expunged from his son’s academic file because his son is too young to know what it means to act sexually.

David Davis, the executive director of the Advocacy Center in Waco tends to agree with Blackwell.  He says assuming the boy has not had sexual encounters, or been inappropriately exposed to pornography, most four-year-olds are sexually innocent.

Blackwell got a response  from the La Vega administration.  The sexual references on the discipline referral were removed.  But the thing that makes Blackwell most upset is they told him “your request for an apology by the aide and removal of all paperwork regarding this incident is denied.” Now the young student’s file will refer to the incident as “inappropriate physical contact.”  And Blackwell says he will continue to fight the district.

La Vega I.S.D. administrators told News Channel 25 they couldn’t comment on this case because of student privacy issues.

*Teacher calls Muslim student ‘terrorist'<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/> * He said no, you’ve come into my classroom, you’ve moved desks, and that’s when he outburst (sic), said no, I don’t want to negotiate with a terrorist.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Nativity scenes are out, carols are banned, and don’t dare wish anyone merry Christmas: the festive season, US-style<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/> * Between craven self-censorship and government fiat, mention of Christmas has become equivalent to public farting in the United States. No hip American urbanite would be caught dead this December shouting anything more doctrinally specific than “Happy Holidays!” Meantime the American Civil Liberties Union has been suing the bejesus – whoops! – suing the pants off local authorities who sanction nativity scenes on public property. School boards across the country have banned carols such as Silent Night in holiday assemblies. Frosty the Snowman is tolerable, but the ACLU has threatened to sue a school in Colorado for permitting Jingle Bells, which makes Jewish students no longer feel welcome. In New York City, public schools, menorahs and Islamic symbols are acceptable, but not nativity scenes. Teachers in Sacramento have been forbidden to use the word Christmas in the classroom, Illinois state government employees forbidden to say “Merry Christmas” on the job.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Group seeks probe of evangelical military video<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/> * A watchdog group that promotes religious freedom in the U.S. military accused senior officers on Monday using their rank and influence to coerce soldiers and airmen into adopting evangelical Christianity. Such proselytizing, according to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, has created a core of “radical” Christians within the U.S. armed forces and Pentagon who punish those who do not accept evangelical beliefs by stalling their careers.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Trees Being Returned to SeaTac Airport <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/> * Christmas trees are going back up at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Pat Davis, president of the Port of Seattle commission, which directs airport operations, said late Monday that maintenance staff would restore the 14 plastic holiday trees, festooned with red ribbons and bows, that were removed over the weekend because of a rabbi’s complaint that holiday decor did not include a menorah.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*Abduction of Women on the Rise <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>* “I was taken by Americans for three days recently,” Um Ahmed told IPS in Baghdad. “They told me they would rape me if I didn’t tell them where my husband was, but I really didn’t know.” She said that she was turned over to the Iraqi National Guard “who were even worse than the Americans.” Her husband eventually surrendered to the U.S. military, but she continued to be held “to apply pressure on him to confess things he never did,” she said. “They told him they would rape me right in front of him if he did not confess he was a terrorist. They forced me to watch them beat him hard until he told them what they wanted to hear.”

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

*C-130J: un achat controversé<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/12/124687.html> * Ottawa — Le gouvernement fédéral va dépenser 4,9 milliards de dollars pour l’achat et l’entretien de 17 avions C-130J, le nouvel appareil de l’avionneur américain Lockheed Martin qui remplacera les vieux Hercules des Forces armées canadiennes. Or, cet avion a connu tellement de problèmes dans les dernières années que le Pentagone, aux États-Unis, a tenté de faire annuler le contrat d’achat passé avec Lockheed Martin. Suite<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/12/124687.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/12/124687.html

*Dutch art company releases “dinner conversation” DVD for solo diners https://www.engadget.com/2006/12/12/dutch-art-company-releases-dinner-conversation-dvd-for-solo-di/

Filed under: Home Entertainment<http://www.engadget.com/category/homeentertainment/>  <http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7005787152> On the occasions that we have to cook http://www.engadget.com/2006/01/28/dinner-is-finally-served-tmios-con and eat a meal solo, we usually accompany it with a side of the internet, a DVD, or possibly, if we’re feeling really old-school, a book. But apparently, those current offerings aren’t good enough for some folks. That’s why a Dutch art company, Tilburgs CowBoys and Theater NWE Vorst, has put together a film that you can watch while having dinner this holiday season, so it won’t feel like you’re eating alone. According to *The Uber-Review*, there are six different options to choose from, ranging from “romantic evening” or “a good discussion.” We’re not really sure how lifelike a one-way dinner discussion can be, which is why we’d just as soon cuddle up with an old James Bond <http://engadget.com/tag/jamesbond> flick over a dinner-for-one, but perhaps those haven’t reached The Netherlands yet.

[Via The Uber-Review<http://www.uberreview.com/2006/12/xmas-dinner-for-one-dvd-new-friends-are-just-one-click-away.htm> ]

URL: https://www.engadget.com/2006/12/12/dutch-art-company-releases-dinner-conversation-dvd-for-solo-di/

*Nation’s energy grid could power almost 185 million electric cars<> * A Department of Energy report shows that the U.S. energy grid could support up to 185 million electric or hybrid cars. The department believes a switch to the newer vehicles would clean up the environment and could even improve our national security situation by reducing the need for imported oil.


