(MP3) Botrax à EDDNP #76 – Interstate ’76 (18 septembre 2009)

time September 18th by Botrax

EDDNP #76 – Interstate ‘76

Fort d’une première ‘ride’ de la saison, qui s’est passée sans ‘flat’, l’équipage poursuit sur sa virée et embraye en 2e vitesse sur l’autoroute 76! On vire les coins ronds et la gravelle lève! Cettte semaine sur EDDNP :Le B|@ST du maire Tremblay et ses ‘chummy’ font ENCORE parler… Après la mafia, c’est le FLQ! – Les Sportz de PR : Un départ en feu pour le CH, une nouvelle job pour Carbo et une Soeur Williams pètes ses (gros) plombs – Affaire Crossbourg : Vinnie Lacroix s’attaque à un membre d’EDDNP et on le prend pas pentoute – Char de marde : EDDNP essuie les critique de ses auditeurs et se compare aux professionnels de TVYA – Chonique Extrême : Mr. G reçoit Frank du ’band’ métal Heretic Strangers pour déviarger les oreilles – Bergy Bergeron, notre petit tigre cardiaque s’ouvre le coeur en esssssclusivité – SPECIAL GUEST : avec Botrax on parle d’intégrisme, de pilules bio et de Podcam Montréal. La question de la semaine : Est-ce que tu achèterais le NPD du bon Jack?…


[wpfilebase tag=file path=’EDDNP/EDDNP_Emission_76_20090918.mp3′ /]

Category: EDDNP - En Direct de Nulle Part, Participations | comment 0 | catTags: None

Ma conférence au PodCamp Montréal 2009 – La loi silence rien

time September 15th by Botrax

Le 19-20 septembre 2009 se tien le PodCamp Montréal 2009. http://www.PodCampMontreal.org (external link) (cache) Je présenterai dimanche le 20 à 11:00, le titre de la conférence est “La loi silence rien” dans la salle DE-2540.

Description : Il n’y a pas de lois applicables pour silencer ton discours. Si tu penses qu’il y a des lois qui t’empêchent de t’exprimer, peu importe le contenu, cette présentation démontre qu’aucune loi s’applique à toi en tant qu’être humain au Canada. En rectifiant la compréhension générale en expliquant qu’il n’y a pas de lois applicables en place pour silencer notre liberté d’expression, on pourra augment les voix nous sortant l’information utile pour la population et dénoncer la désinfo. Pas de pillules bleues dans cette salle, juste des rouges. AVERTISSEMENT : Sensibles au changement de la réalité comme ils la voient, SVP s’abstenir.

Bio : Botrax a commencé le podcast Le BotCast with Cheese (www.BotCast.net) en 2006 pour dénoncer la désinfo qu’il examine depuis 2002. Ce chemin a abouti a la découverte des mots de la loi et les mensonges qui nous gouvernent. En 2007 il est tombé sur du travail fait par d’autres en anglais qui démontre que les lois qu’on pense connaître ne sont pas comme nous le pensons. En examinant les lois on se rend compte que nous sommes totalement libres des lois qu’on pense applicables à nous et notre quotidien. Botrax et son co-animateur TestDummy vulgarisent ces concepts en français dans Le BotCast with Cheese, et dans la présentation au PodCamp Montréal 2009.

Category: Blog | comment 0 | catTags: None

Christopher Bollyn asking for money to clear his name?

time August 29th by Botrax

In hopes to clear himself of the idea of him not being totally free and not captive to anyone, Christopher Bollyn finally agreed to do an interview with Eric Hufschmid in exchange for 500$. http://hugequestions.com/Eric/Bollyn-wants-money.html (external link) (cache)

If Bollyn needs to clear his name so badly because it is apparently hurting him that people think that he is not free, he should not be asking for money. It should be a given that he give a FREE interview to therefore help his situation. If you want to help your cause, you don’t ask for money, you just go out there and clear your name.

If he is struggling, he CAN go out and perform any crap job, he doesn’t HAVE to be writing to make a living. He can do investigative work in his free time after work, like the rest of us. Well, if he was truly free, that is.

Category: Blog | comment 0 | catTags: None

TiteBot #20 – Naked Team Spirit

time July 10th by Botrax

TiteBot #20. Les criminels courrent pour couvrir leurs crimes du 9/11, des travailleurs nus, la police cache le quantité de crimes, l’antartique fond pas et l’Artique fond et des froids records au mois de juillet 2009 . (10 juillet 2009) 1:10:56 TiteBot-0020.mp3 TiteBot-0020.m3u

VIDEO STREAM: TiteBot #20 http://www.livestream.com/31337/ondemand/pla_2739176693547489552?initthumburl=http://mogulus-user-files.s3.amazonaws.com/ch31337/2009/07/10/c4307c25-f55a-4db2-8d80-58f11bd650eb_2040.jpg&playeraspectwidth=4&playeraspectheight=3
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: TiteBot-0020.flv


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[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/TitesBots/2009/TiteBot-0020.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]






NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11
(WMR) — WMR has learned that the National Security “Q” Group, responsible for security, has grown to an immense security and counter-intelligence force, with an estimated one thousand government employees, contractors, and paid informants. NSA’s Security force is reportedly primarily tasked with plugging any leaks of classified or other information that points to U.S. government’s involvement with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
ur<x>l: http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_4878.shtml (cache)

Antarctic Ice Shelves Show No Sign of Climate Change
ANTARCTIC ice shelves are showing no sign of climate change, six years of unique research have shown.
ur<x>l: http://www.skepticsglobalwarming.com/global-warming-myth/disputing-global-warming/antarctic-ice-shelves-show-sign-climate-change/ (cache)

FDIC Insurance Fund – It Doesn’t Actually Exist
When FDIC head Shelia Bair says her agency might have to bolster the FDIC’s insurance fund with Treasury borrowings to pay for the new spate of bank failures, a lot of us, this 40-year banking veteran included, assumed there’s an actual FDIC fund in need of bolstering.
We were wrong. As a former FDIC chairman, Bill Isaac, points out here, the FDIC Insurance Fund is an accounting fiction. It takes in premiums from banks, then turns those premiums over to the Treasury, which adds the money to the government’s general coffers for “spending . . . on missiles, school lunches, water projects, and the like.”
The insurance premiums aren’t really premiums at all, therefore. They’re a tax by another name.
ur<x>l: http://seekingalpha.com/article/95129-fdic-insurance-fund-it-doesn-t-actually-exist (cache)

It was Christmas in July for some Westchester County residents.
A wintry mix of hail and heavy thunderstorms downed trees and utility poles in Yonkers last night — causing mountains of slush and ice to build up in parking lots and on grassy areas.
ur<x>l: http://www.nypost.com/seven/07082009/news/regionalnews/snow_plows_remove_hail_after_summer_stor_178218.htm (cache)

Are they brave or mad? Office workers go naked to boost team spirit
The event, dubbed Naked Friday, was deemed a huge success and is even credited with turning around the firm’s fortunes.
ur<x>l: http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/femail/article-1197064/Are-brave-mad-Office-workers-naked-boost-team-spirit.html (cache)

Arctic thick ice disappearing at dramatic pace, NASA says
NASA’s Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) provides new clues about the presence of ice in the Arctic and you already know the picture isn’t pretty. Critical thick ice coverage has dropped by a staggering 595,000 square miles, more than the land size of the U.S.’ largest state – Alaska – in just four years.
http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/43168/178/ (cache)

La cote de popularité de Barack Obama en perte de vitesse
La lune de miel du président Barack Obama avec les Américains semble arriver à son terme, six…
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/etats-unis/200907/09/01-882736-la-cote-de-popularite-de-barack-obama-en-perte-de-vitesse.php (cache)

“…frost has never been reported before in July”
Temperatures dropped to a record low in Prince Edward Island overnight Tuesday, with reports of frost throughout the province.
An official record low of 3.8 C was set early Wednesday morning at Charlottetown airport.
The previous record for that date was 5.1 C, set in 2005.
Bob Robichaud, a meteorologist with Environment Canada, said that to his knowledge, frost has never been reported before in July in P.E.I.
“That 3.8 we got last night kind of sticks out as being lower than some of the other records for anytime in early July,” Robichaud told CBC News on Wednesday.
ur<x>l: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/07/08/weve-never-had-frost-in-july/ (cache)

LAPD’s public database omits nearly 40% of this year’s crimes
The lapses mean that the map, touted by city leaders as an important and innovative resource for city residents to determine whether their neighborhoods are safe, presents a drastically incomplete image of city crime.
ur<x>l: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-lapd-crimemap9-2009jul09,0,909582.story (cache)

The Global Warming Scam
Now then, looking at Carbon Dioxide, we find that only .117% of atmospheric carbon dioxide is directly attributable to human technology such as automobiles. .117% is a rather small amount. If we were to measure out .117% of a football field, it comes out to 4.212 inches, barely long enough to get off the touchdown line.
So, if humans ceased all technological activity, we would still see 99.883% of the carbon dioxide remain in the atmosphere, assuming all other factors remain stable (which is, of course, silly.)
ur<x>l: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/globalwarming.html (cache)

Les suicides dans l’armée en voie de dépasser un record
Les suicides dans l’armée américaine, qui avaient atteint un chiffre record en 2008, continuent…
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/etats-unis/200907/09/01-882829-les-suicides-dans-larmee-en-voie-de-depasser-un-record.php (cache)

Exclusive: Robert McNamara deceived LBJ on Gulf of Tonkin, documents show
Documents which have been available for decades in the LBJ Library show clearly that McNamara failed to inform Johnson that the U.S. naval task group commander in the Tonkin Gulf, Captain John J. Herrick, had changed his mind about the alleged North Vietnamese torpedo attack on U.S. warships he had reported earlier that day.
By early afternoon Washington time, Herrick had reported to the Commander in Chief Pacific in Honolulu that “freak weather effects” on the ship’s radar had made such an attack questionable. In fact, Herrick was now saying, in a message sent at 1:27 pm Washington time, that no North Vietnamese patrol boats had actually been sighted. Herrick now proposed a “complete evaluation before any further action taken.”
URL: http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/07/08/robert-mcnamara-deceived-lbj-on-gulf-of-tonkin/ (cache)

Obesity causes supersized costs
A study of the economic cost of obesity in California was released today by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA). The study determined that in the past six years, the cost of overweight, obese and inactive adults has doubled to about $41 billion each year.
http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/43189/181/ (cache)

Israeli agents to screen judges before appointment
Israel’s internal security service has been given a de facto veto over the appointment of judges in an unprecedented decision that has the country’s embattled liberals up in arms.
The move by the Judges Selection Committee on Friday is likely to make it harder for members of Israel’s Arab minority and others with views that are not mainstream to become judges, according to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (Acri). Zahava Galon, a former MP of the dovish Meretz party, said the decision was “a scandal”. She said: “We are turning into a kind of police state with Big Brother everywhere. A judge shouldn’t have to pass the Shin Bet’s tests. This is just something that isn’t done.”
ur<x>l: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israeli-agents-to-screen-judges-before-appointment-1738070.html (cache)

Chicago has its coolest July 8 in 118 years
For the 12th time this meteorological summer (since June 1), daytime highs failed to reach 70 degrees Wednesday. Only one other year in the past half century has hosted so many sub-70-degree days up to this point in a summer season — 1969, when 14 such days occurred.
Wednesday’s paltry 65-degree high at O’Hare International Airport (an early-May-level temperature and a reading 18 degrees below normal) was also the city’s coolest July 8 high in 118 years — since a 61-degree high on the date in 1891.,0,786739.story (cache)

Third of breast cancer ‘harmless’
One in three breast cancers detected by mammogram screening may actually be harmless, a study has suggested.
Data from five countries, including the UK, suggest some women may have had unnecessary treatment for cancers that were unlikely to kill them or spread.
ur<x>l: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8143564.stm (cache)

Anti-throttling gets broad CRTC hearing
Last April, the chairman of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers submitted a complaint to federal regulators about the way Bell Canada Inc. was slowing down certain forms of Web traffic on the network space the carrier was leasing to members of his organization.
http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=1776164 (cache)

L’opération Highjump (1946-1947)
Bon nombre de nazis croyaient au principe de la race supérieure venue des régions septentrionales de la planète, là où se trouvait la mythique Thulé. Mais ils croyaient aussi en l’existence de royaumes souterrains, d’une Terre creuse où se serait réfugiée une race de surhommes. Afin de découvrir l’accès à ce monde souterrain qui, depuis le début du 19ème siècle, avait généré une importante littérature, des expéditions avaient été entreprises. L’accès principal était supposé se trouver à la hauteur des pôles.

Du fait que certains dirigeants nazis adhéraient à de telles idées, il n’y aurait rien eu d’étonnant à ce que, après l’expédition navale de 1938-1939 du capitaine Richter, le Reich ait installé une base sur la Terre de la reine Maud qu’il revendiquait. Il semble en tout cas qu’il ait régné là-bas une certaine activité navale et que des combats s’y soient produits au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale.
http://rr0.org/Highjump.html (cache)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Highjump (cache)

Dr Wayne Dyer – The Power of Intention
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTBX2lTDt6E (cache)

Un trou pour trouver des Grey
http://maps.google.fr/maps?ll=-66.603462,99.720033&z=17&t=h&hl=fr (cache)

De Charles, pour domper sa shit:
http://ir.eco-gestion.qc.ca/ http://ir.eco-gestion.qc.ca/

Historian says US backed “efficacious terror” in 1965 Indonesian massacre
The United States and British governments, supported by Australia, were deeply complicit in the murder of more than half a million alleged communist sympathisers in the wake of the 1965 Indonesian coup, a prominent historian told an international conference in Singapore last month.
ur<x>l: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14254

Historian says US backed “efficacious terror” in 1965 Indonesian massacre

by John Braddock

Global Research, July 7, 2009
World Socialist Web Site

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The United States and British governments, supported by Australia, were deeply complicit in the murder of more than half a million alleged communist sympathisers in the wake of the 1965 Indonesian coup, a prominent historian told an international conference in Singapore last month.