A279; *To the women who work in my office… I hate you<http://digg.com/software/To_the_women_who_work_in_my_office_I_hate_you> *

This is a very funny rant on craigslist – it made the “best of” page. My favorite: “To the Fat woman who works in suite 19- I don’t know exactly what you do for this company, but I know far too much about your personal life. When you talk to your boyfriend on company time, please refrain from telling him it felt so good when he slipped his…”

URL: http://digg.com/software/To_the_women_who_work_in_my_office_I_hate_you To the women who work in my office… I hate you ——————————

Date: 2006-11-10, 4:56PM EST

Girl with the bright blonde weave who works in reception- I don’t know how you got your job, you are so uneducated it makes me sick. Did you graduate grammar school? I think I would respect you more if the answer to that is no. I want to throw a rock at your face every time I walk by when you are answering the phone and you say something like “who you callin’ for?” or “he in a meetin’ right now” or my personal favorite, “who this is?” I bet the people on the other end of the phone want to throw a rock at your face too. I also can’t stand when I get message notes from you that are written like so: Mr. Smith called hes wanting to kno wen he shuld ecspect the letter of aprovle. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It amazes me that the only two things in your job description are answering phones and taking phone messages and you can’t do either of those things!

Tall girl in design with the short brown hair- You have horrendous body odor! I’m not talking a little stench here and there I am talking everyday when you walk into the building people drop dead. I don’t know how you don’t notice it. I’m going to buy you deodorant for Christmas.

Fat woman who works in suite 19- I don’t know exactly what you do for this company, but I know far too much about your personal life. When you talk to your boyfriend on company time, please refrain from telling him it felt so good when he slipped his hard dick into your fat ass! Yea I heard that, and so does everyone else that walks by your suite when you are on the phone. It’s disgusting, and we don’t want to hear about it, so keep your voice down.

Blonde woman who works for accounting- I know that you are 30, not 25 and I also know that at the Christmas party last year you had sex with the bosses son in the broom closet and that he got you pregnant. Please don’t insult me in front of our coworkers again or I will tell everyone.

Hot girl that works in sales- When you wear that brown skirt with the white flower on the bottom and you sit down, we can all see that you don’t wear panties.

Boss’ old receptionist- My name is not, John, Jason, Jack, Jim or Jared… it’s Evan.

Middle age woman who works in reception- Your job is not that hard. You answer phones, put people on hold, and take messages. I don’t care that you were up late cleaning the house or that you sat up all night waiting for you delinquent son to get home, that does not give you a reason to get rude with a customer or walk around bitching about how your job is so stressful. Half of us come in still drunk from the night before, but we never yell at clients, bitch about our family members or say our jobs are soooo hard.

Pregnant bitch- There is only one of you, so no need for further description but let it be known that you are not the first person to ever get knocked up! You are not the first person to get heart burn, you are not the first person to get morning sickness. You are not the first person to pee their pants because the baby put too much pressure on your bladder and you certainly are not the first person who has had strange cravings for cheese and anchovies. Stop complaining about it!

Little intern girl- You are so cute with your stringy brown hair, acne and braces but your coffee skills are lacking. All I ever want is a large black coffee but you seem to thing that I would rather a low-fat latte, or a caramel machiato, or even a Chai Tea. Nope I don’t want those, I just want a damn black coffee! Also, you obviously don’t know your alphabet because my filing cabinet is a mess. F does not come after R, sweetie. Do you want to flunk the class you are doing this internship for? No? You better shape your ass up and get me the right coffee then!

Pretty girl who is head of the writing department- You are the only girl who works in this office that I can stand. You greet me every morning with a bright smile and a cheery hello. And you are so damn smart. No wonder you are 22 and head of the department that could pretty much make or break our company. One time I asked you the Circumference of the earth and you kew it! Usually I would think that is weird and dork but from you, I find it really hot. I also like that you are the only girl in the company that hasn’t slept with someone that works with us. But for the record, if you slept with me, I wouldn’t respect you any less.

Hispanic girl who works in design- You wear way too much makeup, I hate that you draw your eyebrows on, and I’m pretty sure you have an adams apple and are a man.

35 year old secretary- You have a 20 year old son, and a 15 year old son… yet you dress like you are 16. I would be embarrassed to be your children. Oh and you look really stupid when you wear that plaid school-girl skirt with the white tights and hooker boots. This is an office… not a brothel.

*German legislation would jail FPS gamers http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/58951382/

Filed under: Gaming  http://www.engadget.com/category/gaming/ <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16070177/>Late last month, an 18-year-old man went on a shooting spree at his former junior high school in western Germany, killing himself and injuring 11 others. According to reports on the German news site *Tagesschau*, the man spent a fair bit of time playing “Counter-Strike,” which some say may have led to his inspiration to conduct the killing. As a result of this tragedy, two state governments in Bavaria and Lower Saxony have drafted legislation which, according to the *Financial Times*, would “subject developers, distributors and players of video games whose goal is to inflict ‘cruel violence on humans or human-looking characters’ to a fine and a maximum of one year in jail.” If the measures pass, German gamers, amateur and pro alike, will have to lay off the FPS games for quite a long while and stick to more traditional non-violent games, like, you know, “Pac-Man http://www.engadget.com/tag/pac-man

[Via Slashdot<http://politics.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/07/2213201&from=rss> ]

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/58951382/

*Homeowner thrown in jail for noisy cellphone call<> * An Eastpointe Michigan woman has been thrown in jail after one of her house guests walked outside to use a cell phone. 23-year-old Carmen Granata was cited for violating the city noise ordnance and was given 30 days in county jail along with two years of probation.