Brad Simpson, Assistant Professor of History and International Studies at Princeton University and author of “Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and US-Indonesian Relations, 1960-1968”, said the US and British governments did “everything in their power” to ensure that the Indonesian army would carry out the mass killings.

The conference, entitled “The 1965-1966 Indonesian Killings Revisited”, held at the National University of Singapore from June 17-19, was a rare forum on the subject. The event, co-hosted by the university, the Asia Research Institute and the Australian Research Council, involved some 30 scholars from around the world.

Within Indonesia, the history of the political slaughter carried out between October and December 1965 has been suppressed for decades. The massacre of at least 500,000 people, the jailing without trial of about a million others and the widespread use of torture and rape, ranks as one of the great crimes of the twentieth century.

Despite the official secrecy surrounding the events, the consequences still reverberate within the country’s social and political life. The current ruling elite can trace its history back to the 1965 events. President Susil Bambang Yudhoyono, for instance, is a former general while his father-in-law, Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, was an Australian-trained officer who led the killings in Central Java.

No such conference could be held in Indonesia and most of the participants were non-Indonesian. Since the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998, tentative attempts to examine the coup have foundered on opposition from the military. A truth and reconciliation commission set up by parliament never got off the ground and the Constitutional Court has now ruled it unlawful. School textbooks reflect the military propaganda, which maintains that the killings were part of a “patriotic campaign” against communism. Marxism remains officially proscribed.

The Age interviewed two elderly survivors of the massacre, Sumini and Anwar Umar, who maintain a weekly vigil across the road from the president’s offices in Jakarta. Sumini, a former kindergarten teacher was arrested, tortured and imprisoned for ten years for being a member of Gerwani, a women’s movement linked with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Anwar, who had been secretary-general of a civil servants union, spent 12 years in prison and was also tortured. Even after their eventual release, their identity papers were marked to show they were former political prisoners and they were unable to work.

The coup followed a period of sustained political upheaval following World War II. The Indonesian masses were determined to throw off the desperate poverty and oppression that had been imposed for over 350 years, firstly by the Dutch, then the Japanese. During the struggles for independence, hundreds of thousands of workers had joined the Stalinist PKI, erroneously believing that it still represented the revolutionary socialist traditions of the Bolshevik revolution.

Following independence, President Sukarno precariously balanced between the various demands of the ruling elites and widespread social unrest among workers and the poor. Posturing as an “anti-imperialist” and a “man of the people”, Sukarno increasingly relied on the PKI to contain the demands of masses.

In 1957, foreign domination over the economy was shaken by a massive eruption of workers and peasants who seized or occupied factories, plantations, banks and ships. Sukarno relied on the PKI to ensure that the property was handed over to the army, which was sent to suppress the movement. Following further unrest in 1962, and again in early 1965, Sukarno brought the army commanders and PKI leadership into his cabinet.

In the midst of the Cold War, as it became involved in Vietnam, Washington was increasingly concerned at the PKI’s size and influence. In 1965, however, as preparations for a military coup became evident, the PKI continued to subordinate the masses to Sukarno, in line with the reactionary Stalinist theory of a “two-stage” revolution, and insisted on the “peaceful road” to socialism, promoting deadly illusions in the armed forces. Even as Sukarno banned all strikes, the PKI blocked any independent movement of the working class, thereby encouraging the military to act with the backing of the US and its allies.

According Simpson’s paper, “Capitalists come back! The Political Economy of the 1965-1966 Killings,” there was “a lot of evidence that the US was engaged in covert operations … to provoke a clash between the army and the PKI … to wipe them out.” Even at the height of the massacre, and while harboring deep reservations about the military’s willingness to enact the sweeping political and economic changes Washington deemed necessary, US officials and their regional allies were “weighing the conditions under which they would resume assistance to Jakarta”.

In an interview with the Darwin-based Southeast Asian Times on June 7, Simpson said US and other Western officials viewed the mass killings as “efficacious terror”, an essential building block of the “quasi neo-liberal policies that the West would attempt to impose on Indonesia after Sukarno’s ouster”. They viewed the wholesale annihilation of the PKI and its supporters as “an indispensable prerequisite to Indonesia’s reintegration into the regional political economy and international system, the ascendance of a military modernising regime and the crippling or overthrow of Sukarno”.

Immediately after the coup, the US administration rushed to express political support for the Suharto regime. It provided covert monetary assistance to the Indonesian armed forces, while the CIA organised arms from Thailand. The US government also provided communications equipment, medicine and a range of other items, including shoes and uniforms.

“The United States was directly involved to the extent that they provided the Indonesian Armed Forces with assistance that they introduced to help facilitate the mass killings,” Simpson told the conference. The British government also extended an emergency loan of 1 million pounds to Indonesia in late 1965 and promised not to attack Borneo if Indonesia withdrew soldiers engaged in a conflict with British-backed Malaysia, Simpson said.

While Simpson claimed that he found “zero evidence” that the US government masterminded the coup itself, it is unlikely that the military plotters proceeded without assurances from the US and its allies. The full story of US involvement remains to be told.

The pretext for the coup was the kidnapping and murder on September 30 of six generals, allegedly at the PKI’s instigation. Suharto swiftly rounded up the “rebels”, took control of the capital and launched his anti-communist pogrom, which was designed to exterminate every known member and supporter of the PKI, along with thousands of trade union members and ordinary workers, peasants and students.

US diplomats and CIA officers, including the former US ambassador to Indonesia and Australia, Marshall Green, subsequently admitted working hand-in-glove with Suharto and his butchers in carrying through the massacres. They personally provided the names of thousands of PKI members from CIA files for the death lists.

In another paper to the conference, David Jenkins, former foreign editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, said that the Australian, British and US embassies were aware of the mass killings, but did not raise a single protest to the systemic slaughter. All the embassies knew the PKI had not initiated the coup but did nothing to protect the victims from the military.

Archive documents released in Australia in 1999 proved that the Johnson administration in Washington was actively agitating for the formation of a military regime, and urging its embassy in Jakarta to co-ordinate closely with the army and insist that the generals act ruthlessly to crush the PKI. When, at the end of October, Washington determined that Suharto should establish a military government, it did so in close consultation with both the British and Australian governments (see “US orchestrated Suharto’s 1965-66 slaughter in Indonesia”).

Other conference speakers highlighted the significant role played by the Muslim organisations Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah in the killings. These right-wing organisations, acting at the behest of and at times organised by the military, willingly participated in the eradication of workers and peasants who were seen as a threat to traditional landowners and vested religious interests.

Historian Greg Fealy from the Australian National University cited instructions from NU leaders to its members exhorting them to physically eliminate all traces of communism. According to Fealy, “they made frequent references to terms such as menumpas eradicate or annihilate, membersihkan cleanse, mengganyang crush, and mengikis habis eliminate.” Muslim clerics played central roles in overseeing and directing the killings, and coordinated with military officers.

The killings were notable for their gruesome character. Many victims were either beheaded, garrotted or had their throats slit with knives or machetes wielded by the Islamic militias. “It was done face-to-face,” Fealy said. Unlike the “mechanical” processes employed by the Nazis, or Pol Pot’s farms, the executions were “done by hand”.

American anthropologist Mark Woodward said that in Yogyakarta, leaders of Muhammadiyah, the dominant Islamic group in the area at the time, issued statements declaring the destruction of the Communist Party an individual religious obligation, not just a collective one. Katharine McGregor of the University of Melbourne said that following the killings, NU members touted their participation as “a form of patriotic service to the nation” and reminded Suharto’s New Order regime of the debt owed to the religious community.

In 2000, President Abdurrahman Wahid, who was a senior member of NU, issued an apology to people affected by the violence and proposed to officially lift the ban on communism. The move met vehement opposition from senior NU members and the military. During a recent interview conducted by McGregor, NU chairman Hasyim Muzadi declined to comment on the role of NU in the 1965 violence, saying “all that happened must be considered history and not opened up again, otherwise another civil war might occur.”

The sensitivity of the Indonesian ruling elites to the airing of these terrible crimes underscores the need for workers and young people to learn the political lessons of the PKI’s betrayal that led to this strategic defeat for the working class.

B’tselem: 37% Increase in Colonies Population in 6 Years
“Since Israel accepted the Road Map, which mandated a freeze of all settlement activity, the settler population in the West Bank has swelled from 211,400 to over 289,600 – an increase of 37% in six years,” B’tselem reported.
In a report issued, Wednesday, B’tselemsa said the Israeli government has used the idea of ‘natural growth’ as a fig leaf to cover large-scale expansion of Jewish colonies.
ur<x>l: http://english.wafa.ps/?action=detail&id=12801

B’tselem: 37% Increase in Colonies Population in 6 Years
Date : 8/7/2009 Time : 15:42

TEL AVIV, June 8, 2009 (WAFA)- “Since Israel accepted the Road Map, which mandated a freeze of all settlement activity, the settler population in the West Bank has swelled from 211,400 to over 289,600 – an increase of 37% in six years,” B’tselem reported.

In a report issued, Wednesday, B’tselemsa said the Israeli government has used the idea of ‘natural growth’ as a fig leaf to cover large-scale expansion of Jewish colonies.

B’tselem added that the population of Israel increased at a rate of 1.8%. Among the Jewish population the growth rate is 1.6%. In that same year, the colonies increased by 5.6%. Of that figure, a full 40% is directly attributable to immigration, from Israel and abroad.

B’tselem continued that, “The Netanyahu government claims that barring ‘natural growth’ will tear families apart. But, B’tselem argued, people do not have an inalienable right to live in the neighborhood of their choosing. Israel is a small country and the colonies are a short drive or bus ride from many towns and cities within the Green Line. This is an inconvenience people in all developed countries must deal with.

The Israeli government has recently argued that it cannot completely freeze colonies because, as a matter of law, the government could not reverse itself after tenders had been issued, apartments bought and construction begun.

In fact, in two cases, brought to the High Court of Justice in 1992 by contractors and settler groups against the Yitzhak Rabin government, the Court ruled that the government could legally stop construction even after it had begun and that any losses incurred due to the government’s policy could be addressed in civil court.

B’tselem affirmed that at least 58% Ofra colony was built on privately owned Palestinian land and that the Israeli government has all the legal and administrative tools necessary to halt construction in the settlements.

“The built-up areas of the settlements constitute 1.7% of the land in the West Bank. However their municipal boundaries are four times as large (6.8%) and much of this is planned for expansion,” B’tselem emphasized.

“The potential, therefore, for massive expansion under the guise of ‘natural growth’ is great,” B’tselem said, “Israel’s Interior Minister Eli Yishai has threatened to use every resource at his disposal to expand existing settlements as much as possible.”

Israel’s highest court has ruled that the government has the legal tools to halt construction in colonies. Israel is obliged to do so, under international law and by its agreements under the Road Map, B’tselem affirmed, adding that colonies result in violation of Palestinians’ human rights in a range of areas. Any increase in colonies will only exacerbate this situation.

New Study Proves Thimerosal Induces Autism-like Neurotoxicity
Excerpt of abstract of new scientific study proving that the mercurial compound used as vaccine preservative called ‘thimerosal’ induces neural damage similar to that seen in autism patients
http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a910652305~db=all~jumptype=rss http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content%7Econtent=a910652305%7Edb=all%7Ejumptype=rss

Mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired oxidative-reduction activity, degeneration, and death in human neuronal and fetal cells induced by low-level exposure to thimerosal and other metal compounds
Authors: D. A. Geier a; P. G. King b; M. R. Geier c
Affiliations: a Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., Maryland, USA
b CoMeD, Inc., Maryland, USA
c The Genetic Centers of America, Maryland, USA
DOI: 10.1080/02772240802246458
Publication Frequency: 8 issues per year
Published in: journal Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Volume 91, Issue 4 June 2009 , pages 735 – 749
First Published: June 2009
Subjects: Chemistry; Environmental & Ecological Toxicology; Environmental Health; Environmental Sciences; Pollution;
Formats available: HTML (English) : PDF (English)
Previously published as: Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Reviews (0092-9867) until 1980
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Thimerosal (ethylmercurithiosalicylic acid), an ethylmercury (EtHg)-releasing compound (49.55% mercury (Hg)), was used in a range of medical products for more than 70 years. Of particular recent concern, routine administering of Thimerosal-containing biologics/childhood vaccines have become significant sources of Hg exposure for some fetuses/infants. This study was undertaken to investigate cellular damage among in vitro human neuronal (SH-SY-5Y neuroblastoma and 1321N1 astrocytoma) and fetal (nontransformed) model systems using cell vitality assays and microscope-based digital image capture techniques to assess potential damage induced by Thimerosal and other metal compounds (aluminum (Al) sulfate, lead (Pb)(II) acetate, methylmercury (MeHg) hydroxide, and mercury (Hg)(II) chloride) where the cation was reported to exert adverse effects on developing cells. Thimerosal-associated cellular damage was also evaluated for similarity to pathophysiological findings observed in patients diagnosed with autistic disorders (ADs). Thimerosal-induced cellular damage as evidenced by concentration- and time-dependent mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death in the in vitro human neuronal and fetal model systems studied. Thimerosal at low nanomolar (nM) concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosal-induced cytoxicity is similar to that observed in AD pathophysiologic studies. Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined. Future studies need to be conducted to evaluate additional mechanisms underlying Thimerosal-induced cellular damage and assess potential co-exposures to other compounds that may increase or decrease Thimerosal-mediated toxicity.
Keywords: autism; glial; lead; mercury; mercuric; neurodevelopmental