*Israeli violence against children and youth in custody<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/> * Our American tax dollars are used to support, arm, and protect a violent and criminal Israeli military and “justice” system that has institutionalized violence against women and children. Israel holds hundreds of child prisoners and had imprisoned over 2500 children since 2000.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Subject: A tout mes amis testeurs, message pour pas lacher! :-) Petit conseil pour les journées de déprime:

Lorsque ton travail t’ennuie, que tu es au bord de la dépression, que vraiment plus rien ne va comme tu le voudrais au travail, alors fais ceci:

En rentrant chez-toi : arrête-toi à la pharmacie et achète un thermomètre rectal Johnson & Johnson (seulement cette marque là). Ouvre la boîte du  thermomètre rectal et lis les instructions.

Tu trouveras cette phrase quelque part:

« Chaque thermomètre rectal Johnson & Johnson a été testé personnellement à notre usine. »

Alors, maintenant, ferme les yeux et répète 5 fois à voix haute:

«Je suis heureux de ne pas travailler au contrôle de la qualité chez Johnson & Johnson. »

L’État devrait subventionner l’achat de fruits et de légumes<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118860.html>Afin de faire fléchir les courbes de l’obésité et des maladies du coeur au pays, les gouvernements provincial et fédéral gagneraient à adopter des politiques pour encourager davantage la consommation de fruits et légumes. Comment? En améliorant l’offre et la diversité de ces produits dans les magasins, mais aussi en mettant en place des mécanismes de subvention ou des incitations fiscales pour en réduire le prix, ont proposé hier des spécialistes de la santé publique réunis à Montréal à l’occasion d’une session de formation sur les «nouveautés en obésité» qu’a organisée la faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118860.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118860.html

Archéologie théologique <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118811.html>En avril dernier, National Geographic a annoncé la diffusion d’une émission portant sur un ancien manuscrit copte qui a été découvert il y a plusieurs années et qui a refait surface à la fin des années 90. Ce texte, c’est L’Évangile selon Judas. Le scoop de National Geo a eu un retentissement mondial, s’attirant même les foudres du pape Benoît XVI. Suite<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118811.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118811.html

La prière à Laval <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118916.html>Le Tribunal des droits de la personne a confirmé hier que le conseil municipal de Laval ne peut pas amorcer ses assemblées publiques par la récitation d’une prière, car une telle pratique porte atteinte «de façon discriminatoire au droit à la reconnaissance et à l’exercice de la liberté de religion et de conscience» des citoyens. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118916.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/23/118916.html

Samsung exec pleads guilty to price-fixing<>Thomas Quinn, a Samsung Semiconductor executive, has pleaded guilty to federal charges of fixing prices for dynamic random access memory (DRAM).


Clooney criticises media for ignoring its responsibilities<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>According to hollywood.com, Clooney, who is an opponent of US president George Bush, says he believes the media has betrayed the public by not telling them the truth about Bush administration. He said: ‘In the year-and-a-half or two years leading up to the war in Iraq, both in print and in broadcast journalism, media took a pass on its responsibilities.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Une télé-réalité à TQS <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/20/118573.html>La compagnie Novem de Véronique Cloutier lancera l’hiver prochain à TQS une nouvelle émission de télé-réalité, Portfolio: derrière l’image, qui mettra aux prises 16 apprentis mannequins, huit gars et huit filles âgés de 18 à 26 ans. Suite <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/20/118573.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/20/118573.html


– Hide quoted text – – Show quoted text –   ———- Forwarded message ———-

Subject: Pour mon prochain vol…

Je sais pas si je peux prendre ce vol pour mon prochain voyage? ;-)


S’envoyer en l’air en avion

USA Today

Le pilote d’avion d’affaires Bob Smith jouit d’un à-côté planant: aider les couples à monter au septième ciel. Au coût de 299 US, il fait grimper les tourtereaux à 5280 pieds d’altitude à bord d’un Piper Cherokee 6, muni d’un matelas.

Le vol d’une durée d’une heure, qui décolle de Carrollton en Géorgie ( www.milehighatlanta.com), attire les visiteurs d’aussi loin que New York. Âgé de 51 ans, M. Smith a répondu aux questions de *USA TODAY*.

Q : Quel type de clients attirez-vous?

R : Des couples âgés de 18 à 60 ans. J’ai reçu entre 75 et 100 couples en cinq ans, des gens venant parfois de New York ou Miami. C’est plus facile pour eux que de le faire dans les toilettes d’un 747.

Q : Est-ce que ce sont les hommes ou les femmes qui réservent?

R : Près de trois quarts des vols sont réservés par des femmes. Je crois que si un homme le propose à une femme, il a peur de lui laisser croire qu’il est un pervers. Mais si c’est la femme qui le propose, l’homme pensera qu’il s’agit d’une femme coquine.

Q : Mais votre avion est tout petit. Les gens ne sont-ils pas intimidés en votre présence?

R : Non, il y a un rideau et je porte des écouteurs. Et je pense que mes clients ne sont pas du genre pudique.

Q : Ne devez-vous pas les avertir quand l’avion atterrira?

R : Je leur donne un minuteur fixé à 50 minutes. Quand il s’arrête, ils savent qu’ils ont 10 minutes pour se rhabiller et attacher leur ceinture.

Q : Qu’est-ce que l’Administration fédérale d’aviation (FAA) pense d’un tel vol? Est-ce que vous avez dû faire face à des obstacles?

R : J’ai un permis commercial. Ce vol est classé comme touristique. Et monter au septième ciel ne contrevient pas aux règles de la FAA.

Q : Est-ce qu’il y a des gens qui s’opposent à ce que vous faites?

R : Quelques-uns sont choqués. Alors je leur dis: êtes-vous contre les hôtels qui louent des chambres aux couples? Je ne fais que leur offrir un lieu pour combler un de leurs fantasmes.

Q : Connaissez-vous quelqu’un d’autre offrant le même service?

R : Le seul autre que je connais est à Cincinnati et s’appelle Flamingo Air (www.Flamingo.net <http://www.flamingo.net/>).

Q : Quels clients préférez-vous? Les cadres d’entreprise ou les couples?

R : J’aime les vols d’affaires, mais j’apprécie les couples parce que je sais qu’ils éprouvent du plaisir à voler.

Q : J’imagine que vous recevez des gens mariés qui ne sont pas nécessairement avec leur conjoint?

R : Après le vol, je leur donne un certificat de membre du Club du septième ciel. Quelques couples ont déjà refusé de voir leur nom écrit sur le certificat.

Q : Est-ce que la champagne est compris dans le prix?

R : Le champagne, c’est du Cook’s ou du Freixenet. Je ne donne pas de Dom Pérignon. Les couples peuvent aussi garder les draps. Tout les clients ont droit à de nouveaux draps.

FedEx Fights Missiles… <http://digg.com/hardware/FedEx_Fights_Missiles>

A FedEx MD-10 freighter, equipped with Northrop Grumman’s Guardian infrared laser jammer, is slated to become the first wide-body commercial aircraft in scheduled service flying with technology to counter terrorist missile attacks.

URL: http://digg.com/hardware/FedEx_Fights_Missiles

Whats the point of making this game so frustrating that people will just quit. I went into every building in knightsbridge. no master wizard. id there really no way to get game related help? why dont you have reasonably help at your website if you wont provide it any other way ??? ———————————–

Ma réponse: Dear player,

Please let me repeat myself. We do not answer gameplay-related questions because they give an unfair advantage to the players.

And again, As I said, there is a trainer in every big city and Knightsbridge is one of them. Keep looking, ask around, check the forums, do something else than asking us because we won’t answer you.

The game is not difficult and you have all the necessary tools to find what you want, but it requires that you use them, and not ask us.

Good luck and please do not reply to this petition if you still want to ask us where the trainer is.



*Ma réponse*  Greetings,

Please keep looking, he’s around. In fact, there are many in various cities. And as specified in the last response, we do not answer gameplay-related questions, whether you write in capital letters or not.

Thank you.

*Ben non, ma vraie réponse:* Greetings,

Please keep looking, he’s around. In fact, there are many in various cities. And as specified in the last response, we do not answer gameplay-related questions. And also, please make sure that your CAPS lock key is not on when you write petitions.

Thank you.

Check that guy’s theory, it is true!

Hi Jeff…

Most interesting…I was doing a little research this morning on who is a Jew and who is not.

I used google, typed in names of some famous media people followed by “Jew,” and this popped up over in the far-right screen area: http://www.google.com/explanation.html

It’s heading is “Offensive Search Results,” and under the heading is, “We’re disturbed about these results as well. Please read our note here.” So, I went to their note, where google explains that “‘Jew’ is often used in an anti-Semitic context.”

Well, by golly. Since they were so upset about the word, Jew, I figured they would be REALLY sensitive about other words such as, Nigger, Injun, Red Skin, Mick, Coon, Spic, Beaner, Turban Head, (couldn’t think of any others) and I tried all of these on google, as well.

Nope. Not one of these words stirred up any google response. They were only concerned about “Jew.”

So, remember: it’s OK to search for a Catholic, a Protestant, a Baptist or a Mormon, etc, but it is NOT OK to search for a Jew.