Category: Le BotCast with Cheese, Shows | comment 0 | catTags: None

(MP3) Botrax à EDDNP #74 – Dernière de la saison (26 juin 2009)

time June 26th by Botrax

EDDNP #74 Dernière de la saison 2008-09


Toute mauvaise chose a une fin et EDDNP ne fait pas exception à la règle! Après un succulent road trip de 40 shows cette année, on célèbre la fin du voyage en compagnie de toute la gang. Mr. M accueille dans la Floab pour une dernière fois ses comparses Mr. F, Mr. PR, Mr. A, Mr. Gue et Misstress N ainsi que nos Special Guests BOTRAX et FBI! L’ambiance est à la fête mais on ne néglige pas nos devoirs pour autant! En actualité, on reviens sur la chire de l’autre St-Jean-Baptiste avec la gang de racistes de batard – Un dernier tour de sports avec PR qui suit le repêchage de la NHL live du Centre Bell – On parle avec Didier Latreille, nouveau Chroniqueur international Wannabe avec ses nouvelles du vieux continent – Une table ronde sur la course à la Mairie de Québec et l’annonce du méchant Jeff Fillion qui annonce sa candidature contre le maire Labaume – On termine la saison en laideur avec une Fosse spéciale qui mélange les classiques de…


[wpfilebase tag=file path=’EDDNP/EDDNP_Emission_74_20090626.mp3′ /]

Category: EDDNP - En Direct de Nulle Part, Participations | comment 0 | catTags: None

BotCast #41 – In deep just one night

time June 26th by Botrax

BotCast #41 TestDummy est Botrax relatent des jokes sur Michael Jackson au cours de l’émission pour le comémorer. On défait les mensonges médiatiques sur l’Iran tout en s’aventurant dans les fouilles virtuellement à nu, des fausses arrestations pour faire peur au monde, les conséquences de la masturbation, et une fille qui perd la moitié de sa virginité. www.mp3surround.com ou www.Winamp.com pour écouter en surround. (26 juin 2009) BotCast-0041.mp3 BotCast-0041.m3u

Break: Frank Klepacki, “In Deep”, http://www.frankklepacki.com/
OutTro: Reed Richards, “Just one night” , http://reed.cc/
Remerciements: www.TacticalFM.com, et les funérailles de Michael Jackson.

VIDEO STREAM: BotCast #41 http://www.livestream.com/31337/ondemand/pla_2881615548600308794?initthumburl=http://mogulus-user-files.s3.amazonaws.com/ch31337/2009/06/26/7f3e50fb-d050-44bf-8b7f-e71b6fae582b_2500.jpg&playeraspectwidth=4&playeraspectheight=3
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: BotCast #41 1/2
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: BotCast #41 2/2


[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-1of2.flv’ tpl=download-button /]

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[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-1of2.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-2of2.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]




Biased Pirate Bay Judge Judged by More Biased Judges
To determine if the verdict in the Pirate Bay case was biased, the connections of Judge Tomas Norström to national and international pro-copyright lobby groups will be reviewed by another judge. However, the judge that was initially appointed has already been replaced because she was linked to the same organizations as Norström, and her replacement

http://digg.com/tech_news/Biased_Pirate_Bay_Judge_Judged_by_More_Biased_Judges (cache)
http://torrentfreak.com/biased-pirate-bay-judge-judged-by-more-biased-judges-090520/ (cache)

Bush’s ‘smoking gun’ witness found dead of ‘apparent suicide’
The group IndictBushNow.org says Colin Powell used Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi’s “tortured and knowingly fabricated testimony to tell the United Nations that Saddam Hussein’s government was helping al-Qaeda develop weapons of mass destruction to kill Americans. It was all a lie.”
IndictBushNow.org is joining with the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund and the ANSWER Coalition to demand full disclosure of the facts surrounding the man’s death.
ur<x>l: http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=195006 (cache)

A Sample of Health Insurance CEO Compensation
Aetna’s Ron Williams – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $24,300,112
CIGNA’s H. Edward Hanway – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $12,236,740
URL: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389×5690433

Despite the trials and tribulations of the past year, there are several executives still raking in quite a few dollars at the end of the day. This is a look at some of the top total compensation packages from 2008 based on information gathered from the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission.

Aetna’s Ron Williams – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $24,300,112

Details: Williams earned $24,300,112 in total compensation for 2008, with more than half of that ($13,537,365) coming from option awards. He also received an additional $6,456,630 in stock awards to go along with his base salary of $1,091,764.
Personal use of a corporate aircraft and vehicle, as well as financial planning and 401(k) company matches added up to $101,487 for Williams.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-stock-falls…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-pay-5m-over…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-will-pay-20…
<4> http://www.fiercehealthit.com/story/aetna-enters-phr-ma…

CIGNA’s H. Edward Hanway – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $12,236,740

Details: Hanway took a significant pay cut from 2007 to 2008, due mainly to a drop off of more than $11 million in his non-equity incentive plan compensation. Still, his base salary of $1,142,885 surpasses that of Aetna’s Williams, and is supplemented by just over $3.6 million in option awards, and just over $820,000 in non-qualified deferred compensation earnings.
Also, nearly $21,800 in “other compensation” included the use of a company car with a driver, in-office meals, and emergency assistance services relating to medical exams.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/cigna-first-quart…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/cigna-aetna-de…

UnitedHealth Group’s Stephen Hemsley – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $3,241,042

Details: An $895 million class-action lawsuit over stock-option back dating <1> aside, Hemsley still manages to make the cut for this list at No. 10. The UHG CEO’s base salary was $1.3 million in 2008, to go along with a non-equity incentive plan compensation worth just over $1.8 million and “other compensation” amounting to slightly more than $119,000.
Hemsley’s other compensation was a combination of the company matching his contributions under the 401(k) plan and the company matching contributions under his executive savings plan. According to the SEC, “in May 2006, the amount of Hemsley’s supplemental retirement benefit was frozen based on his current age and average base salary and converted into a lump sum of $10,703,229.” Because of this, “there was no increase in the benefit payable to Mr. Hemsley under his supplemental retirement benefit” in 2008.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/unitedhealth-s…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/unitedhealth-fina…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/united-healthcare…
<4> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/unitedhealth-s…

WellPoint’s Angela Braly – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $9,844,212

Details: Braly, like Williams, earned more money in 2008 ($9,844,212) than in 2007 (9,094,271), increasing her option rewards by nearly $1.5 million, and also receiving a $200,000-plus bump in base salary, from $922,269 to $1,135,538. Braly’s stock awards dropped from $2,160,159 to $1,750,015 because, according to the SEC, “performance-based restricted stock units awarded in 2008 were cancelled because our ROE target for 2008 was not met.”
Braly’s “other compensation” comprised use of a private jet for her and her family on business trips, just under $10,000 for legal services relating to her employment agreement and cash credits.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/health-plans-n…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/wellpoint-push…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/wellpoint-loses-m…

Coventry Health Care’s Dale Wolf – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $9,047,469

Details: Wolf is the only CEO on this list who is no longer employed with his associated health plan; he retired from his position on Jan. 30 <1> of this year after serving in that role since Jan. 1, 2005, and was replaced by former CEO Allen Wise.
Wolf, whose total compensation dipped quite a bit from 2007 ($14,869,823) to 2008 ($9,047,469), was pleased with the direction the company was headed in at the time of his departure.
“I am proud of what a talented group of people have accomplished over the past 13 years of my association with the company,” Wolf said, “and I am confident that the fundamentals which are in place today will carry the company forward to continued success.”
Wolf carried a base salary of $965,000 in 2008, and earned just over $1.9 million in stock awards. His “other compensation,” which amounted to $486,447, included transportation on the company’s airplane, a company match retirement savings plan and a company match 401(k) plan.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/press-releases/dale-wol…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/if-health-plan…

FCC’s Warrantless Home Searches Alarm Experts
You may not know it, but if you have a wireless router, a cordless phone, remote car-door opener, baby monitor or cellphone in your house, the FCC claims the right to enter your home without a warrant at any time of the day or night in order to inspect it.
http://digg.com/tech_news/FCC_s_Warrantless_Home_Searches_Alarm_Experts (cache)
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/fcc-raid/ (cache)

Teen who auctioned her virginity for £8,000 may lose half… because prostitutes in Germany are taxed at 50% of earnings
Tax authorities in Germany are poised to claim 50 per cent of the money that a teenage student earned for ‘auctioning’ her virginity because they claim it was ‘tantamount to prostitution’.
Romanian-born Alina Percea, who is a student in Germany, was paid £8,800 in cash for a weekend of sex with the Italian businessman after she auctioned her virginity online.
But tax officials in Berlin regard the 18-year-old’s act as ‘nothing more than prostitution’.
Prostitution is legal in Germany – but it is heavily taxed.
ur<x>l: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1185928/Teen-auctioned-virginity-8-000-LOSE-half–prostitutes-Germany-taxed-50-earnings.html

Teen who auctioned her virginity for £8,000 may lose half… because prostitutes in Germany are taxed at 50% of earnings

By Allan Hall
Last updated at 2:04 AM on 22nd May 2009

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Alina Percea

Student Alina Percea auctioned off her virginity to the highest bidder on a German website – but now she may lose half her earnings to taxes

Tax authorities in Germany are poised to claim 50 per cent of the money that a teenage student earned for ‘auctioning’ her virginity because they claim it was ‘tantamount to prostitution’.

Romanian-born Alina Percea, who is a student in Germany, was paid £8,800 in cash for a weekend of sex with the Italian businessman after she auctioned her virginity online.

But tax officials in Berlin regard the 18-year-old’s act as ‘nothing more than prostitution’.

Prostitution is legal in Germany – but it is heavily taxed.

‘It is not a moral standpoint but a fiscal one,’ an official said. ‘Prostitution is not an illegal act in Germany, but not paying tax on earned money is.

‘Consequently we are assessing her case and it looks likely she will have to pay around half of the sum she gained.’

The Romanian-born computer studies student’s visa allows her to work in Germany for 90 days – even as a prostitute.

One tax expert said: ‘Even if she was taxed as a purveyor of erotic moments, or whatever she wants to call what she did, she would have to pay tax on it. Prostitution is merely a means for the bureaucrats to pin her down for a claim.

‘She would have been better off keeping quiet about this strange transaction.’

It also emerged that, because Alina earned so much in such a short time, she may even be liable for a hefty VAT bill too.

VAT in Germany works out to 19 per cent, meaning the sale of her virginity could land her with just over £3,000 in the end.

‘When we have hard figures then we can make an accurate assessment,’ said a German inland revenue spokesman.

Alina, who studies in Mannheim, told how a 45-year-old Italian businessman took her virginity with unprotected sex at a luxury Venetian hotel.

‘I liked the man and got on with him well. He didn’t look 45, and he seemed much younger.


* ‘I was attracted to him, so I enjoyed it’: Teen who auctioned off virginity for £8,800 reveals details of her first time

‘We spoke in English as I can’t speak Italian and he can’t speak Romanian.
He paid me a lot of compliments throughout the day, and he was very funny and charming. We got on very well, and I was pleased he’d won,’ said Alina.

‘We kissed, then undressed each other. I’d never done that before, so I was nervous. He laid me on the bed and started kissing my body, then we had sex. I was attracted to him, so I enjoyed it, even though it was quite painful.

‘We only had sex once, then fell asleep. Next morning, we had breakfast together like any other couple, and I took the morning-after pill. He told me he’d like to see me again, and I agreed.

‘I hope to see the man again – and next time I won’t make him pay,’ she added.

Ottawa va de l’avant avec les fouilles à nu virtuelles
Tristan Péloquin
La Presse
Tout porte à croire que des fouilles à nu virtuelles auront bientôt lieu dans les aéroports canadiens. Malgré la controverse mondiale qu’ils génèrent, des scanners capables de voir à travers les vêtements seront installés dans sept aéroports du pays d’ici 2010, confirme l’Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien (ACSTA).
http://www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/national/200905/05/01-853666-ottawa-va-de-lavant-avec-les-fouilles-a-nu-virtuelles.php (cache)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMMXO_GmWw0 (cache)

Le Kosovo adhère au FMI
Le Kosovo a franchi un grand pas vendredi vers son intégration à la communauté internationale en obtenant son adhésion au Fonds monétaire international (FMI), première instance majeure à l’intégrer parmi ses membres.
Le FMI a annoncé dans un communiqué que la République du Kosovo allait devenir son 186e membre, après un vote favorable des Etats membres en ce sens. Il devrait être suivi par l’institution soeur du Fonds à Washington, la Banque mondiale, qui a déjà un bureau à Pristina.
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/europe/200905/08/01-854821-le-kosovo-adhere-au-fmi.php (cache)

Quatre hommes arrêtés pour avoir planifié des attentats à New York
La justice américaine a annoncé jeudi l’arrestation et l’inculpation de quatre Américains, accusés de planifier des attaques terroristes contre des objectifs militaires et une synagogue à New York, huit ans après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux États Unis.