*Supplies of oil may be inexhaustible* ** *

By Bruce Bartlett*

On April 16, Newsday, *the Long Island newspaper, published a startling report that old oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico were somehow being refilled.* That is, new oil was being discovered in fields where it previously had not existed.  Scientists, led by Mahlon Kennicutt of Texas A&M University, speculate that the new oil is surging upward from deposits well below those currently in production. “Very light oil and gas were being injected from below, even as the producing was going on,” he said.  Although it is not yet known whether this is a worldwide phenomenon or commercially important, *the new discovery suggests that there may be far more oil and gas within the Earth’s core than previously thought. * **  Oil lease blunder hidden 6 years <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>Interior Department officials realized in 2000 that their offshore lease agreements with oil companies shortchanged American taxpayers, but they covered up their multibillion-dollar mistake for six years, an investigator said Wednesday.After combing through 11,000 e-mail messages and interviewing 29 current and former Interior Department employees, federal investigators still aren’t ready to say who they think told a staffer to omit contract language that would have forced oil companies operating in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico to pay billions of dollars in royalty payments as energy prices rose.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Rumsfeld Unveils New Justification For Iraq War: High Gas Prices<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>

Now, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has introduced a new rationale for the invasion of Iraq, high gas prices. From a radio interview last week:SECRETARY RUMSFELD: The fact of the matter is – if Saddam Hussein were still in power in Iraq, he would be rolling in petrol dollars. Think of the price of oil today. He would have so much money. And he would be seeing the Iranians interested in a nuclear program, he would be seeing the North Koreans developing a nuclear program, and he’d say well why shouldn’t he – and he would. So we’re fortunate that he’s gone.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Ten anti-Castro “journalists” in South Florida on US government payroll By Luciana Bohne Online Journal Contributing Writer

Sep 15, 2006, 00:48

Email this article  Printer friendly page<http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_1207.shtml>

During the Mercosur summit in Argentina, WJAN-TV South Florida reporter, Manuel Cao, asked Cuban President Fidel Castro why his government didn’t allow a prominent doctor and dissident to leave the country. Quick as lightning, Castro shot back, “Who pays you?”

Now we find that Cao’s paymaster was the US government: he received $10,400 in payments so far this year. Cao is one among 10 South Florida journalists to have been found accepting money in exchange for touting propaganda intended to undermine the Cuban government via Radio and TV Marti (both bankrolled by the US government to the tune of $37 million to broadcast anti-Cuban propaganda from the States onto Cuban soil).

Dawson: il faut s’attaquer au vrai problème<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118322.html>

J’ai peine à croire que, quelques heures seulement après la fusillade au Collège Dawson, Gilles Duceppe a fait cette déclaration: «Ce triste incident démontre encore une fois qu’il faut maintenir le registre national des armes à feu.» Suite <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118322.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118322.html

En photo: Marcher pour la vie<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118334.html>

Quelques milliers de personnes, dont le chef du Bloc québécois, Gilles Duceppe, ont défilé dans le centre-ville de Montréal hier à l’occasion de la Marche pour la vie, organisée annuellement par la Fondation Farha pour amasser des fonds pour la lutte contre le VIH/sida. Suite<http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118334.html>

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/18/118334.html

Le BotCast with Cheese Shows

BotCast #5 – Sweet Dreams

BotCast #5 – Sweet Dreams

BotCast #5, 27 novembre 2006. On a du nouveau pour le break, une bonne toune Québécoise de Benoit Campeau ( http://www.BenoitCampeau.com ), du nouveau avec les articles en petites vites, un gars qui gueule après le tech support de Dell ainsi qu’une requête d’un épais pour du tech support de MMO.

Show Notes
Benoit Campeau, A Ten Thousand later
OutTro: Elwood, Sweet Dreams

Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et le 375 flat mile club

Download: BotCast-0005.mp3 Stream MP3 & ODEO: BotCast-0005.pls


Show Notes: http://groups.google.com/group/botcast


-Date      27 novembre 2006
-Show number     &nb sp;    5




-375  miles flat club



Always outnumbered, never outgunned

-Autoroute c’est parfait la nuit, personne te fait des faces bizarres quand tu te crosses dans ton char.   La route est longue, fait noir, personne te voit

-Je me reprends pour les tounes de démos qui sont les meilleures. Certaines ont été faites avant que le démo existe, alors je me suis fourré.

http://groups.google.com/group/botcast    NEW GoogleGroup! pour recevoir les notifications qui indiquent un nouveau BotCast   COF/botcast
voicemail botrax@g
voicemail  and mail is presented on the show, until I get too much

-Google Hosted apps for business
-Proprio de bureaux commerciaux Bnai Brith sont des gangsters
-Mon install de Vista, read error sur boot, folder dédoublé, garde pas le Boot.ini original intact


-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de  Benoit Campeau  Benoit_Campeau-A_Ten_Thousand_Later.mp3   4:58< br> benoitcampeau.com   suberben.com    http://benoitcampeau.bandcamp.com/


–Game Tech Support requests:

Tune:           &nb sp; Sweet Dream       
Artist:             Elwood
F rom demo:    
Duration:         2:55
Type:             XM, FastTracker
Channels:         24
Samples:         24
Size:                 881k
Patterns: , 50,50  different   3 unused


Why :         


Gros party chez nous le 22 décembre, les mademoiselles sont “bienvenues” (littéralement)


(Safe for work)

http://www.cbc.ca/cp/Odditi es/061119/K111904AU.html





(kidding, no party)



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.

But they don’t want marching in the streets. They’d much rather protesters just stay home.

The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.

“The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,” Reffell said Sunday.

“Your mind is like a blank. It’s like a meditative state.”

“And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.”