Quatre hommes ont été arrêtés à New York et inculpés de complot terroriste contre des objectifs militaires et deux synagogues à New York, une affaire qui survient en plein débat sur la sécurité aux États-Unis huit ans après les attentats du 11 septembre.
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/etats-unis/200905/20/01-858338-quatre-hommes-arretes-pour-avoir-planifie-des-attentats-a-new-york.php (cache)

Are Your Reusable Cloth Grocery Bags Crawling With Bacteria?
Shoppers have been advised to bring their own bags or buy one of the reusable cloth kind, available for about 99 cents at every grocery checkout. But now those who make the plastic tote sacks are fighting back with a study they say shows those so-called ‘green bags’ aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
The Canadian Plastics Industry Association hired two independent labs to study the reusable gear. Their findings: 64 per cent of so-called eco-friendly bags were contaminated by some level of bacteria.
ur<x>l: http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_34736.aspx (cache)

Fake Diplomas Found at U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command
In Part 1 of our Taking Action Investigation, WHNT NEWS 19 showed you how fake degrees have infiltrated the enlisted ranks of the U.S. Army.
Now, our investigation reveals this breach of trust goes all the way to the top civilian ranks at Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal.
ur<x>l: http://adap2k.blogspot.com/2009/05/fake-diplomas-found-at-us-army-aviation.html (cache)



CIA Discovered Planning “Soft Revolution” in Early 2009
TEHRAN, Jan. 19 (Mehr News Agency) — Iran has broken up a CIA-backed network that sought to carry out a “soft revolution” in Iran through people-to-people contacts.
The “soft revolution” plan is based in Dubai and is similar to a U.S. plan that targeted the Soviet Union in 1959, the director of the counterespionage department of the Intelligence Ministry told reporters at a press conference here on Monday.
ur<x>l: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20090624&articleId=14082

He said the CIA was seeking to implement the plan under the cover of scientific and cultural contacts between Iranian and U.S. nationals.

Unfortunately, some Iranian nationals, especially cultural and scientific figures, were deceived through such activities, he added.

“The U.S. intelligence agency was seeking to (repeat) its experiences of color revolutions through such public contacts with influential persons and elites.”

The CIA tried to attain its goals by taking advantage of people-to-people contacts, joint studies, efforts to share scientific experiences, and other similar projects, he added.

The soft revolution plan was carried out through “NGOs, union protests, non-violent demonstrations, civil disobedience… and (efforts to) foment ethnic strife” all across Iran, the official stated.

Four of the people who led the network inside Iran were actively and intentionally cooperating with CIA agents, he noted.

These four persons were put on trial, some others were pardoned, and some others were acquitted due to lack of sufficient evidence, he explained.

These four persons confessed and videotapes of parts of their confessions will be released soon, he noted.

He only named two of the persons, the brothers Dr. Arash Alaei and Dr. Kamyar Alaei.

The Intelligence Ministry official said that $32 million of the $75 million allocated by the U.S. Congress to destabilize Iran was spent on this project.

The CIA used institutions such as the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Soros Foundation, AIPAC, and charity organizations and sought the help of William Burns and other people in the United States and agents in the Azerbaijan Republic, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

He stated that the CIA enlisted scientists, physicians, university professors, clergymen, artists, athletes, and dress designers for its plot.

He went on to say that these people were invited to the United States in groups of 10-15 people, with visas issued for them in Dubai in the shortest possible time, and according to their professions, they participated in scientific seminars and toured various states, and when they returned home they were asked to write “analyses” of the situation inside Iran.

The CIA was actively seeking to recruit more people for the network, who also would have been invited to visit the United States, he added.

These persons were ordered to put pressure on the government to change its policy and to sow discord between the government and the people, he explained.

The Intelligence Ministry found out about the secret plan from the very beginning and “even allowed the operation to be conducted to a (certain level) so that we could inform talented people with full confidence that they should not be deceived by such scientific centers,” he stated.

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry countered the plot by “infiltrating” the network and even derailed it from its path by providing false information, but the CIA eventually discovered the ruse, he explained.

Advice for Obama

The official advised the incoming U.S. administration to avoid repeating the previous “failed” policies toward Iran.

He made the remarks one day before Barack Obama is officially inaugurated as the next U.S. president.

The Intelligence Ministry official said the U.S. is discrediting its scientific and charity organizations by allowing the CIA to use them as cover for its activities.

“It is not in the interests of scientific and political institutions (to allow themselves) to be used by the CIA for its hidden agenda.”

Employing such organizations to conduct spy activities will create skepticism about them that will be very difficult to eliminate, he noted.

Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut
He may yet turn out to be the avatar of Iranian democracy, but three decades ago Mir-Hossein Mousavi was waging a terrorist war on the United States that included bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.
ur<x>l: http://blogs.cqpolitics.com/spytalk/2009/06/mousavi-celebrated-in-iranian.html (cache)

China wants Ahmadinejad election recognized
By Mitch Moxley THE WASHINGTON TIMES | Tuesday, June 23, 2009
URL: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/23/china-wants-ahmadinejad-election-recognized/ (cache)

FLASHBACK – Q&A: “U.S. Funding Armed Groups to Overthrow Iranian Govt”
Author of the upcoming book “The Iran Agenda: the Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis”, due for release in September from Polipoint Press, Reese Erlich recently spent three weeks investigating Kurdish resistance organisations in Iran and Iraq’s Kurdish region. He tells IPS that “the United States is officially funding armed groups to overthrow the Islamic government” in Tehran.
ur<x>l: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=36961 (cache)

Category: Le BotCast with Cheese, Shows | comment 0 | catTags: None

(MP3) Botrax à EDDNP #72 – Fire & Ice (12 juin 2009)

time June 12th by Botrax

EDDNP #72 Fire & Ice. Les éléments se confrontent ce soir, la bataille est inévitable et féroce sur tout les fronts! Mr. M est avec Mr. PR et Mr. Gue reçoivent BOTRAX à bord de la Floab en version EXTENDED MIX. Les hostilités sont engagées partout : Sur la glace du Michigan, l ‘ultime match pour la Coupe confronte les fougeux Pen’s à la Big Red Machine et on suit le match intensément – Sur la planète HOME, c’est les “poches de soleil” qui déclarent la guerre aux icebergs, sous les yeux des Anges Bleus…on analyse le Mockumentaire HOME avec Botrax – Avec nos politiciens, c’est la la bombe nucléaire constitutionnelle qu’on veut relancer, Grill Duceppe en parle en long et en cave – Télé-Q-Q-S se lance dans la course au ridicule, avec un phénomène de la médiocrité appelé CALL TV version Low-Budget; après une seule semaine en onde,le freak-show bat tout les records de vitesses de bloopers et Youtbe est sur le point d’exploser. La Question de la semaine As-tu déjà vu…


[wpfilebase tag=file path=’EDDNP/EDDNP_Emission_72_20090612.mp3′ /]

Category: EDDNP - En Direct de Nulle Part, Participations | comment 0 | catTags: None

TiteBot #19 – Home

time June 11th by Botrax

TiteBot #19. Kraken encore avec Botrax pour un gros DEUX HEURES! Des tasers qui tuent encore, un million jetté aux vidanges, un 10 jetté à la rue, et un 45 jetté à l’environnement. Un vous déblatère la majeure partie d’une heure de HOME et des enjeux environmentaux. (11 juin 2009) 1:56:55 TiteBot-0019.mp3 TiteBot-0019.m3u