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&a mp;item=120054509305



Please read the amazing story of how i got this ps3

i went out wednesday afternoon to the local walmart to start camping out. when i got there, there were already 12 people ther so i got in line being number 13. i talked around and found out the first 6 people there had been th ere since monday, total hardcore nerds all planning to keep them. bragging about how only they should get the system since theyve been there the longest. how they are so dedicated and how if you dont want to do the time, you shouldnt get a system. gener ally being complete assholes. good for them. we had a hours to pass so we became friends and played some cards and whatnot. the 6 guys in front kept to themselves and didnt associate with the rest of us. we were cool with each other leaving the line to get food, bathroom, smoke, etc since we all knew each other and as long as they were back in 30 minutes. i was about to leave to go buy some KFC for a good number of us and when i stepped out of line, one of the nerds shouted that if i left, i would los e my spot

a few hours later, the manager came out and told everyone that there were only going to be SEVEN available. they have them in their store and theyre not getting anymore. he told the people after # 7 they should leave if they wanted to not waste their time. me being number 13 should have left but i didnt, i wanted to stick around for a little bit more. everyone else left except me and the 7 other people that were getting it for sure. so the day goes on and i try to make friends with the nerds. i play mario kart on the ds with them and talk to them about the games they were getting. about an hour or 2 later, i tell im gonnna head home since im 8 in line and theres only 7 ps3s. one of them made some stupid joke about if i leave the line then i aint getting back in!! har har. so as im about to leave, i tell them im going to the vons next door and if any of them wanted any food or coffee and id bring it back to them. one of them said yea and all the rest like sheep followed and said yes too. th ey were g

so i go to vons and buy 8 coffees, some food, and some x-lax laxatives. i bring it to my car and put some laxatives in 6 of the coffees and seperate them from mine and #7s. i pull back to walmart and bring all the drinks and food upfront. i give #7 his stuff and then the coffees with laxatives to the 6 nerds annd wish them good luck and go back to my car. i park it around the corner so i can still see them.

about 30 minutes later, #2 and 3 in line get up and it seemed like they were yelling to the other nerds. they both ran into walmart. seconds later (i guess all nerds have the same biology) #5 gets up and runs across the parking lot and into the trees and bushes somewhere. #1 is scrounging for this portapotty type thing he’d brought with him but he is squirting everywhere and all over his pants and their sleeping bags. he runs into walmart. at this time, i start my car and drive back to the walmart to claim my spot in line. when i get there #4 and 6 are gone but i dont know where. #7 is laughing his ass off so hard and i just smile at him. i call up 5 of the other people that i had made friends with that were in line with me ( i had their phone numbers cause i was gonne buy to food for everyone) and told them to get back to the walmart ASAP and get in line. Meanwhile, me and #7 threw all their shit into the parking lot and i claimed my spot as #1, him as #2. 4 and the people i had calle d arrived



Subject: A propos des bulletins de votes…

Sur la page de la foire aux questions d’Élections Canada.


  • Est-il permis de manger un bulletin de vote?

Il est strictement interdit, aux termes de la Loi électorale du Canada, de manger un bulletin de vote, d’omettre de le retourner, de le détruire ou de le détériorer. Cette interdiction fait partie d’un ensemble de moyens de contrôle discrets visant à protéger l’intégrité du processus de vote et la confiance des Canadiens à l’égard du système électoral. Les dispositions pertinentes de la Loi sont résumées ci-dessous.

Avant de donner un bulletin de vote à un électeur, le scrutateur y appose ses initiales. Par ailleurs, chaque bulletin de vote comporte un talon numéroté. Après avoir reçu son bulletin de vote, l’électeur se rend directement dans l& #39;isoloir, marque son bulletin, puis le plie suivant les instructions reçues du scrutateur et le remet à celui-ci (la forme du bulletin et le déroulement du vote sont régis par l’ article 116 et les articles 150 à 153 de la Loi électorale du Canada).

Lorsque l’électeur lui remet le bulletin de vote, le scrutateur vérifie s’il s’agit bien du bulletin qu’il avait donné à l’électeur. Ensuite, il détache le talon et le détruit, puis rend le bulletin à l’élect eur pour qu’il le dépose dans l’urne ou, à la demande de l’électeur, le dépose lui-même dans l’urne.

Lors du dépouillement du vote après la fermeture des bureaux de scrutin, le scrutateur doit rendre compte, devant les représentants des candidats présents, de tous les bulletins de vote fournis par le directeur du scrutin. Pour ce faire, il d oit compter tous les bulletins déposés dans l’urne, y compris les bulletins annulés et les bulletins inutilisés. Si le scrutateur ne peut rendre compte de tous les bulletins de vote, les résultats du vote dans ce bureau de scrutin pourraie nt être contestés pour cause d’irrégularité.

Aux termes de l’alinéa 167(2)a) de la Loi électorale du Canada, « il est interdit à quiconque de détériorer, altérer, ou détruire volontairement un bulletin de vote ». Par ailleurs, le paragraphe 480(1) de la Loi précise que quiconque contrevient à la Loi avec l’intention d’entraver ou de retarder les opérations électorales commet une infraction.

Grâce à ces dispositions, fondées sur des pratiques remontant au 19e siècle, les électeurs peuvent exercer leur droit de vote dans des conditions respectueuses de cet aspect important du processus démocratique, et le dépouill ement du scrutin peut se faire avec exactitude. Le système de contrôle des bulletins de vote du Canada est reconnu sur la scène internationale pour la qualité de ses mesures de prévention de la fraude électorale.

Subject: Le ” Moteur à eau “


Deux ans après

28 octobre 2006



1° septembre 2005 : Paul Pentone en prison depuis le 21 août !





Paul Pantone est actuellement incarcéré au SLC. Il a tenté d’éviter qu’un mandat d’arrêt soit délivré contre lui jusqu’au 22 août, date de sa comparution devant le tribunal. Sa femme Molly l’a quit té récemment et l’a fait arrêter. Selon lui, elle récupère ses biens et déménage ses affaires et s’efforce de quitter la ville avant qu’il bénéficie d’une relaxe. Comment interpréter tout cela ? Paul a craint que des puissances hostiles à ses projets n’utilise Molly pour découvrir ses idées et secrets. Sa plus grande inquiétude est que le Ministre de la justice d’Utah obtienne une charge de crime contre lui, pour l’enfoncer. Si c’est le cas, Paul perdra tous droits sur ses brevets et GEET sera une chose du passé. Une des façons commodes pour enterrer des idées innovatrices tout en s’appropriant le travail de leurs auteurs. .


9 décembre 2005 : Renseignements pris, Paul Pentone a été jeté en prison pour ne pas ‘être rendu à une convocation de la justice, tout cela venant du fait que son propre avocat avait jugé intélligent de falsifier sur le document la date de convocation. Même sa femme Lolly n’a alors pu lui rendre visite. Pentone est en train de contre-attaquer http://geet-pantone.com/index.html dans les legal battles Pentone ne sera ni le premier, ni le dernier client que son propre av ovat aura foutu dans la merde.



Subject: **BEST DELL SUPPORT CALL EVER** Guy says what we all have been thinking.

**BEST DELL SUPPORT CALL EVER** Guy says what we all have been thin king. You have got to have a listen to this. A real tech support call sent in by a Dell employee. This guy may be an idiot but I think he speaks for anyone who has called support and wanted to talk to a real person.

URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/BEST_DELL_SUPPORT_CALL_EVER_Guy_says_w hat_we_all_have_been_thinking


Ecuador to Israel: We can’t pay off debt

Ecuador’s debt was accumulated during the 1980s as a result of a number of dea ls, including the purchase of arms from Israel. But in recent years the country has not been able to make payments. “We are not the uncle from America, and this was made perfectly clear to the Ecuadorian finance minister,” a member of the Israeli delega tion to the conference said.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/


Census Bureau Loses Hundreds of Laptops

The Census Bureau collects the most personal information about Americans, from how much money they earn and where they spend it to how they live and die. It’s all confidential – as long as no one steals it.

URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

ATM Hack Uncovered

A security expert in New York has learned how to get free money from some ATMs by entering a special code sequence on the PIN pad that he found using legally obtained operation manuals.

URL: http://digg.com/security/ATM_Hack_Uncovered

On trial for computer theft, burglar steals PCs from courthouse

Filed under: Desktops

In our last installment of Stupid Gadget Criminals, we brought you the amusing tale of two dimwitted Arkansas men who had made a habit of stuffing videogames from Wal-Mart down their pants and then reselling the stolen merchandise at a local GameStop outlet — which happened to be right next door to the ‘Mart. Today’s episode features a Marin County, California gentleman by th e name of Jon Houston Eipp who was caught by police trying to steal a number of Apple computers from Portal Publications in Ignacio; Eipp was captured following a brief struggle, while his accomplice was apprehend


Trois questions

Voici trois petites questions auxquelles j’aimerais bien que les partisans de l’enr egistrement des armes à feu répondent. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/19/118428.html

Le tueur s’exhibait sur Internet avec une arme illégale

L’arme d’assaut Beretta Cx4 Storm ave c laquelle le jeune tueur du Collège Dawson, Kimveer Gill, s’exhibait sur le site Internet vampirefreaks.com est une arme illégale parce qu’elle est équipée de deux chargeurs visiblement capables de contenir plus de c inq balles, ce que le Code criminel canadien interdit. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/15/118143.html

Les médecins craignent pour la vie de quatre étudiants

Au lendemain de la fusillade qui a causé la mo rt de la jeune Anastasia DeSousa, 18 ans, et fait une vingtaine de blessés au Collège Dawson, quatre jeunes étudiants étaient toujours dans un état critique hier à l’Hôpital général de Montréal. «On craint pour leur vie», a d ‘ailleurs souligné le Dr Tarek Razek, chef du service de traumatologie du Centre universitaire de santé McGill. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/15/118145.html

Bobbitt Family Update 

In a recent news broadcast, it was announced that Lorena Bobbitt’s sister Louella was arrested for an alleged attempt to perform the same act on her husband as her famous sister had done several years ago .  Sources reveal the sister was not as accurate as Lorena.

She allegedly missed the target and stabbed her husband in the upper thigh causing severe muscle and tendon damage. The husband is reported to be in serious, but stable condition, and Louella has been charged with



A Misdewiener!