VIDEO STREAM: TiteBot #19 http://www.livestream.com/31337/ondemand/pla_3649065774969379787?initthumburl=http://mogulus-user-files.s3.amazonaws.com/ch31337/2009/06/11/05c820e5-0093-48aa-803f-ddca3985c280_3510.jpg&playeraspectwidth=4&playeraspectheight=3
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: TiteBot-0019.flv


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[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/TitesBots/2009/TiteBot-0019.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]



Gordon Brown puts Israel lobbyist in charge of Britain’s Middle East policy
Britain’s prime minister has put a notorious pro-Israel lobbyist in charge of policy in the Middle East, Iraq and Iran, reaffirming his determination to continue with his Zionist policies even as his administration approaches the end of its life.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has appointed an Israeli agent of influence and proponent of genocide in Gaza to a key position at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Britain’s foreign ministry.
ur<x>l: http://www.redress.cc/stooges/redress20090611 (cache)

Investigators say Fed threatened bank CEO
The Federal Reserve threatened to force the ouster of Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis if he didn’t follow through with plans to buy Merrill Lynch & Co., Republicans said Wednesday after reviewing internal documents.
Republicans also said there was evidence that the government tried to restrict information related to the merger from being publicly released.
ur<x>l: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_fed_subpoena (cache)

Civilian complaints of NYPD excessive force up 50% over last 2 years
The number of NYPD cops under review for racking up too many civilian complaints is up 50% in the last two years, department figures show.
Some 315 of the department’s roughly 35,000 officers are enrolled in the NYPD’s monitoring program this year because of excessive force complaints.
ur<x>l: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/06/11/2009-06-11_more_cops_rack_up_civilian_complaints.html (cache)

Excuse Me, You’ve Dropped A Tenner… That’ll Be A £50 Fine
A SHOPPER who dropped a £10 note in the street by accident has been fined – for littering.
Arthritis sufferer Stewart Smith was leaving a charity shop when the banknote fell from his hand, without him realising.
Stewart, 36, at first expressed his gratitude to the two officers who approached him to point out that the note had fallen to the ground.
But moments later, after recovering the note, he was stunned to be accused of littering and slapped with a £50 fixed-penalty notice.
ur<x>l: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/106719/Excuse-me-you-ve-dropped-a-tenner-that-ll-be-a-50-fine (cache)

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom
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By Dan Levy

June 11 (Bloomberg) — U.S. foreclosure filings surpassed 300,000 for the third straight month in May and may hit a record 1.8 million by the first half of the year, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

A total of 321,480 properties received a default or auction notice or were repossessed last month, up 18 percent from a year earlier, the Irvine, California-based seller of default data said today in a statement. One in 398 U.S. households received a filing last month.

“The foreclosure bucket is filling faster than it’s emptying,” Jay Brinkmann, chief economist of the Washington- based Mortgage Bankers Association, said in an interview. “It will continue through next quarter at least.”

Job losses and falling property prices are delaying the housing recovery as more homeowners are unable to pay the mortgage or have difficulty selling or refinancing. The unemployment rate climbed to 9.4 percent in May, the highest since 1983, the Labor Department said last week. Prices in 20 U.S. cities dropped 18.7 percent in March, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller home-price index.

More home loans originated in 2005 or before are likely to default as unemployment climbs, said Rick Sharga, executive vice president for marketing at RealtyTrac.

A record 1.37 percent of all loans entered the foreclosure process in the first quarter, with 29 percent tied to borrowers with prime, fixed-rate mortgages, the MBA reported May 28. Homes in foreclosure totaled 3.85 percent of all loans in the quarter, up from 2.47 percent a year earlier, MBA said.

Balance Sheets Worsen

“The numbers are getting bigger and that’s what is bothering me,” said Patrick Newport, economist at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts. “You have banks holding these toxic loans, which means bank balance sheets are in even worse shape with the increase in delinquencies.”

Additional U.S. home foreclosures will probably total 6.4 million by mid-2011, and inventories of foreclosed homes awaiting sale will probably peak in mid-2010 at about 2 million properties, JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts led by John Sim wrote in a June 5 report. U.S. prices will likely drop 39 percent on average, they said.

The May total was the third-highest in RealtyTrac records dating to January 2005.

Nevada had the highest foreclosure rate, one in every 64 households, more than six times the national average. California ranked second at one in 144 households.

Florida had the third-highest rate at one in 148 households. Arizona ranked fourth with one in 158 and Utah was fifth with one filing per 316 households, RealtyTrac said.

Other states among the top 10 highest rates were Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Idaho and Ohio.

California Leads

California had the highest total number of filings at 92,249, 23 percent more than a year earlier. Scheduled auctions rose 18 percent from the previous month while bank seizures fell 1 percent and defaults fell 18 percent.

Florida had the second-highest total with 58,931 filings, up 50 percent from May 2008. Nevada was third with 17,157 filings, up 83 percent, as bank seizures there rose 23 percent from the previous month.

Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Georgia, Texas and Virginia rounded out the top 10, which accounted for 77 percent of total U.S. filings, according to RealtyTrac.

New Jersey had the 24th highest rate, one in 794 households, and 4,408 filings. Connecticut ranked 33rd, with one in every 1,301 households in some stage of default. The state had 1,106 filings. New York was 37th, with one in 1,646 households getting a filing for a total of 4,825.

Vegas Still Climbing

Las Vegas had the highest foreclosure rate among metropolitan areas with a population 200,000 or more. One in 54 households got a notice, up 78 percent from a year earlier and up 4 percent from the previous month.

California had six cities among the top 10. Stockton, Modesto, Riverside-San Bernardino and Merced ranked second through fifth, respectively, Bakersfield was seventh and Vallejo-Fairfield was ninth.

Florida had three cities in the top 10: Cape Coral-Fort Myers ranked sixth, Orlando-Kissimmee was eighth and Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach was tenth, according to RealtyTrac, which collects data from more than 2,200 counties representing 90 percent of the U.S. population.

To contact the reporter on this story: Dan Levy in San Francisco at [email protected]
Last Updated: June 11, 2009 00:00 EDT
URL: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aHEpXU3Pg_oU (cache)

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The son of a prominent KSL employee died Tuesday in Washington County after a police officer deployed a Taser when the man ran down a road in what authorities called an “agitated” state.
Brian Layton Cardall, 32, was traveling with his wife south on State Road 59 near Hurricane on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSL.com, the vehicle pulled over to the side of the road when Cardall, who recently had been struggling with mental health issues, began having an “episode.”
Cardall left the car and ran down the road, and his wife called police, said Washington County Undersheriff Jake Adams. A Hurricane police officer who responded to the scene deployed a Taser on Cardall, who lost consciousness, Adams said.
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