Offensive des producteurs de porcs dans les écoles

Afin de redorer l’image des porcheries chez les je unes consommateurs et les citoyens de demain, la Fédération des producteurs de porcs du Québec (FPPQ) a décidé de s’introduire dans les programmes d’enseignement primaire. Depuis lundi, l’organisme met en effet à la disposition d es enseignants une dizaine de «fiches pédagogiques» visant «à améliorer les habiletés langagières», mathématiques ou civiques des enfants… tout en parlant cochon. Une stratégie vertement dénoncée par les détracteurs de cett e industrie, qualifiée par plusieurs d’envahissante et de polluante. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/13/117983.html


Sévère critique à l’endroit du FMI

Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) aurait tout intér= At à suivre les règles de bonne gouvernance que l’on exige maintenant des entreprises. Il en va de son efficacité et de sa légitimité, estime une étude de la Banque du Canada. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/13/118003.html


Écoles hassidiques illégales – L’État doit être ferme

Dans des reportages saisissants, la SociE9té Radio-Canada a mis au jour l’existence d’«écoles» religieuses illégales, dont une est intégrée au sein des murs d’une institution scolaire d’enseignement primaire tout à fait légale. Ces pseudo-institutions scolair es sont fréquentées par environ 800 jeunes entre 13 et 16 ans. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/13/117976.html


Les pétrolières canadiennes font des profits malgré une baisse de production

Ottawa — Le Canada a en registré une première baisse de la production de pétrole brut en six ans, selon une étude publiée hier par Statistique Canada, ce qui n’a pas empêché l’industrie de réaliser une hausse de 50 % de ses bénéfices d’exploitat ion. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/12/117907.html


Paniers, papiers et sans-abri

Si on juge l’avancement d’une civilisation à la façon dont elle t raite ses plus démunis, la nôtre vient décidément de reculer. Depuis le 1er septembre, la Ville, «comblant une lacune», donne à nos policiers plus de pouvoir de harcèlement et à nos sans-abri, plus de contraventions. Ils ne peuvent m= Ame pas les payer! On réveille maintenant ces malheureux, la nuit, dans leurs derniers refuges urbains, leur ultime chez-soi. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/11/117810.html


L’islam et les démocraties – Le bilan du 11-Septembre fait craindre pour l’avenir

Cinq ans après le 11 septembre 2001, rien ne semble atténuer — et pas seulement aux États-Unis — la crainte d’un autre attentat catastrophique. Les pays visés par la guerre sainte d’Oussama ben Laden avant la destruction du Wo rld Trade Center ont, depuis, érigé des forteresses continentales. Mais la menace ne viendrait plus de l’extérieur. Alors que des forces spéciales traquent avec succès les restes d’al-Qaïda, le danger surgirait maintenant de l’in térieur, là où l’on compte des communautés musulmanes. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/11/117820.html


La mauvaise graine

«Profession?», m’a demandé le douanier d’un air soupçonneux. «J’su is écrivain. — Et qu’est-ce que vous écrivez? — Un roman sur le terrorisme…» Pendant qu’il enregistrait l’information, j’ai ajouté: «Les vieilles histoires. 1970.» Mais le mal était fait. Il m’aurait fallu un pieux mensonge préparé d’avance, comme on le dit d’un plat dans lequel on ne va pas mettre les pieds: «J’écris des romans d’amour qui débordent littéralement de sentiments nobles et d’élévation spirituelle, monsieur le curE9.» «Et ça, qu’est-ce que c’est?» Il montrait une page du carnet de notes qu’il était en train de renifler, le doigt pointé sur le mot «Afghanistan». La phrase complète disait: «Décédé au cours d’un incident im pliquant Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/09/117733.html


Faire du Canada une république

Ottawa — Pour gagner le coeur des francophones, les militants québéco is du Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD) proposent de se débarrasser de la reine Élisabeth II, de transformer le Canada en république et d’adopter un ton conciliant envers le mouvement souverainiste. Suite

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/06/117491.html


L’attaque au cocktail Molotov contre une école juive suscite l’émotion

Les condamnations ont = 9té nombreuses cette fin de semaine à la suite d’une attaque au cocktail Molotov perpétrée contre l’école juive orthodoxe Skver-Toldos, située rue Ducharme à Outremont. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/05/117405.html


Les Canadiens jugent la lutte contre le terrorisme inefficace

Alors que le cinquième anniversaire des att entats du 11 septembre 2001 approche à grands pas, un sondage pancanadien mené par Léger Marketing vient montrer que les citoyens se sentent plutôt à l’abri de telles actions, tandis que plusieurs jugent que la lutte contre le terrorisme a jusqu’ici été inefficace. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés

URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/05/117383.html

Subject: Toothbrush that plays music a s you clean your teeth via your jawbone
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Toothbrush that plays music as you clean your teeth via your jawbone
< http://digg.com/gadgets/Toothbrush_that_plays_music_as_you_clean_your_teeth

Scientists have invented a remarkable toothbrush that lets you listen to pop
songs while you scrub away – by transmitting the sound waves through your
teeth and jawbone to your ear.

http://digg.com/gadgets/Toothbrush_that _plays_music_as_you_clean_your_teeth_

“Le BotCast with Cheese”

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